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CalendarExceptionCreationInformation class

Provides information for the creation of a calendar exception.



class CalendarExceptionCreationInformation 



REST Interface



POST Example (not all fields may be required)

body = {
	'parameters': {


✓ - Read Support       ✓ʷ - Write Support


Name .NET JSOM REST Type Description
Finish ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ DateTime Gets or sets the date and time that the calendar exception ends.
Name ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets the name given for the calendar exception, such as Vacation.
RecurrenceDays ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ CalendarRecurrenceDays Gets or sets a mask that represents the days of the week on which the calendar exception is effective.
RecurrenceFrequency ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the interval at which the calendar exception occurs.
RecurrenceMonth ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the month when setting a yearly recurrence.
RecurrenceMonthDay ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the day of the month when setting a yearly recurrence.
RecurrenceType ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ CalendarRecurrenceType Gets or sets the recurrence type for the calendar exception.
RecurrenceWeek ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ CalendarRecurrenceWeek Gets or sets the week number of a monthly occurrence.
Shift1Finish ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the minute of the day that the first shift ends.
Shift1Start ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the minute of the day that the first shift starts.
Shift2Finish ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the minute of the day that the second shift ends.
Shift2Start ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the minute of the day that the second shift starts.
Shift3Finish ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the minute of the day that the third shift ends.
Shift3Start ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the minute of the day that the third shift starts.
Shift4Finish ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the minute of the day that the fourth shift ends.
Shift4Start ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the minute of the day that the fourth shift starts.
Shift5Finish ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the minute of the day that the fifth shift ends.
Shift5Start ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the minute of the day that the fifth shift starts.
Start ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ DateTime Gets or sets the date and time that the calendar exception starts.

See Also
