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Forms Script Examples

This section shows examples of scripts you might write in your Forms tools.

Displaying a Message in the Status Bar

The following code demonstrates how you can display a message in the status bar. It does not specify an icon, so it contains a 0 as the second parameter.

var app=GetApp();
app.DisplayStatusBarMessage("your message goes here",0);

Displaying a Dialog Box

The following code demonstrates how to display a dialog box and test whether the user has clicked OK or Cancel.

var app=GetApp();
var UserText= app.DisplayTextInputDialog(
  "Continue to process form?", "Test Dialog");
if (UserText.Result == GrooveDialogBoxResultCode_OK)
  // user entered data, available in UserText.Data
  // user cancelled

Enumerating Members

The following code gets the enumeration for the Member Names and the enumeration that contains both the Member Names and Member URLs.

var app=GetApp();
var MemberNameEnum= app.CreateMemberNameEnum();
while (MemberNameEnum.HasMore())
  var MemberName = MemberNameEnum.OpenNext();
  // do something with Member Name
var MemberNameURLEnum= app.CreateMemberNameURLEnum();
while (MemberNameURLEnum.HasMore())
  var MemberNameURLPair = MemberNameURLEnum.OpenNextPair();
  var MemberName = MemberNameURLPair.First;
  var MemberURL = MemberNameURLPair.Second;
  // Have both member's name and URL
  if (MemberURL != app.CurrentAuthorURL)
    // this member is not the current user

Sending an Instant Message

The following code sends an instant message to all members of the space except the current author when the user clicks on a button.

function SendIMButton_OnClick(i_objInput)
    var app=GetApp();

    // Put up Dialog message
    var userText = app.DisplayTextInputDialog("Message text",
    "Send instant message to other workspace members with link to this record");

    if (userText.Result == GrooveDialogBoxResultCode_OK)
      // send message
        var URLArray = new Array();
        var index=0;
        var MemberNameURLEnum= app.CreateMemberNameURLEnum();
      while (MemberNameURLEnum.HasMore())
        var MemberNameURLPair = MemberNameURLEnum.OpenNextPair();
        if (MemberNameURLPair.Second != app.CurrentAuthorURL)
          // if not current user, add URL to array
      var URLEnum = CreateBSTREnumFromArray(URLArray)
      app.SendInstantMessage(URLEnum, userText.Data, true, true);
    // if not = 1, user clicked cancel; do nothing    

  catch (error)
    GetApp().DisplayError("An error has occurred: " + error.description
    + "[" + error.number + "]");

See Also


Using Scripts in the Groove Forms Tool