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Appendix 1: The State University Application Architecture

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Acey J. Bunch and Mark Roberts
Microsoft Corporation

February 2000

Applies To: Microsoft® Access 2000

Summary: This appendix to Developing Client/Server Solutions with Access 2000 Projects, an online book that explains in detail how to create and work with Microsoft Access project (.adp) files, details the various database objects that make up the State University sample application and provides a listing of all the sample files included with this online book. (6 printed pages)


This section details the tables of the State University sample application.


Column Data type Constraint Description
CourseID int (identity(100,10)) PRIMARY KEY The ID for each course.
Name varchar(255) NOT NULL The course name.
Description varchar(255) NOT NULL The course description.
InstructorID integer NULLS ALLOWED Foreign key to the Instructors table.
Quarter varchar(10) NOT NULL The course quarter (fall, winter, spring, or summer).
Year varchar(4) NOT NULL The starting year the course is offered in.
StartDate datetime NOT NULL The starting date of the course.
EndDate datetime NOT NULL The ending date of the course.
StartTime datetime NOT NULL The starting time of the course.
EndTime datetime NOT NULL The ending time of the course.


Column Data type Constraint Description
StudentID integer PRIMARY KEY Part of the concatenated primary key, relates to Students table.
CourseID integer PRIMARY KEY Part of the concatenated primary key, relates to Courses table.


Column Data type Constraint Description
InstructorID Int (identity(1,1)) PRIMARY KEY The ID for each instructor.
FirstName varchar(25) NOT NULL The first name.
MiddleName varchar(25) NULLS ALLOWED The middle name or initial.
LastName varchar(25) NOT NULL The last name.
Address varchar(255) NOT NULL The street address.
City varchar(50) NOT NULL The city.
State varchar(2) NOT NULL The state.
Zip varchar(10) NOT NULL The ZIP Code.
HomePhone phone (varchar) NOT NULL The home phone number.
Email varchar(100) NULLS ALLOWED The e-mail address.


Column Data type Constraint Description
StudentID int (identity(1,1)) PRIMARY KEY The ID for each student.
FirstName varchar(25) NOT NULL The first name.
MiddleName varchar(25) NULLS ALLOWED The middle name or initial.
LastName varchar(25) NOT NULL The last name.
Address varchar(255) NOT NULL The street address.
City varchar(50) NOT NULL The city.
State varchar(2) NOT NULL The state.
Zip varchar(10) NOT NULL The ZIP Code.
HomePhone phone (varchar) NOT NULL The home phone number.
WorkPhone phone (varchar) NULLS ALLOWED The work phone number.
Email varchar(100) NULLS ALLOWED The e-mail address.

User-Defined Data Types

This section details the user-defined data types of the State University sample application.

Name Data type Constraint Description
Phone varchar(14) NOT NULL Used for all columns that store phone numbers.


This section details the table relationships of the State University sample application.

Relationship Column Description
FK_Courses_Instructors InstructorID Instructors table related to Courses table.
FK_Enrollment_Courses CourseID Courses table related to Enrollment table.
FK_Enrollment_Students StudentID Students table related to Enrollment table.


This section details the table indexes of the State University sample application.

Name Table Columns Description
IX_Students_HomePhone Students HomePhone Non-clustered index.
PK_Courses Courses CourseID The primary key.
PK_Enrollment Enrollment StudentID & CourseID The primary key.
PK_Instructors Instructors InstructorID The primary key.
PK_Students Students StudentID The primary key.

CHECK Constraints

This section details the CHECK constraints of the State University sample application.

Constraint Table Column Expression
CK_Courses_Quarter Courses Quarter
([Quarter] = 'SUMMER' OR 
[Quarter] = 'SPRING' OR 
[Quarter] = 'WINTER' OR 
[Quarter] = 'FALL')
Instructors HomePhone
(([HomePhone] LIKE '([0-
9][0-9][0-9]) [0-9][0-9][0-
CK_Instructors_Zip Instructors Zip
(([Zip] LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-
Students HomePhone
(([HomePhone] LIKE '([0-
9][0-9][0-9]) [0-9][0-9][0-
Students WorkPhone
(([WorkPhone] LIKE '([0-
9][0-9][0-9]) [0-9][0-9][0-
CK_Students_Zip Students Zip
(([Zip] LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-


Trigger Description
trgEnrollment_Insert_Student Enrolls the student in a given course. Enforces that students cannot enroll in more then three courses per quarter.
trgStudent_Delete_Enrollment Deletes related enrollment records for the student being deleted.

Stored Procedures

Name Description
CourseCatalog Retrieves data for the Course Catalog report.
CourseEnrollment Selects all of the courses that a student is enrolled in using the StudentID as a parameter.
CourseWithInstructorInfo Retrieves all courses along with their instructors.
CreatePhoneDataType Creates the user defined phone data type.
GetInstructor Retrieves an instructor record using the InstructorID as a parameter.


View Description
vwCourses Used to work with data from the Courses table.

Database Diagrams

This section details the database diagrams of the State University sample application.

Diagram Description
StateU_Diagram The primary database diagram, contains all tables and relationships.


Form Description
Courses Used add/modify/delete courses data.
CoursesWithInstructorInfo Used to demonstrate UniqueTable and ResyncCommand properties.
Customers (Recordset Property) Used to demonstrate MSDataShape provider with the NorthwindCS database.
Instructors Used to add/modify/delete instructors data.
Instructors (SQL) Used to demonstrate using a SQL statement as a form's record source.
Instructors (Stored Procedure) Used to demonstrate using a stored procedure as a form's record source.
Main The main entry point to the application.
Reports Used to print or preview reports.
Students Used add/modify/delete students data.
Template Used to create new State University forms.


Report Description
Course Catalog A list of available courses for a given year.
Student Transcript A list of courses the student is enrolled in.

List of Files

File name Description
Courses.txt Text file that contains the sample Courses data.
Instructors.xls Excel file that contains the sample Instructors data.
StateU.adp The Access project file.
StateU.bmp The application splash screen.
StateU.mdf The SQL Server™/MSDE database file.
Students.mdb Microsoft® Access database that contains the sample Student data.
SUBlend.gif The StateU background graphic.
SUIcon.ico The application icon.
SULogo.gif The StateU logo.
Template.mdb Contains the Template form used to build the State University forms.


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