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CustomReportView Members (Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards)

Represents a custom report view extension.

The following tables list the members exposed by the CustomReportView type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public method CustomReportView Initializes a new instance of the CustomReportView class.


Public Fields

  Name Description
Public fieldStatic UniqueDescriptionId  Constant and unique property name for the element description. (inherited from Element)
Public fieldStatic UniqueNameId  Constant and unique property name for the element name. (inherited from Element)
Public fieldStatic UniqueOwnerId  Constant and unique property name for the element owner. (inherited from Element)


Public Properties

  Name Description
Public property BeginPoints  The beginpoints collection (inherited from ReportView)
Public property Comments  The collection of comments on the element. (inherited from Element)
Public property ConfiguredViewId  The configuredView ID. (inherited from ReportView)
Public property CreatedBy  The user who created this version of the object. (inherited from FirstClassElement)
Public property CreatedDate  The date this version of the object was created. (inherited from FirstClassElement)
Public property CustomData  Custom data (inherited from ReportView)
Public property CustomType The identifier of the custom report view type.
Public property Data Contains configuration data for the report view extension.
Public property Description  A long description of the element. (inherited from Element)
Public property EndPoints  The endpoints collection (inherited from ReportView)
Public property Folder  The folder that the property belongs to. In the form of "folder1\subfolder2\subfolder3". (inherited from FirstClassElement)
Public property Guid  The ID that uniquely defines the first class element. (inherited from Element)
Public property Memberships  The membership information of the first class object. (inherited from FirstClassElement)
Public property Name  The display name of the element. (inherited from Element)
Public property OverwritePageFilters  If true, then the scorecard selection information will be passed to the report view. (inherited from ReportView)
Public property Owner  The owner of the element. (inherited from Element)
Public property PreferredHeight  (Internal use only) The preferred height of the report. (inherited from ReportView)
Public property PreferredWidth  (Internal use only) The preferred width of the report. (inherited from ReportView)
Public property Properties  The collection of properties for this element. (inherited from Element)
Public property RenderClientSide  If true, the report view is rendered on the client side. (inherited from ReportView)
Public property ScorecardId  The scorecard ID. (inherited from ReportView)
Public property TypeName  The type of reportview (inherited from ReportView)
Public property Version  The version information of the first class object. (inherited from FirstClassElement)
Public property WebControlLookupKey  Get the key that identifies the report view control to instantiate. This should reference a fully qualified assembly name in a key value pair from the web application's configuration file. (inherited from ReportView)
Public property WebControlQualifiedName  Returns the qualified name of the web control for this report type. (inherited from ReportView)


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
Public method CheckAccess  (inherited from FirstClassElement)
Public method Clone Overridden. Performs a deep copy.
Public method CompareTo  (inherited from Element)
Public method CopyFrom Overridden. Performs a deep clone.
Public method Diff Overridden. Compares this object with another object and returns the differences.
Public method Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from ReportView)
Public method FillInSids  Looks up and caches the security IDs for each membership item that pertains to this element. (inherited from FirstClassElement)
Public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object)
Public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
Public method InitBeginPoints  (inherited from ReportView)
Public method InitEndPoints  Overloaded. (inherited from ReportView)
Public methodStatic ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object)
Public method ToString  (inherited from Object)
Public method Validate  Validate this object. (inherited from ReportView)
Public methodStatic ValidateFolder  (inherited from FirstClassElement)


Protected Methods

  Name Description
Protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object)
Protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)


See Also


CustomReportView Class
Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards Namespace