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PathSeparator Property

PathSeparator Property
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Returns the character used to separate folder names. This property returns a backslash (\). Read-only String.


expression   Required. An expression that returns an Application object.


You can use PathSeparator property to build Web addresses even though they contain forward slashes (/).

The FullName property returns the path and file name as a single string.


This example displays the path and file name of the active document.

  MsgBox ActiveDocument.Path & Application.PathSeparator & _

If the first add-in is a template, this example unloads the template and opens it.

  If Addins(1).Compiled = False Then
    Addins(1).Installed = False
    Documents.Open FileName:=AddIns(1).Path _
        & Application.PathSeparator _
        & AddIns(1).Name
End If