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Reading File Information

Applies to: SharePoint Workspace 2010 | Visual Studio 2008

The GrooveFiles Read operation provides information about file objects (folders and files) in the Files tool but does not provide the contents of files. You can get information about all the file objects in the Files tool or about the file objects in a specific folder.

The GrooveFiles Read operation returns an array of FileDescriptor objects in its response message. The file descriptor contains information about the object, such as its name, size, and whether it is a file or a folder.

The HTTP Post URL of the Read operation can be one of the following:

  • The Data URI returned by the GrooveTools Read operation, in which case the operation reads the files and folders in the root folder of the Files tool.

  • The URI returned for a folder by a previous GrooveFiles Read operation, in which case the operation reads the files and folders in the targeted folder.

You can specify either a recursive or a nonrecursive read. If you specify a recursive read, the operation reads the files and subfolders in the targeted folder and recursively reads the contents of all subfolders. If you specify a nonrecursive read, then the operation reads the files and subfolders in the targeted folder, but does not read the contents of the subfolders.


If you specify a nonrecursive read of the Files tool itself, it returns the root and the top-level files and folders that it contains. Furthermore, if the HTTP Post URL targets the root folder, the operation treats it as if it targeted the Files tool itself. Consequently, if you target the root folder, it returns the file descriptors for itself and for the files and folders that it contains.

Although the order in which items in a folder are included in the SOAP response message is undefined, files and folders always follow the folder that contains them in the order of file descriptors in the response message. This makes it possible to build a tree structure of folders and files by sequentially processing the file descriptors. When you process a file descriptor you are guaranteed that the FolderID was specified as the File Object ID in a preceding file descriptor.

See Also


GrooveFilesBase64 Web Service


Reading File Contents, Checking Download State, and Downloading Files

Accessing Files Tool Data