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IsValid Property

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Returns a Boolean that indicates whether the specified calculated member has been successfully instantiated with the OLAP provider during the current session.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a CalculatedMember object.


This property returns True even if the PivotTable is not connected to its data source. Make sure that the PivotTable is connected before querying the value of the IsValid Property.


This example notifies the user about whether the calculated member is valid or not. It assumes a PivotTable exists on the active worksheet.

  Sub CheckValidity()

    Dim pvtTable As PivotTable
    Dim pvtCache As PivotCache

    Set pvtTable = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
    Set pvtCache = Application.ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Item(1)

    ' Make connection for PivotTable before testing IsValid property.

    ' Check if calculated member is valid.
    If pvtTable.CalculatedMembers.Item(1).IsValid = True Then
        MsgBox "The calculated member is valid."
        MsgBox "The calculated member is not valid."
    End If

End Sub