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DashboardsWorkspaceItemFactory Members (Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ModelerPlugins.Dashboards)

Controls the interaction between the Dashboard node in the workspace browser and the main workspace pane.

The following tables list the members exposed by the DashboardsWorkspaceItemFactory type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Public method DashboardsWorkspaceItemFactory Initializes a new instance of the DashboardsWorkspaceItemFactory class.


Public Fields

(see also Protected Fields )

  Name Description
Public field ColumnSizesChanged  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public fieldStatic ContextMenuIdElementPublish  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public fieldStatic DashboardsGuid The unique identifier for this class factory.
Public fieldStatic DefaultMinimumGridWidth  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public fieldStatic GuidColumnName  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public fieldStatic ModifiedDateColumnName  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public fieldStatic NameColumnName  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public fieldStatic OwnerColumnName  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public fieldStatic VersionColumnName  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)


Protected Fields

  Name Description
Protected field currentWorkspaceItem  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field elementDirtyImage  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field elementImage  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field elementListImage  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field elementPreviewPage  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field elementPreviewTab  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field elementPropertiesPage  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field elementPropertiesTab  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field elementsSummaryPage  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field elementsSummaryTab  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field elementSummaryPage  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field elementSummaryTab  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field elementTIPage  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field elementTITab  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field elementViewPage  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field elementViewTab  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field itemTabControl  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field rootTabControl  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field rootText  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field rootWorkspaceItemId  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field wselementsSummaryPage  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected field wselementsSummaryTab  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)


Public Properties

  Name Description
Public property ElementTypeName Overridden. The element type name.
Public property Order  (inherited from WorkspaceItemFactory)
Public property RootNodeCaption Overridden. The caption for the All Dashboards folder.
Public property RootWorkspaceItemId  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public property ServerElements Overridden. Enumerates dashboards that are available on the server.
Public property WorkspaceElements Overridden. Enumerates dashboards that are available in the workspace.
Public property WorkspaceItemType Overridden. The type of workspace items controlled by this factory.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
Public method CheckAndAddEditorRoleForTheElementMemberships  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public method Copy Overridden. Copies the selected dashboard.
Public method CreateColumns  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public method CreateContextMenuItems Overridden. Creates the context menu for a dashboard, folder, or root Dashboards node.
Public method CreateDataGridTreeViewFolderRow  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public method CreateDataGridTreeViewRow  Overloaded. (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public methodStatic CreateNewDashboard Creates a new dashboard.
Public method CreateRootWorkspaceItem  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public method CreateWorkspaceItem  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public method Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object)
Public method GenerateServerRows  Overloaded. (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public method GenerateWorkspaceRows  Overloaded. (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object)
Public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
Public method Initialize Overridden. Initializes DashboardsWorkspaceItemFactory for use.
Public method OnColumnSizesChanged  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Public methodStatic OpenDependentItemsInWorkspace Opens elements in the workspace.
Public method Paste Overridden. Pastes the selected dashboard.
Public methodStatic ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object)
Public method RightClicked Overridden. Creates the context menu for a dashboard in the workspace browser.
Public method RootRightClicked Overridden. Creates the context menu for the root Dashboards node in the workspace browser.
Public method RootSelected Overridden. Indicates if the root Dashboards node is selected in the workspace browser.
Public method Selected Overridden. Called when a dashboard is selected in the workspace browser.
Public method ShowHelp Overridden. Opens a help topic.
Public method ToString  (inherited from Object)
Public method UnhookContextMenuItems Removes the event handlers from the context menu items.


Protected Methods

  Name Description
Protected method AddPreviewTab  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected method CopyWorkspaceItemClick  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected method DeleteWorkspaceItemClick  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object)
Protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)
Protected method PasteWorkspaceItemClick  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected method PublishWorkspaceItemClick  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected method RemovePreviewTab  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected methodStatic SetColumnFillWeight  (inherited from ElementsWorkspaceItemFactory)
Protected method SetElementInWorkspace Overridden. Sets an element in the workspace.


See Also


DashboardsWorkspaceItemFactory Class
Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ModelerPlugins.Dashboards Namespace