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CustomDictionaries Property

Returns a Dictionaries object that represents the collection of active custom dictionaries. Active custom dictionaries are marked with a check in the Custom Dictionaries dialog box. Read-only.

For information about returning a single member of a collection, see Returning an Object from a Collection.


This example adds a new, blank custom dictionary to the collection. The path and file name of the new custom dictionary are then displayed in a message box.

  Dim dicHome As Dictionary
Set dicHome = CustomDictionaries.Add(Filename:="Home.dic")
Msgbox dicHome.Path & Application.PathSeparator & dicHome.Name

This example removes all custom dictionaries so that no custom dictionaries are active. The custom dictionary files aren't deleted, though.


This example displays the name of each custom dictionary in the collection.

  Dim dicLoop As Dictionary

For Each dicLoop In CustomDictionaries
    MsgBox dicLoop.Name
Next dicLoop