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Offline Publication Wizard

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The Offline Publication wizard walks you through the steps of creating a new offline publication for your team solution. You specify a publication name and an optional description, select the tables you want to make available offline, and designate the role permissions to be included in the publication.

Offline Replication components must be installed for the solution before an offline publication can be created. When you install the components, at the end of the installation, you are prompted to run the Offline Publication wizard.

Launch the Offline Publication wizard in the Access Workflow Designer. From the Edit menu, point to Insert, and then Offline Publication. Or, in the Object List, right-click the Offline Publications node and select New Offline Publication.

The Offline Publication wizard includes a series of pages for creating publications.

  • Publication Information page is where you specify the publication name and optional description.

  • Main User Tables page is where you specify the tables you wish to include in your offline publication. If you have not designated a main user table, you can launch the Main Table Selection wizard from this page.

  • Offline Permissions page is used to specify which database roles should have access to this offline publication.

The publication may take several minutes to be registered on your server.

For information about finding specific tools and wizards, see Accessing Access Workflow Designer Tools.