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Step 1: Set Up the Project for the Federated Search Virtual Earth Map Connector


This topic describes functionality that is part of the Infrastructure Update for Microsoft Office Servers. To download the update, see Description of the SharePoint Server 2007 infrastructure update: July 15, 2008.

Before you can use the sample, you need to create a Web site, add the MapPoint Web service, and load the required object hierarchies. The tasks involved include the following:

  • Creating the Web Site project

  • Adding the Microsoft MapPoint Web service to the project.

  • Adding the required Microsoft .NET Framework references

Creating the Web Site Project

The sample is designed to be built and deployed by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. The sample has also been successfully tested with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

To create the Web Site project

  1. In Visual Studio 2005, on the File menu, point to New, and then click Web Site.

  2. In Visual Studio installed templates, click ASP.NET Web Site.

  3. In Location, click File System, and, if necessary, click Browse to find the correct location for this Web site. This location can be the standard location for your Visual Studio projects and Web sites, or the location under your Web site's virtual directory where you will deploy this Web application.


    This sample is designed to be deployed on a Web site different from the one on which Office SharePoint Server 2007 is running. However, it might be more convenient and simpler architecturally to deploy it in the _layouts directory of an Office SharePoint Server 2007 site. For more information, see How to: Create a Web Application in a SharePoint Web Site and Getting Started with Customizing a SharePoint Web Site in Visual Studio. These instructions also apply for deploying it on any SharePoint Web site.

  4. In Language, click Visual C#, and then click OK.

Adding the MapPoint Web service

The Federated Search Virtual Earth Map Connector uses the MapPoint Web service to obtain the location coordinates (latitude and longitude) for a structured address. A structured address is composed of the street address, city, and state. The Federated Search Virtual Earth Map Connector then publishes those coordinates in an RSS feed. Before you can use this sample, you must sign up for a free MapPoint developer account. The sample code supplies your credentials to the MapPoint Web service by using entries that you provide in your site's web.config file.

To add the MapPoint Web service

  1. Use the instructions at Accessing the MapPoint Web Service SOAP API in to determine the version of the service you want to use. For a large enterprise deployment, you will probably use the secure production URL supplied on this page. For a small test deployment, the nonsecure staging URL might be appropriate.

  2. In Visual Studio 2005, on the Website menu, click Add Web Reference.

  3. Copy the MapPoint Web service URL that you chose in the URL box. Click Go.

  4. In the Web reference name box, select "net.mappoint.service" and then click Add Reference.

  5. Use the Visual Studio Solution Explorer to verify that the MapPoint Web service has been added to the App_WebReferences folder.

Referencing the Required .NET Components

To load the object hierarchies that this sample uses, add references to the required .NET components.

To add the reference the required .NET components

  1. On the Web Site menu, click Add Reference.

  2. On the .NET tab, select the following references, and then click OK after each selection:

    • System

    • System.Web

Next Steps

Step 2: Add the Code for the Federated Search Virtual Earth Map Connector

Step 3: Create the Virtual Earth Map Location and Customize the XSL

See Also


Federated Search Virtual Earth Map Connector Sample