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Space2 Complex Type

Applies to: SharePoint Workspace 2010 | Visual Studio 2008

The Space2 type provides information and access to the workspace and to the tools and members that it contains. The Space2 complex type provides access to advanced features not available through Space. These features include workspace visibility, alert level, download options, member awareness visibility, and Groove File Sharing folder path information.


  <URI />
  <Name />
  <Description />
  <Created />
  <Modified />
  <Local />
  <IdentityURL />
  <Visible />
  <Tools />
  <Members />
  <Unread />
  <Type />
  <LocalURI />
  <Version />
  <DownloadToAllMyDevices />
  <GFSFolderPath />
  <AlertLevel />

Complex Type Elements


Data type




URI that identifies the workspace and can be used as the HTTP Post URL in calls to CreateInvitationFile, Delete, ReadSpace and Update. It can also be used as a parameter in the GrooveLocal.View operation.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value ignored by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value ignored by operation.



Name of workspace.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value required by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value required by operation.



Description of workspace.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value required by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value required by operation.



Date-time when the workspace was created. Specified as a UTC date-time with a precision of milliseconds.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value ignored by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value ignored by operation.



Date-time when the workspace was last changed. Specified as a UTC date-time with a precision of milliseconds.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value ignored by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value ignored by operation.



Specifies "true" if the workspace is present on the Groove client device.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value ignored by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value ignored by operation.



Identity URL of user associated with the workspace.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value ignored by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value ignored by operation.



Specifies whether the workspace is visible to users through the SharePoint Workspace user interface.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value required by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value required by operation.



The URI that provides the Post URL to access the GrooveTools service for this workspace. Note that if you read the Space information for the space type that specifies Groove File Sharing workspaces, this element is returned as an empty string because you cannot access the tools within these workspaces.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value ignored by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value ignored by operation.



The URI that provides the HTTP Post URL for the GrooveMembers service to perform operation on the members of the workspace such as inviting a new member with the GrooveMembers.Create operation, uninviting a member with the GrooveMembers.Delete operation, and getting the current list of members with the GrooveMembers.Read operation.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value ignored by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value ignored by operation.



The total number of unread items in all tools that are in the workspace. Note that this may include items in tools that cannot be accessed through Groove Web Services.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value ignored by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value ignored by operation.



A URN that identifies the type of the workspace.

If the workspace is a generic Groove workspace, the Type is

If the workspace is a Groove File Sharing workspace, the Type is as follows:

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value ignored by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value ignored by operation.



URI that provides the HTTP Post URL for the GrooveLocal.OpenSpaceProperties operation.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value ignored by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value ignored by operation.



Identifies the version number of the space template. The Version type consists of four xs:int elements: Major, Minor, Custom, and Sequence. The Version value enables you to determine the minimum version of Groove that a user must be running to accept an invitation to the workspace. It also helps you determine whether you may add tools to the workspace.

If the major version number has a value of 18, the workspace is compatible with Groove 2007.

If the major version number has a value of 15, the workspace is compatible with Groove 3.x.

If the major version number has a value of 14, the workspace is compatible with Groove 2.5.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation if the workspace is present on the local device.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value ignored by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value ignored by operation.



Boolean that determines whether SharePoint Workspace automatically downloads the workspace to all devices that belong to a single member. The default is false. If true, SharePoint Workspace downloads the workspace to all devices for that member. If false, SharePoint Workspace only downloads to the device where the invitation was accepted. The value of the DownloadToAllMyDevices is local to each workspace member. Therefore,, to download a workspace to all devices for the account, the application that accepts an invitation should set DownloadToAllMyDevices to true using an Update2 operation. If an application sets DownloadToAllMyDevices to true when it creates a workspace, it downloads the workspace to all devices only for the workspace member creating the workspace. Other members get the default behavior.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value required by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value required by operation.



Path that determines the local file path of the Groove File Sharing workspace. The GFSFolderPath element lets you initialize the value, but you cannot change it or read it after you have initialized it.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value is not provided by operation.

  • Create2 operation: value is ignored by operation.

  • CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value used by operation, if present.

  • Update2 operation: value used by operation if the GFSFolderPath has not been previously set in a CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 or Update2 operation. If the folder path has been previously set by a Web service operation or through the SharePoint Workspace user interface, the value is ignored by operation.



An enumeration that specifies how the user is notified about unread information in the workspace and tools within the workspace.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value required by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value required by operation.



If true, SharePoint Workspace displays notifications when members enter and leave the workspace or tools within the workspace. If false, SharePoint Workspace suppresses these member awareness notifications.

The usage of this element depends on the context:

  • Read2 operation: value provided by operation.

  • Create2 or CreateGrooveFileSharingSpace2 operation: value required by operation.

  • Update2 operation: value required by operation.

See Also


GrooveSpaces Web Service