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In this article
April 2012 Cumulative Update Introduces API Change to Improve Tab Key Handling
Documentation on Add-in Versioning Updated
Tool Properties do not Display Add-in Tool Version
.NET Framework Must be Installed before Office 2010
Specifying the Active Ribbon Tab in Tool Activation
Query with Dates in Some Locales Fail
Unhandled Exceptions

This section provides information about the SharePoint Workspace 2010 SDK and the API.

April 2012 Cumulative Update Introduces API Change to Improve Tab Key Handling

In SharePoint Workspace 2010 SP1, when a user types a tab key in an AddIn tool, the AddIn may respond in an unexpected way. SharePoint Workspace does not have access to the tab order defined in the form and may move the cursor to fields in an unexpected order. To resolve this problem, the April 2012 Office 2010 Cumulative Update adds a new method to the ISPWManagedToolAddinUI interface. This method, the ProcessMnemonics method, allows the AddIn to explicitly handle tab controls from within the context of the form.

Adding a method to the interface causes an incompatibility. Consequently, once the April 2012 cumulative update is applied on a user's system, all AddIn tools must be updated to include an implementation of the new method. If the cumulative update is applied on a system and an AddIn does not implement the new method, the AddIn fails and displays a method indicating that the method 'ProcessMnemonics' does not have an implementation. In a similar way, if the April 2012 (or later) cumulative update has not been applied on a user's system and the user installs an AddIn that implements the ProcessMnemonics method, the AddIn fails.

The April 2012 or later release of the SharePoint Workspace 2010 SDK defines the ProcessMnemonics method in the sample code and AddIn template. Consequently, any AddIn produced from this SDK must be run on a system where the April 2010 or later cumulative update has been applied.

If you do not have the updated SDK, you can make the modifications to the SDK samples and template. If you have existing addins, you can make the same modification to your addin. You need to add the ProcessMnemonics method to the ISPWManagedToolAddinUI implementation. To implement the ProcessMnemonics method, see Handling the Tab Control in AddIn Tools. In the SDK, implement ProcessMnemonics in the following files:

  • AttachmentsAndConflicts\AddIn.cs

  • PhotosWPF\MainForm.cs

  • QuerySample\AddIn.cs

  • SPWAddInTemplate\AddIn.cs

In order to replace the template in Visual Studio, you do the following:

  1. Uncompress

  2. Edit AddIn.cs to add the ProcessMnemonics method.

  3. Compress the files to create a new zip archive.

  4. Copy the compressed zip archive to the "Visual Studio 2008\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C#" folder in your Documents library.

Documentation on Add-in Versioning Updated

The online documentation published in January 2012 contains corrected information about add-in versioning. The version of an add-in is determined by the registry key definition. The version information in the manifest is ignored. See Deploying New Versions of an Add-in Tool for more information.

Tool Properties do not Display Add-in Tool Version

The user cannot display the add-in tool version number by right-clicking the tool and selecting Properties. Although a version number is displayed in the tool General tab, it is the version number of the tool container, which is the same for all add-in tools.

.NET Framework Must be Installed before Office 2010

The Add-in API depends on the .NET Framework 3.5, or a later version. If this version is not installed on a computer, you must install it before you run an add-in.

The SharePoint Workspace Add-in API also depends on the assembly office.dll, which is installed in the GAC when Office 2010 RTM is installed. In most cases, this assembly is installed correctly. The only condition where it is not installed is when Office 2010 RTM was installed a Windows XP SP3 operating system where the .NET Framework 2.0 was not present. You can test for this condition by seeing whether office is in the GAC. If the operating system is installed in c:\Windows, you can display the assembly viewer by going to c:\Windows\assembly in Windows Explorer. If the office assembly is listed, you do not have this problem. If the office assembly is not listed and you plan on using an add-in on this computer, you should follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall Office 2010.

  2. Install the .NET Framework 3.5 (if it is currently not on the system).

  3. Reinstall Office 2010.

  4. Apply the Office 2010 service pack.

Repairing the Office 2010 installation or applying the service pack after you install the .NET Framework 3.5 is insufficient to resolve this problem.

Specifying the Active Ribbon Tab in Tool Activation

When a user moves to a built-in Groove tool, such as Documents or Calendar, the tool sets the active Ribbon tab to the Home tab. But you cannot obtain this behavior in add-in tools. When the user moves to an add-in tool, SharePoint Workspace sets the tab to the Workspace tab. It is not possible for the add-in code to make the Home tab active.

Although you can add code to set the active tab in the OnToolActivate event, SharePoint Workspace resets the active tab to the Workspace tab after this event finishes.

Query with Dates in Some Locales Fail

If the default date format in the current locale uses the Arabic Hijri calendar format, any add-in query that includes a date value may fail. There is no known work-around for this issue.

Unhandled Exceptions

Unhandled exceptions in your add-in can potentially crash Groove. When you deploy your add-in, you should ensure that it handles all exceptions.