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DesignerDocument.Find Method

SharePoint Designer Developer Reference

Executes a search and returns a Boolean that represents whether the search was successful.


expression.Find(info, limits, startRange)

expression   Required. A variable that represents a DesignerDocument object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
info Required SearchInfo The SearchInfo object that contains the search information.
limits Optional Variant Specifies a TextRange object that represents the range of text on which to perform the search. If omitted, search is performed on the entire document from the specified starting point.
startRange Optional Variant Specifies a TextRange object that represents the position in the document from which to start the search. If omitted, search starts at the beginning of the document.

Return Value


If the Action property is set to SearchActionFindText or SearchActionReplaceText, the Find property defines the text for which to search; if the Action property is set to SearchActionFindTag, the Find property defines the name of the HTML tag for which to search.

See Also