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LeftFooterPicture Property

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Returns a Graphic object that represents the picture for the left section of the footer. Used to set attributes about the picture.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a PageSetup object.


The LeftFooterPicture property is read-only, but the properties on it are not all read-only.


The following example adds a picture titled: Sample.jpg from the C:\ drive to the left section of the footer. This example assumes that a file called Sample.jpg exists on the C:\ drive.

  Sub InsertPicture()

    With ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooterPicture
        .FileName = "C:\Sample.jpg"
        .Height = 275.25
        .Width = 463.5
        .Brightness = 0.36
        .ColorType = msoPictureGrayscale
        .Contrast = 0.39
        .CropBottom = -14.4
        .CropLeft = -28.8
        .CropRight = -14.4
        .CropTop = 21.6
    End With

    ' Enable the image to show up in the left footer.
    ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = "&G"

End Sub

Note   It is required that "&G" is a part of the LeftFooter property string in order for the image to show up in the left footer.