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GrooveMessages.Read Operation

The Read operation reads all messages in the requested category in the message store for the account. The returned messages may be associated with any of the account's identities. The returned messages always include headers. Optionally, they may also include the contents and attachments. The content is returned as plain text.


The HTTP Post URL targets the service for the account. This URI is returned by the GrooveAccounts.Read2 operation in the Messages element.

Input Message Header

GrooveRequestHeader specifies information common to all Groove Web Services, including the Groove Identity URL and the Groove Request key.

Input Message Parameters

    <IncludeContent />
    <IncludeAttachments />
    <MarkMessagesOpened />
    <Category />
Element Data type Description



Include the content of each returned message.



Include the attachment of each returned message.



If true, changes the category of New messages to Opened. This change is made immediately after the messages are read. Thus messages that were New at the time of the command are returned as New, not Opened, but if you read the messages again they will be marked as Opened. Messages with the Sent or Opened category are not affected.



An enumerated value that specifies the messages to retrieve. Can be one of the following categories:

  • All: all messages in the account's message store.

  • Sent: messages originated by the account.

  • Inbox: messages received by the account.

  • New: inbox messages not previously read by the account.

  • Opened: inbox messages that have already been read.

Output Message Header

GrooveResponseHeader specifies the Response key.

Return Value

  <!-- Array of -->  <Message />
Element Data type Description


Array of Message

Messages returned. The ReadResult array can contain zero or more Message elements.


The retrieved messages can be marked as being opened by setting MarkMessageOpened to True. To retrieve a single message by its URI, see ReadMessage.


User code should make no assumptions about the order of the returned messages. The order is implementation-dependent and may change in future releases.


In the WSDL definition for this operation, the IncludeContent, IncludeAttachments, MarkMessagesOpened, and Category parameters are defined as optional parameters. Because of a limitation in the way Groove Web Services handle optional parameters, you should always specify these optional parameters. If you do omit one parameter, you must also omit all parameters that follow the omitted one. In the .NET proxy code, you specify that optional parameters are include by setting the IncludeContentSpecified, IncludeAttachmentsSpecified, MarkMessagesOpenedSpecified, and CategorySpecified parameters to true.

See Also


GrooveMessages Web Service


Accessing Groove Messages