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Forms2RecordDataSet Complex Type

Applies to: SharePoint Workspace 2010 | Visual Studio 2008

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Complex Type Elements
In This Section

The Forms2RecordDataSet type contains the record schema and record data.


  <Schema />   
  <Data /> 
  <SchemaVersionID />

Complex Type Elements


Data type




The set of record schemas that describes the records in the Data element, where there is one schema for each record type found in the Data element. The record schema element is named using the FormsRecordDataSet_ID, which is returned by the ReadForms operation for each form. The Schema element may contain zero or more record schemas.



Records, where each has the structure defined by one of the record schema specified in the Schema element. This element is optional. If you call the QueryRecords operation and request metadata only, then the Data element is empty. Each record element is named using the FormsRecordDataSet_ID defined in the Schema.



This is an integer value maintained by the Forms tool, whenever the Forms tool design is changed and saved to Groove, the Forms tool increments this number. If your application persists the SchemaVersionID of an instance of a Forms tool and the value is unchanged, then your application can assume that the record schemas in the Forms tool are unchanged. If the value is changed, then a record schema may have changed, but it is also possible that the Forms designer made user interface changes only and did not change a record schema. When the Forms tool increments the SchemaVersionID, it typically increments it by a value greater than 1. The value of the increment has no meaning. This element is optional.


The Schema defines zero or more record schemas, one for each record type included in the Data element. The Data element consists of a series of records, where each XML element defining a record is named with a record schema name defined in the Schema element. This record schema name identifies the form used to create the record.

If you request metadata only in a QueryRecords operation, the Forms2RecordDataSet result has a Schema element that contains the record schemas for all Forms defined in the tool and has an empty Data element.

If a QueryRecords or ReadRecords operation returns no records in the Forms2RecordDataSet result, the Data element is empty and the Schema element does not define any record schemas. The Schema element is not completely empty because it always contains the definitions for the file attachment complex types.

Each record schema specifies the fields defined by the designer and the system fields automatically included by the tool.

In This Section

System Fields in Forms2RecordDataSet

Relationship between Groove Forms Tool Types and Forms2RecordDataSet Elements

Relationship between InfoPath Tool Types and Forms2RecordDataSet Elements

Forms2RecordDataSet SOAP Message Example

See Also


GrooveForms2 Web Service


Accessing Forms Tool Records