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WebFolder Object Members

SharePoint Designer Developer Reference

Represents a folder in a Web site.


  Name Description
Copy Copies the specified object to a designated URL.
Delete Deletes the specified folder from the parent Web site.
MakeWeb Creates a new Web site from an existing folder.
Move Moves a folder in a Web site from its current location to a designated URL.
RemoveWeb Removes a Web site.


  Name Description
AllFiles Returns a WebFiles collection that represents all files in the specified Web site.
AllFolders Returns a WebFolders collection that represents all folders in the current Web site.
Application Returns an Application object that represents the 2nd_SPDesignerGeneric application.
Files Returns a WebFiles collection that represents the files items in a folder.
Folders Returns a WebFolders collection that represents the child folders contained in the specified folder.
IsExecutable Returns or sets a Boolean that represents the setting for execute permission for a WebFolder object.
IsReadable Returns a Boolean that represents whether a folder has read permissions. True indicates that a folder has read permissions.
IsRoot Returns a Boolean that represents whether a folder is the root folder for a Web site. True indicates that a folder is the root folder.
IsWeb Returns a Boolean that represents whether a folder is the root folder for a Web site or a subsite. True indicates that the folder is the root folder for a Web site or subsite.
IsWritable Returns a Boolean that represents whether a folder in a Web site has write permissions. True indicates that a folder has write permissions.
List Returns a List object that represents the list associated with the specified folder.
Name Returns a String that represents the name of a folder in a Web site.
Parent Returns an Object that represents the parent object of the specified object. Read-only.
Properties Returns a Properties collection that represents the properties for a folder in a Web site.
Url Returns a String that represents the URL for a folder in a Web site.
Web Returns a Web object that represents the parent Web site for a WebFolder object.