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WebFile Object Members

SharePoint Designer Developer Reference

Represents a file in a Web site.


  Name Description
ApplyDynamicTemplate Applies a Dynamic Web Template to a document.
ApplyTheme Applies the named theme and theme properties to a Web site or Web page.
Checkin Checks the specified WebFile object into the source control project.
Checkout Checks the specified WebFile object out to the source control project.
Copy Copies the specified object to a designated URL.
Delete Deletes the specified file from its parent Web site.
Edit The Edit method is used to open compatible files in a page window.
Move Moves a file in a Web site from its current location to a designated URL.
Open Opens a file in a Web site.
UndoCheckout Returns the specified file to its prior state in the source control project without saving any changes that may have been made.
UpdateDynamicTemplate Updates the pages that are attached to a Dynamic Web Template so that any changes to the Dynamic Web Template are applied to all pages that reference the Dynamic Web Template.


  Name Description
Application Returns an Application object that represents the 2nd_SPDesignerGeneric application.
CheckedoutBy Returns a String that represents the logon name of the person to whom the specified file is checked out.
Creator Returns a String that represents the name of the application in which this object was created. Read-only.
DownloadTime Returns a Long that represents the estimated amount of time (in seconds) to download the specified file. Read-only.
DynamicTemplate Returns a String that represents the path and file name of a Dynamic Web Template.
Extension Returns a String that represents the extension for the specified file.
IsOpen Returns a Boolean that represents whether a Web page is open in a page window. True indicates that the page is open.
IsOrphan Returns a Boolean that represents whether a hyperlink can be reached from any page in a Web site. True indicates that the file cannot be reached by a hyperlink from any page in a Web site.
MetaTags Returns the MetaTags collection for the specified WebFile object.
Name Returns a String that represents the name of a file in a Web site.
NavigationNode Returns a NavigationNode object that represents the navigation node for a page in a Web site.
Parent Returns an Object that represents the parent object of the specified object. Read-only.
Properties Returns a Properties collection that represents the properties for a Web file.
SharedBorders True if any shared borders are in use for the Web or WebFile object. Read/write Variant.
ThemeProperties Sets the theme properties for a file in a Web site.
Title Returns a String that represents the title of a file in a Web site.
Url Returns a String that represents the URL for a file in a Web site.
Version Returns a Stringthat represents the version of the specified object with the format: "x.x.x", where x represents a number in the version. Read-only.
Web Returns a Web object that represents the parent Web site for a WebFile object.