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SPMobileMessage Properties

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Include Inherited Members

The SPMobileMessage type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Account Gets the sender’s account with the provider of the messaging service.
Public property ContentParts Gets a list of the parts of the content of the message.
Public property CustomProperties Gets the custom properties of the message, if any, as a collection of name-value pairs.
Public property HasContent Gets a value that indicates whether the message has any content parts.
Public property RecipientList Gets the recipients of the message.
Public property ScheduledSendingTime Gets or sets the time the message should be sent in UTC.
Public property SourceType Gets or sets the source type of the message.
Public property Subject Gets or sets the subject of a Multimedia Message Service (MMS) message.


See Also


SPMobileMessage Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.MobileMessage Namespace