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ListFieldChoice Object Members

SharePoint Designer Developer Reference

Contains information about the choice field. The choice field allows the user to select from a specified number of options by providing a drop-down list or option (radio) buttons in the list.


  Name Description
AddChoice Adds a new choice to the list of available choices for the current field.
ClearChoices Removes the available choices for a choice field.
ConvertToField Changes a field from one type to another and returns an object of the type specified in the Type parameter.
Delete Deletes the list field from the parent list.
Move Moves a field in a list from its current location to a different location.
RemoveChoice Removes the specified choice from the specified field.
SetChoices Sets the choices for a choice field to the items indicated in the ppsaChoices argument.


  Name Description
AllowFillInChoices Sets or returns a Boolean that represents whether a choice field allows users to enter a custom choice.
Application Returns an Application object that represents the 2nd_SPDesignerGeneric application.
Choices Returns or sets a String that represents an array of all choices in the current field.
DefaultValue Returns or sets a Variant that defines the default value of the field.
Description Returns or sets a String that represents the description for a list field.
DisplayFormat Returns or sets an ChoiceFieldFormat enumerated constant that represents the type of user interface control used by the field. Read/write.
Name Returns a String that represents the name assigned to a list.
Parent Returns an Object that represents the parent object of the specified object. Read-only.
ReadOnly Returns a Boolean that indicates whether a field has read-only permissions. True indicates that the field cannot be modified by the user.
Required Returns or sets a Boolean that determines whether a field is required.
Type Returns a FieldType constant that represents the type of the current field. Read-only.
Web Returns a Web object that represents the parent Web site of a field in a list.