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WorkflowActivities class

inherits members from ClientObject

Contains methods that encapsulate Project Server workflow activities and methods, for use with version 4 of Windows Workflow Foundation (WF4).



class WorkflowActivities 



REST Interface




✓ - Read Support       ✓ʷ - Write Support


Name .NET JSOM REST Return Type Description
CheckInWithJobId(Guid projId, Guid jobId, Boolean force) void Queue a check-in job for the project if its checked-out.
CreateProjectFromListItem(Guid webId, Guid listId, Integer itemId, Guid eptId) Guid Creates a project from a SharePoint list item, where the project uses the specified enterprise project type (EPT).
EnterProjectStage(Guid projectId, Guid stageId) void Attempts to enter the specified workflow stage for the project.
LeaveProjectStage(Guid projectId) void Sets the project complete and leaves the current workflow stage.
PublishSummaryWithJobId(Guid projId, Guid jobId) void Queue a publish summary job for a project.
PublishWithJobId(Guid projectId, Guid jobId) void Queue a publish job.
ReadBooleanProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId) Boolean Reads the value of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Boolean type.
ReadCurrencyProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId) Double Reads the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Currency type.
ReadDateTimeProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId) DateTime Reads the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.DateTime type.
ReadGuidProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId) Guid Reads the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Guid type.
ReadIntegerProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId) Integer Reads the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Integer type.
ReadNumberProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId) Double Reads the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Number type.
ReadProjectProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId) String Reads the String value of of the specified project property.
ReadTextProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId) String Reads the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Text type.
ReadyToLeaveProjectStage(Guid projectId) ReadyToLeaveProjectStageValue Checks whether the current workflow stage requirements are satisfied.
UpdateBooleanProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, Boolean value) void Updates the value of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Boolean type.
UpdateCurrencyProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, Double value) void Updates the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Currency type.
UpdateDateTimeProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, DateTime value) void Updates the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.DateTime type.
UpdateGuidProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, Guid value) void Updates the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Guid type.
UpdateIdeaListItemStatus(Guid projectId, String status) void Updates the Status column in the SharePoint project idea list with a status string.
UpdateIntegerProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, Integer value) void Updates the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Integer type.
UpdateNumberProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, Double value) void Updates the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Number type.
UpdateProjectStageStatus(Guid projectId, Guid stageId, String statusInformation, UpdateProjectStageStatusFieldValue stageStatusValue, Boolean append) void Updates the status value and the status information for a Project Server workflow stage.
UpdateTextProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, String value) void Updates the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Text type.

#### Method Details

CheckInWithJobId(Guid projId, Guid jobId, Boolean force)

Queue a check-in job for the project if its checked-out.

void CheckInWithJobId(Guid projId, Guid jobId, Boolean force)
Name Type Description
projId Guid Id of the project.
jobId Guid Id to create job with.
force Boolean Force check in the project.
Return Value


CreateProjectFromListItem(Guid webId, Guid listId, Integer itemId, Guid eptId)

Creates a project from a SharePoint list item, where the project uses the specified enterprise project type (EPT).

Guid CreateProjectFromListItem(Guid webId, Guid listId, Integer itemId, Guid eptId)
Name Type Description
webId Guid that contains the list.
listId Guid that contains the project item.
itemId Integer within the list.
eptId Guid The GUID of the EPT.
Return Value


EnterProjectStage(Guid projectId, Guid stageId)

Attempts to enter the specified workflow stage for the project.

void EnterProjectStage(Guid projectId, Guid stageId)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
stageId Guid The GUID of the workflow stage.
Return Value


LeaveProjectStage(Guid projectId)

Sets the project complete and leaves the current workflow stage.

void LeaveProjectStage(Guid projectId)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
Return Value


PublishSummaryWithJobId(Guid projId, Guid jobId)

Queue a publish summary job for a project.

void PublishSummaryWithJobId(Guid projId, Guid jobId)
Name Type Description
projId Guid The GUID of the project.
jobId Guid Id to create job with.
Return Value


PublishWithJobId(Guid projectId, Guid jobId)

Queue a publish job.

void PublishWithJobId(Guid projectId, Guid jobId)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
jobId Guid Id to create job with.
Return Value


ReadBooleanProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId)

Reads the value of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Boolean type.

