lcid Parameter
Applies to: SharePoint Foundation 2010
Data Type: Integer
When used with the create service Method method, this parameter specifies the language that will be used on the site when a site template is applied. This is a permanent setting for the site and can only be changed by deleting the site and recreating it in a different language. If this parameter is not specified, the site will be created using the same language as its parent site.
When used with the list themes Method method, this parameter provides the language used by the Web site so that the text in theme titles appears in the correct language.
Site template files associated with a particular language are stored together on the front-end Web server in a numbered folder in the following directory:
Local_Drive:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE
The value is called the locale ID (LCID). The following table lists the languages supported by Microsoft SharePoint Foundation and their corresponding LCIDs. The appropriate language template pack must be installed on the server to be able to create a site that uses that language.
Name |
Locale ID |
Algeria |
5121 |
Argentina |
11274 |
Australia |
3081 |
Bahrain |
15361 |
Bolivia |
16394 |
Brazil |
1046 |
Canada1 |
3084 |
Canada2 |
4105 |
Chile |
13322 |
Colombia |
9226 |
CostaRica |
5130 |
CzechRepublic |
1029 |
Denmark |
1030 |
DominicanRepublic |
7178 |
Ecuador |
12298 |
Egypt |
3073 |
ElSalvador |
17418 |
EuropeanUnion1 |
-2 |
EuropeanUnion2 |
-1 |
Guatemala |
4106 |
Honduras |
18442 |
HongKongSAR |
3076 |
Hungary |
1038 |
India |
1081 |
Iran |
1065 |
Iraq |
2049 |
Israel |
1037 |
Japan |
1041 |
Jordan |
11265 |
Korea |
1042 |
Kuwait |
13313 |
Lebanon |
12289 |
Libya |
4097 |
Mexico |
2058 |
Morocco |
6145 |
NewZealand |
5129 |
Nicaragua |
19466 |
Norway |
1044 |
Oman |
8193 |
Pakistan |
1056 |
Panama |
6154 |
Paraguay |
15370 |
PeoplesRepublicofChina |
2052 |
Peru |
10250 |
Poland |
1045 |
Qatar |
16385 |
Russia |
1049 |
SaudiArabia |
1025 |
Singapore |
4100 |
Slovakia |
1051 |
Slovenia |
1060 |
SouthAfrica |
7177 |
Sweden |
1053 |
Switzerland |
2055 |
Syria |
10241 |
Taiwan |
1028 |
Thailand |
1054 |
Tunisia |
7169 |
Turkey |
1055 |
14337 |
UnitedKingdom |
2057 |
UnitedStates |
1033 |
Uruguay |
14346 |
Venezuela |
8202 |
Vietnam |
1066 |
Yemen |
9217 |