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DesignerWindow.confirm Method

SharePoint Designer Developer Reference

Displays a confirmation dialog box that contains an optional message as well as OK and Cancel buttons and returns a Boolean that represents the user's response. True indicates that the user clicked OK. False indicates that the user clicked Cancel.



expression   Required. A variable that represents a DesignerWindow object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
message Optional String Specifies the message to display in the confirmation dialog box. If no value is provided, the dialog box does not contain a message.

Return Value


The following example displays a message to the user and captures the response in a variable.

Visual Basic for Applications
Sub ShowConfirmationBox()
    Dim objWindow As DesignerWindow
    Dim blnResponse As Boolean
    Set objWindow = ActiveDocument.parentWindow
    blnResponse = objWindow.confirm("Is blue your favorite color?")
End Sub