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Workflow Scripting Reference

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There are two places you can use script to enhance your team solution — in the workflow process and Web pages. Workflow actions can be scripted in Microsoft Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript). Your Web pages can be scripted using any recognized scripting language.

You are not required to write any scripts to make your workflow process run. The only required script, a validation procedure that returns True making it possible for workflow actions to occur, is added automatically when you create a workflow process or add an action.

To make it possible for Web pages to be taken offline, you must add a redirection script or use the Microsoft Office Developer Workflow Toolbar control, a Microsoft ActiveX® control that redirects the database automatically. The redirection script is used to create an OLE DB object that points the Web page to the local store when working offline and points to the central, shared database when working online.

Workflow Scripting

Each workflow action has two associated script functions — a validation script procedure and an action script procedure. When a workflow action is triggered, the workflow engine invokes the script engine and executes the validation function. If this validation function returns True, the associated action and action script procedure are executed.

During the script execution, the workflow engine provides a run-time object called the Session object, which provides access to workflow run-time information and team solution data. The workflow engine also provides a Logger object that provides support for script debugging.

For information about See
The events available for workflow actions Workflow Action Events
Adding script to your workflow process Scripting Workflow Actions
Using the Session object in workflow script Session Object Model Reference
Using the Logger object for debugging your workflow script Log Object Model Reference