COMAddIns Collection Object

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A collection of COMAddIn objects that provide information about a COM add-in registered in the Windows registry.

Using the COMAddIns Collection

Use the COMAddIns property of the Application object to return the COMAddIns collection for a Microsoft Office host application. This collection contains all of the COM add-ins that are available to a given Office host application, and the Count property of the COMAddins collection returns the number of available COM add-ins, as in the following example.

MsgBox Application.COMAddIns.Count

Use the Update method of the COMAddins collection to refresh the list of COM add-ins from the Windows registry, as in the following example.


Use COMAddIns.Item(index), where index is either an ordinal value that returns the COM add-in at that position in the COMAddIns collection, or a String value that represents the ProgID of the specified COM add-in. The following example displays a COM add-ins description text and ProgID ("msodraa9.ShapeSelect") in a message box.

MsgBox Application.COMAddIns.Item("msodraa9.ShapeSelect").Description

For a detailed description of how to develop a COM add-in, see the chapter "Add-ins, Templates, Wizards, and Libraries" in the Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide.