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Entity Members

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NOTE: This API is now obsolete.

Represents an entity such as a customer or sales order that is registered in the Business Data Catalog.

The Entity type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Actions Obsolete. Gets a collection of actions associated with the entity.
Public property AssociationsWithEntityAsDestination Obsolete. Gets a collection of associations defined in the LobSystem object that have the entity as the destination entity.
Public property AssociationsWithEntityAsSource Obsolete. Gets a collection of Association objects defined in the LobSystem object that have the entity as the source entity.
Public property DefaultAction Obsolete. Gets the action that is set as default for the entity.
Public property DefaultDisplayName Obsolete. Gets the default display name of the metadata object. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public property Description Obsolete. Sets or gets the description of the entity.
Public property EstimatedInstanceCount Obsolete. Sets or gets the estimated instance count for the entity in the business application.
Public property Id Obsolete. Gets the unique ID of the metadata object from the metadata repository. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public property Identifiers Obsolete. Gets a collection of identifiers defined for the entity in the Business Data Catalog.
Public property IsCached Obsolete. Indicates whether this metadata object is cached or not. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public property LobSystem Obsolete. Sets or gets the LobSystem object that the entity belongs to.
Public property LocalizedDisplayName Obsolete. Gets or sets the localized display name for the metadata object. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public property LocalizedDisplayNames Obsolete. Gets all the localized display names available for this metadata object. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public property MethodInstances Obsolete. Gets a collection of MethodInstance objects defined for the entity in the Business Data Catalog.
Public property Methods Obsolete. Gets a collection of methods defined for the entity in the Business Data Catalog.
Public property Name Obsolete. Gets or sets the name of the metadata object. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public property Properties Obsolete. Gets all the properties that belong to this metadata object. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)



  Name Description
Public method ContainsDefaultAction Obsolete. Indicates whether the entity contains a default action.
Public method ContainsLocalizedDisplayName Obsolete. Indicates whether the metadata object contains a localized display name. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public method CopyAclAcrossChildren Obsolete. A virtual method that is designed to copy the list of access control entries (ACEs) associated with the metadata object to all of its children metadata objects. Each individually securable metadata object inherits from this class and provides its own implementation of this method. (Inherited from IndividuallySecurableMetadataObject.)
Public method Delete Obsolete. Deletes the entity from the LobSystem object. (Overrides AccessControlledMetadataObject.Delete().)
Protected method DeleteInternal Obsolete. When overridden in a derived class, deletes the metadata object and all of its children as per the specified SQL command. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetAccessControlList Obsolete. A virtual method that is designed to return the list of access control entries (ACEs) associated with the metadata object registered in the Business Data Catalog. Each individually securable metadata object inherits from this class and provides its own implementation of this method. (Inherited from IndividuallySecurableMetadataObject.)
Public method GetAssociationView Obsolete. Gets the list of fields in the Association MethodInstance view of an entity
Public methodStatic member GetById Obsolete. Gets an entity given its ID.
Public method GetFinderView Obsolete. Represents the List of fields in the Finder view of an entity
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetIndividuallySecurableMetadataObjectChildren Obsolete. Gets the Method and MethodInstance objects defined for the entity. (Overrides IndividuallySecurableMetadataObject.GetIndividuallySecurableMetadataObjectChildren().)
Protected method GetNearestIndividuallySecurableMetadataObjectAncestor Obsolete. Returns the nearest individually securable ancestor. Of the 13 metadata objects, only LobSystem, Entity, Method, and MethodInstance have their own individually securable access control list (ACL). Other metadata objects inherit the ACL from their immediate individually securable parent. (Inherited from IndividuallySecurableMetadataObject.)
Public method GetSpecificFinderView Obsolete. Gets the list of fields in the SpecifcFinder view of an entity.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetViewDefinition Obsolete. Gets the definition for a specified ViewAccessor method.
Public method HasFinder Obsolete. Indicates whether the entity has a Finder method defined.
Public method HasSpecificFinder Obsolete. Indicates whether the entity has a SpecificFinder method defined.
Protected method IsPrimitive Obsolete. Indicates whether the metadata object is of the specified primitive type. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member MergeXml Obsolete.
Public method Read Obsolete. Reads an Entity object. (Overrides MetadataObject.Read().)
Protected method ReadInternal Obsolete. When overridden in a derived class, reads the metadata object from the metadata repository and creates an object. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public methodStatic member ReadXml Obsolete.
Public method SetAccessControlList Obsolete. Sets the access control list for an individually securable metadata object. (Inherited from IndividuallySecurableMetadataObject.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Update Obsolete. Updates an entity with the specified changes. (Overrides AccessControlledMetadataObject.Update().)
Protected method UpdateInternal Obsolete. Reserved for internal use. (Overrides MetadataObject.UpdateInternal(SqlCommand).)
Public method WriteXml Obsolete. (Overrides IndividuallySecurableMetadataObject.WriteXml(XmlWriter, PackageContents).)
Public method WriteXmlLocalizedNames Obsolete. Writes the specified XML fragment containing localized names in the metadata repository. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public method WriteXmlProperties Obsolete. Writes the specified XML fragment containing properties in the metadata repository. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public method WriteXmlSecurity(XmlWriter) Obsolete. Writes the XML fragment containing security information to the metadata repository. (Inherited from IndividuallySecurableMetadataObject.)
Public method WriteXmlSecurity(XmlWriter, PackageContents) Obsolete. Writes the XML fragment containing security information. (Inherited from AccessControlledMetadataObject.)



  Name Description
Protected field version Obsolete. Represents the version number of the metadata object. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)


See Also


Entity Class

Microsoft.Office.Server.ApplicationRegistry.Administration Namespace