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GrooveApplication.DisengageSociableCommunications Operation

The DisengageSociableCommunications operation notifies Groove to optimize network communications for the interactive Groove Web Services application user.


The HTTP Post URL targets the service. This is a top-level HTTP Post URL that you supply directly; it is not returned as a value by another operation.

Input Message Header

GrooveRequestHeader specifies information common to all Groove Web Services, including the Groove Request key.

Input Message Parameters


Output Message Header

GrooveResponseHeader specifies the Response key.

Return Value



The DisengageSociableCommunications and the EngageSociableCommunications operations provide a mechanism for a Groove Web Services application to notify Groove that a user is interacting with Groove through the application. When a Groove Web Services application displays a window so that a user can interact with Groove, it can optionally call the DisengageSociableCommunications operation. If it does call DisengageSociableCommunications, it must make a matching call to EngageSociableCommunications when the window is closed.

Groove balances its network load to help ensure that its communications do not consume all the network communications bandwidth. This can improve the performance of other applications running on the system. When Groove is displaying its user interface, it gives increased priority to Groove communications. This increased priority can reduce the time it takes for the local user to get data changes from other workspace members and for them to get data changes from the local user.

These operations are intended for use by Groove Web Services applications where the user is interacting with Groove through the application and does not use the Groove user interface.

Calling these operations is optional; however, if you choose to use them, your application should:

  • Call DisengageSociableCommunications each time it starts a window that provides access to Groove to the user.

  • Call EngageSociableCommunications each time it terminates the user-interaction window.


If your application exits under either normal or exception conditions, it must ensure that it has called EngageSociableCommunications exactly once for each time that it has called DisengageSociableCommunications.

The Groove SociableCommunications state is not preserved if the Groove process is terminated and then restarted. Consequently, if your application detects that Groove has terminated and restarted, it should not call EngageSociableCommunications for any calls to DisengageSociableCommunications made before the Groove process terminated. A local Groove Web Services application can detect that the Groove process has terminated and restarted by detecting that the value of the LocalRequestKey in the registry has changed.

Note that on a Groove Data Bridge system, calling these operations has no effect.

See Also


GrooveApplication Web Service
GrooveApplication.EngageSociableCommunications Operation