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Accessing Tools in a Workspace

Applies to: SharePoint Workspace 2010 | Visual Studio 2008

The GrooveTools service provides accesses the tools in a Groove 2007 workspace. It only provides information about tools that can be accessed through Groove Web Services. The GrooveTools.Read operation provides information about each tool, including the following:

  • Name.

  • Type of the tool.

  • URI for the GrooveTools service for the tool.

  • URI for the Web Service provided by the tool, in the Data element.

The following table lists these types for the Groove tools accessible via Groove Web Services. The tool Type is a URN.

Tool Type URN


Web Service

Groove Forms tool version 5.0


InfoPath Forms tool version 1.0


Files tool


SharePoint Files tool


Calendar tool


Note that the Tool structure includes two URIs for the tool: one in the URI element and one in the Data element. The URI element contains a URI that allows you to call the GrooveTools service for this tool. You can use the GrooveTools service to remove the tool from the space, change the tool name, or update the unread state of the tool. The Data element contains a URI for the service provided by the tool. For example, if the tool is a Files tool, the Data element contains the URI for the GrooveFilesBase64 service.

Reading Tools in a Workspace

The following sample reads the tools in a workspace and tests the type of each tool.

GrooveTools.GrooveTools toolsSvc = new GrooveTools.GrooveTools();
toolsSvc.GrooveRequestHeaderValue = new GrooveTools.GrooveRequestHeader();
// Get the Identity2 from GrooveAccounts.Read2
GrooveAccounts.Identity2 ident = ...; 
toolsSvc.GrooveRequestHeaderValue.GrooveIdentityURL = ident.URI;
string requestKey = ...; // Read the request key from the registry
toolsSvc.GrooveRequestHeaderValue.GrooveRequestKey = requestKey;

// Get the HTTP address from app configuration information
// and the port number from the registry 
string HTTPAddressAndPort = ...;

// Get the space from GrooveSpaces.Read
GrooveSpaces.Space space = ...; 
// Get Post URL from GrooveSpaces.Space
toolsSvc.Url = HTTPAddressAndPort + space.Tools; 
GrooveTools.Tool[] tools = toolsSvc.Read();

foreach (GrooveTools.Tool tool in tools)
  switch (tool.Type)
    case "":
    case "":
      // Groove Forms or InfoPath Forms tool
      // can call GrooveForms2 using tool.Data

    case "":
    case "":
      // Groove Files or Sharepoint Files tool
      // can call GrooveFilesBase64 using tool.Data

    case "":
      // Groove Calendar tool
      // can call GrooveCalendar using tool.Data

      // unknown tool

Adding Tools to a Workspace

When you add a new tool to a workspace using the Create operation, you specify the tool by its template's ComponentResourceURL. The ReadAvailableTools operation returns the tool templates that are available for the specified workspace. The template object contains the tool ID and ComponentResourceURL. Your application can use the ID to select the template that describes a tool and then use the template's ComponentResourceURL to add the tool to a workspace.


You can add tools only to Groove 2007 workspaces. If you call ReadAvailableTools for a 2010 workspace, it returns an empty list.

The following sample creates a new workspace, reads all the available tools, and adds a Files tool and a Discussion tool to a workspace. Note that after you create the workspace, you must read the workspace to get the Post URL for the GrooveTools service.

string spacePostURL = spacesSvc.Create(createSpace, "");

// Use the returned Post URL to read the workspace
// to get the Space.Tools Post URL for GrooveTools
spacesSvc.Url = HTTPAddressAndPort + spacePostURL;
GrooveSpaces.Space newSpace = spacesSvc.ReadSpace();

GrooveTools.GrooveTools toolsSvc = new GrooveTools.GrooveTools();
// Create and set the header and set HTTPAddressAndPort string variable

// Get Post URL from GrooveSpaces.Space returned by ReadSpace
toolsSvc.Url = HTTPAddressAndPort + newSpace.Tools; 

GrooveTools.Template[] templates = toolsSvc.ReadAvailableTools();
for (int i = 0; i < templates.Length; i++)
    GrooveTools.Template template = templates[i];
    if (template.ID == "Discussion" || template.ID == "Files")
        GrooveTools.Tool newTool = new GrooveTools.Tool();
        newTool.ComponentResourceURL = template.ComponentResourceURL;
        newTool.Name = template.Name;

        // Get Post URL from GrooveSpaces.Space
        toolsSvc.Url = HTTPAddressAndPort + newSpace.Tools;

        // Now create the tool in the workspace
        string toolURI = toolsSvc.Create(newTool);
        // Get the Post URL returned by Create for ReadTool
        toolsSvc.Url = HTTPAddressAndPort + toolURI;

        // Now read the newly created tool
        GrooveTools.Tool tool = toolsSvc.ReadTool();

Note that the ReadAvailableTools operation returns the templates for all tools that are available for workspaces compatible with Groove 2007. You cannot add tools to workspaces compatible with older versions of Groove. You can check the workspace template version returned by GrooveSpaces.Read before adding a tool to a workspace.

The Update operation allows you to change a tool's display name and the UpdateUnreadMark operation allows you to mark all entries in the tool as either read or unread. The Delete operation removes the specified tool from a workspace. These operations specify the tool they are acting on in the service-specific data of the HTTP Post URL. The Read and ReadTool operations return a URI with this service-specific data in the Tool URI element.

See Also


GrooveTools Web Service


Creating Workspaces

Accessing the Groove Web Services Hierarchy