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Team Template Wizard

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The Team Template wizard helps you create a team template from an existing team solution. The wizard is launched from within the Access Workflow Designer by selecting Save as Template from the File menu. Templates created with the Team Template wizard are added to the modSystem database and can be distributed for use on other servers.

Launch the Team Template wizard in the Access Workflow Designer. From the File menu, choose Save as Template.

The Team Template wizard includes a series of pages for creating team templates.

  • Template Information page is used to specify the title, version, and description for the template.

  • Tables page is used to select data to exclude from the team template. When data from a main table is excluded, all associated detail table data is automatically removed as well. The database schema is retained in the team template.

  • Users page is used to specify whether existing database users should be excluded from the team template. In most cases, if the template will be distributed to other servers, existing users should be excluded.