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Available Groove Web Services

Groove Web Services Version 2.0 includes the following services:

  • GrooveAccounts provides read access to the accounts and identities.

  • GrooveApplication allows you to set parameters that control the application behavior.

  • GrooveSpaces provides access to an identity's spaces and allows you to create, rename, and delete spaces and to create an invitation file for a space.

  • GrooveTools provides access to the services provided by the tools and allows you to add tools to a space (create a tool), rename tools, or delete tools from a space.

  • GrooveFilesBase64 provides access to files in the Groove Files tool and the SharePoint Files tool.

  • GrooveForms2 provides access to data in the Groove Forms tool and the InfoPath Forms tool. Since these tools provide a design mechanism that allows you to dynamically update the schema of the stored data, the GrooveForms2 service provides a mechanism to handle dynamic schemas.

  • GrooveCalendar provides access to data in the Groove Calendar tool.

  • GrooveMembers provides access to the members of a space including the ability to invite a member (create) or uninvite a member (delete). In addition, this service allows you to notify Groove and other workspace members that the current member has entered or exited from a space or tool.

  • GrooveContacts provides read access to an account's contacts. If you need to add or update contacts, you can use the GrooveLocal service to allow the user to update the contacts using the Groove user interface.

  • GrooveVCard provides read access to the data in a contact's VCard. If you need to update the data in a VCard, you can use the GrooveLocal service to allow the user to update the VCard using the Groove user interface.

  • GrooveSubscriptions provides a mechanism to create, update, and delete subscriptions that are used to register for events in Groove objects and tools.

  • GrooveEvents provides a mechanism to read events from Groove objects and tools.

  • GrooveLocal provides a mechanism to launch the Groove user interface and to launch files in a Files tool.

  • GrooveProperties provides version information about the Groove client. You can use this information to ensure that your web services client application is running with the correct version of Groove.

  • GrooveMessages provides access to Groove's instant messaging facility.

In order to provide a more uniform API across the different Groove Web Services, most services use common names for a set of basic operations: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. For example the Create operation is used in GrooveFilesBase64 to create a new file, in GrooveTools to add a new tool to a workspace, and in GrooveMembers to invite a new member to the workspace.

See Also


Groove 2007 Web Services Reference