Boolean ReadBooleanProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
propertyId String The GUID of the property to read.
Return Value


ReadCurrencyProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId)

Reads the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Currency type.

Double ReadCurrencyProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
propertyId String The GUID of the property to read.
Return Value


ReadDateTimeProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId)

Reads the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.DateTime type.

DateTime ReadDateTimeProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
propertyId String The GUID of the property to read.
Return Value


ReadGuidProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId)

Reads the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Guid type.

Guid ReadGuidProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
propertyId String The GUID of the property to read.
Return Value


ReadIntegerProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId)

Reads the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Integer type.

Integer ReadIntegerProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
propertyId String The GUID of the property to read.
Return Value


ReadNumberProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId)

Reads the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Number type.

Double ReadNumberProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
propertyId String The GUID of the property to read.
Return Value


ReadProjectProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId)

Reads the String value of of the specified project property.

String ReadProjectProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
propertyId String The GUID of the property to read.
Return Value


ReadTextProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId)

Reads the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Text type.

String ReadTextProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
propertyId String The GUID of the property to read.
Return Value


ReadyToLeaveProjectStage(Guid projectId)

Checks whether the current workflow stage requirements are satisfied.

ReadyToLeaveProjectStageValue ReadyToLeaveProjectStage(Guid projectId)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
Return Value


UpdateBooleanProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, Boolean value)

Updates the value of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Boolean type.

void UpdateBooleanProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, Boolean value)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
propertyId String The GUID of the property to read.
value Boolean The Boolean value to update.
Return Value


UpdateCurrencyProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, Double value)

Updates the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Currency type.

void UpdateCurrencyProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, Double value)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
propertyId String The GUID of the property to read.
value Double The Currency value to update.
Return Value


UpdateDateTimeProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, DateTime value)

Updates the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.DateTime type.

void UpdateDateTimeProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, DateTime value)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
propertyId String The GUID of the property to read.
value DateTime The DateTime value to update.
Return Value


UpdateGuidProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, Guid value)

Updates the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Guid type.

void UpdateGuidProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, Guid value)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
propertyId String The GUID of the property to read.
value Guid The Guid value to update.
Return Value


UpdateIdeaListItemStatus(Guid projectId, String status)

Updates the Status column in the SharePoint project idea list with a status string.

void UpdateIdeaListItemStatus(Guid projectId, String status)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
status String The status message to write to the idea status column.
Return Value


UpdateIntegerProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, Integer value)

Updates the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Integer type.

void UpdateIntegerProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, Integer value)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
propertyId String The GUID of the property to read.
value Integer The Integer value to update.
Return Value


UpdateNumberProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, Double value)

Updates the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Number type.

void UpdateNumberProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, Double value)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
propertyId String The GUID of the property to read.
value Double The Number value to update.
Return Value


UpdateProjectStageStatus(Guid projectId, Guid stageId, String statusInformation, UpdateProjectStageStatusFieldValue stageStatusValue, Boolean append)

Updates the status value and the status information for a Project Server workflow stage.

void UpdateProjectStageStatus(Guid projectId, Guid stageId, String statusInformation, UpdateProjectStageStatusFieldValue stageStatusValue, Boolean append)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
stageId Guid The GUID of the workflow stage.
statusInformation String The status information value to update.
stageStatusValue UpdateProjectStageStatusFieldValue enumeration.
append Boolean True if the information text is appended;false if the information text is replaced.
Return Value


UpdateTextProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, String value)

Updates the value of of the specified project property by using the SharePoint SPFieldType.Text type.

void UpdateTextProperty(Guid projectId, String propertyId, String value)
Name Type Description
projectId Guid The GUID of the project.
propertyId String The GUID of the property to read.
value String The Text value to update.
Return Value


See Also
