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Table Management Options

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The Access Workflow Designer makes it possible for you to organize the team solution user tables as hierarchies and enable row-level permissions on the tables.

The Tables pane is used to view and manage the table hierarchy and relationship settings for the user tables in your solution database.

When a table node is selected in the Object List, the Table properties appear in the right pane. The options available on each page depend on whether you have selected a main, detail, or lookup table.

For information about finding specific tools, see Accessing Access Workflow Designer Tools.

Main Tables Pane

A main table, in terms of Access Workflow Designer, is one that has been designated as such using the Main Table Selection wizard. Once a table has been designated as a main table, you can add row-level permissions to it.

Once a table has been designated as a main table, all associated tables are also included in the table hierarchy as detail and lookup tables. Detail tables, lookup tables, and views are displayed hierarchically under the main table in the designer Object List. The advantage of this hierarchy is detail and lookup tables inherit permissions and properties from the parent main table.

The General tab in the Main Tables pane shows the row permissions settings for the table and the name of the view created to filter rows for the table. It also lists any offline publications that have been created.

From the Main Table pane, you can enable or disable row permissions for your team solution. If row permissions are enabled, you can designate which items (rows) can be viewed, modified, or taken offline by particular users or roles.

You can also set row permissions on workflow states, so only certain users or roles can apply certain state transitions.

Row permissions can be easily added to the workflow rules using the designer. However, item permissions, those for the issue or row, must be applied using stored procedures. You can modify and run these stored procedures from within your Access data project or using SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

Detail Tables Pane

A detail table, in terms of Access Workflow Designer, is one that has a many-to-one relationship to a main table. Once a main table has been selected, all tables that are related to this main table in your database schema are automatically included in the hierarchical relationship under the main table unless you specify otherwise in the Main Table Selection wizard.

Even if your database schema is comprised of one table, when you create a workflow process for that main table, a lookup table appears as a detail table.

Lookup tables are defined as other tables in your database schema that are not a direct part of the workflow process.

When you select a detail table on the object list, the Tables pane displays the parent main table, the relationship to the main table, and the linking columns and makes it possible for you to find the foreign-key. It also displays the keyword lookup column for the statelookup table.