Application Object Members

SharePoint Designer Developer Reference

Represents the application.


  Name Description
CreateDynamicTemplateState Returns a DynamicTemplateState object that represents a set of region mappings to use when applying or updating a Dynamic Web Template.
CreateSearchInfo Returns a SearchInfo object that represents a custom find or find-and-replace operation.
DecodeURL Returns a String that represents a decoded Web address for the specified encoded Web address.
EncodeURL Returns a String that represents the encoded Web address for the specified Web address.
LocatePage Returns a PageWindow object for the specified object.
MakeAbs Returns a String that represents an absolute URL for the String specified in the URL parameter, using the URLBase parameter as the starting point.
MakeRel Returns a String that represents a relative URL for the String specified in the URL parameter, using the URLBase parameter as the starting point.
OnTime Starts a background timer that runs a macro on the specified date at the specified time.
ParseURL Returns or sets a String that represents a specific section of the given URL as determined by the URLComponent argument.
Quit Quits the application.
Run Runs the designated Microsoft Visual Basic macro.
ShowBordersShadingDialog Displays the Borders and Shading dialog box and returns a String that represents the cascading style sheet property settings for the borders and shading properties that the user selected.
ShowFontDialog Displays the Font dialog box and returns a String that represents the cascading style sheet properties for the selected font characteristics.
ShowHTMLDialog Displays a custom dialog box by using the contents of an HTML page. Returns a Variant.
ShowHyperlinkParameters Displays the Hyperlink Parameter dialog box and returns a String that represents the hyperlink plus the parameters, separated by a question mark.
ShowImportWebPackageDialog Returns a Boolean that indicates whether the method successfully added the specified Web package.
ShowPickURLDialog Displays the the Edit Hyperlink dialog box and returns a String that represents the URL to the file that the user has selected in the Edit Hyperlink dialog box.
ShowPositionDialog Returns a String that represents the value of the position attribute for a cascading style sheet.
SplitArgs Returns a Variant that represents an array of the individual items in the specified string separated by the specified character string.


  Name Description
ActiveDocument Returns an DesignerDocument object that represents the Web page currently displayed in the 2nd_SPDesignerGenericapplication window.
ActivePageWindow Returns a PageWindow object that represents the window in which the current page is displayed.
ActiveWeb Returns a Web object that represents the Web site currently open in 2nd_SPDesignerGeneric.
ActiveWebWindow Returns a WebWindow object that represents the window in which the currently open Web site is displayed.
AnswerWizard Returns an AnswerWizard object that contains the files used by the Help search engine.
Application Returns an Application object that represents the 2nd_SPDesignerGeneric application.
Assistance Returns an Assistance object that represents the Microsoft Office Help Viewer. Read-only.
Assistant Returns an Assistant object that represents the Microsoft Office Assistant. Read-only.
Build Returns the application build number. Read-only String.
COMAddIns Returns a COMAddIns collection that represents all the Component Object Model (COM) add-ins currently loaded in 1st_SPDesignerGeneric.
CommandBars Returns a CommandBars collection that represents the menus and toolbars displayed in the application.
ConnectionSpeed Returns or sets an ConnectionSpeed value that indicates the user's Internet connection type.
FileDialog Returns a FileDialog object that represents a single instance of a file dialog box.
LanguageSettings Returns a LanguageSettings object that represents the language used for the user interface.
MonthsShown Returns or sets a Long that determines how many months are displayed in the Reports view.
Name Returns a String that represents the name of the application.
NewPageorWeb Returns a NewFile object that represents a page or Web site listed on the New task pane.
OlderFile Returns or sets a Long that determines the number of days that a file must exist in a Web site (without being modified) before it is classified as older.
OptimizeHTMLFlags Returns or sets an OptimizeHTMLFlags constant that represents how the HTML code is optimized in a Web page.
OrganizationName Returns the name of the organization for the application.
ProductCode Returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the application.
RecentFile Returns or sets a Long that represents the number of days that a new or recently modified file shows up in the Recently Added Files list in Reports view.
SlowPage Returns or sets a Long that specifies the number of seconds a page can take to download before it is classified as slow. Read/write.
System Returns a System object that represents the operating system.
Themes Returns a Themes collection that represents the themes that are available to apply to a Web site.
UserName Returns the logon name of the user that is currently logged on to the network or operating system.
VBE Returns a VBE object that represents the Microsoft Visual Basic Editor.
Version Returns a String that represents the application version.
Webs Returns a Webs collection that represents all Web sites that are open.
WebWindows Returns a WebWindows collection that represents the open Web sites.


  Name Description
OnAfterPageSave Occurs after a page is saved.
OnAfterPageWindowViewChange Occurs when a page window has switched view types.
OnAfterWebPublish Occurs after a Web site is published.
OnAfterWebWindowViewChange Occurs after the Web site window view has changed.
OnBeforePageSave Occurs before a page is saved.
OnBeforePageWindowViewChange Occurs before the current Page window view is changed.
OnBeforeWebPublish Occurs before a Web site is published.
OnBeforeWebWindowViewChange Occurs before the Web site window view changes.
OnPageClose Occurs when a page is closed.
OnPageNew Occurs when a page is created.
OnPageOpen Occurs when a page is opened.
OnPageWindowActivate Occurs when the page in the current window obtains the focus.
OnRecalculateHyperlinks Occurs before the hyperlink structure in Hyperlinks view is recalculated to view any changes made to the Web site.
OnWebClose Occurs when a Web site is closed.
OnWebFileCheckOut Occurs when a file in the current Web site is checked out.
OnWebNew Occurs when a new Web site is created.
OnWebOpen Occurs when a Web site is opened.
WindowActivate Occurs when the application window obtains the focus.
WindowDeactivate Occurs when the application window loses the focus.