Complex types in the SP namespace
Find complex types from the SP namespace that are used by the SharePoint REST interface.
Applies to: apps for SharePoint | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Online | SharePoint Server 2013
In this article
AppLicense complex type
AppLicenseCollection complex type
AppPrincipalConfiguration complex type
AppPrincipalCredentialReference complex type
BasePermissions complex type
CamlQuery complex type
ChangeLogItemQuery complex type
ChangeQuery complex type
ChangeToken complex type
ContentTypeCreationInformation complex type
ContentTypeId complex type
ContextWebInformation complex type
DocumentLibraryInformation complex type
EventReceiverDefinitionCreationInformation complex type
ExternalAppPrincipalCreationParameters complex type
FieldCalculatedErrorValue complex type
FieldCreationInformation complex type
FieldGeolocationValue complex type
FieldLookupValue complex type
FieldRatingScaleQuestionAnswer complex type
FieldUrlValue complex type
FieldUserValue complex type
FileCreationInformation complex type
GroupCreationInformation complex type
KeyValue complex type
Language complex type
ListDataSource complex type
ListDataValidationExceptionValue complex type
ListDataValidationFailure complex type
ListItemCollectionPosition complex type
ListItemCreationInformation complex type
ListItemFormUpdateValue complex type
MenuNode complex type
MenuState complex type
NavigationNodeCreationInformation complex type
RelatedItem complex type
RenderListDataParameters complex type
RoleDefinitionCreationInformation complex type
SimpleDataRow complex type
SimpleDataTable complex type
TimeZoneInformation complex type
UpgradeInfo complex type
UsageInfo complex type
UserCreationInformation complex type
UserIdInfo complex type
ViewCreationInformation complex type
WebCreationInformation complex type
WebInfoCreationInformation complex type
WebRequestInfo complex type
WebResponseInfo complex type
XmlSchemaFieldCreationInformation complex type
Implementation notes
In the REST interface, complex types are sent in the request body in POST, MERGE, and PUT requests and as method parameters, and they're returned as object and property data types.
AppLicense complex type
Represents an app license for the specified user for the specified app for SharePoint.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
RawXMLLicenseToken |
String |
Gets an XML fragment that represents the app license token, which contains license property information. |
true |
AppLicenseCollection complex type
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Items |
Collection(SP.AppLicense) |
A collection of app licenses. |
true |
AppPrincipalConfiguration complex type
The configuration associated with an app principal.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
ApplicationEndpointAuthorities |
Collection(String) |
The list of endpoint authorities exposed by the principal. |
true |
ApplicationPrincipalNames |
Collection(String) |
The list of names for the principal. |
true |
NameIdentifier |
String |
The name identifier of the principal. |
true |
RedirectAddresses |
Collection(String) |
The list of redirect addresses for the principal. |
true |
AppPrincipalCredentialReference complex type
Represents a reference to a credential for an app principal.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Id |
Guid |
The unique identifier of the principal. |
false |
NameIdentifier |
String |
The name identifier of the principal. |
true |
NotAfter |
DateTime |
The time when this key expires. |
false |
NotBefore |
DateTime |
The time when this key becomes valid. |
false |
BasePermissions complex type
Represents base permissions for a role definition.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
High |
Int64 |
The bitwise high-order boundary (higher 32 bits) of the permission. |
false |
Low |
Int64 |
The bitwise low-order boundary (lower 32 bits) of the permission. |
false |
CamlQuery complex type
Specifies a Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) query on a list or joined lists.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
DatesInUtc |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the query returns dates in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format. |
false |
FolderServerRelativeUrl |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the server relative URL of a list folder from which results will be returned. |
true |
ListItemCollectionPosition |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the information required to get the next page of data for the list view. |
true |
ViewXml |
String |
Gets or sets value that specifies the XML schema that defines the list view. |
true |
ChangeLogItemQuery complex type
Represents the input parameter of the GetListItemChangesSinceToken method.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
ChangeToken |
String |
The change token for the request. |
true |
Contains |
String |
The XML element that defines custom filtering for the query. |
true |
Query |
String |
The records from the list to return and their return order. |
true |
QueryOptions |
String |
The options for modifying the query. |
true |
RowLimit |
String |
The maximum number of items in the query to return per page. |
true |
ViewFields |
String |
The names of the fields to include in the query result. |
true |
ViewName |
String |
The GUID of the view. |
true |
ChangeQuery complex type
Defines a query that is performed against the change log.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Add |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether add changes are included in the query. |
false |
Alert |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether changes to alerts are included in the query. |
false |
ChangeTokenEnd |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the end date and end time for changes that are returned through the query. |
false |
ChangeTokenStart |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the start date and start time for changes that are returned through the query. |
false |
ContentType |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether changes to content types are included in the query. |
false |
DeleteObject |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether changes to content types are included in the query. |
false |
Field |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether changes to content types are included in the query. |
false |
File |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether changes to content types are included in the query. |
false |
Folder |
Boolean |
Gets or sets value that specifies whether changes to folders are included in the query. |
false |
Group |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether changes to groups are included in the query. |
false |
GroupMembershipAdd |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether adding users to groups is included in the query. |
false |
GroupMembershipDelete |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether deleting users from the groups is included in the query. |
false |
Item |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether general changes to list items are included in the query. |
false |
List |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether changes to lists are included in the query. |
false |
Move |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether move changes are included in the query. |
false |
Navigation |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether changes to the navigation structure of a site collection are included in the query. |
false |
Rename |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether renaming changes are included in the query. |
false |
Restore |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether restoring items from the recycle bin or from backups is included in the query. |
false |
RoleAssignmentAdd |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether adding role assignments is included in the query. |
false |
RoleAssignmentDelete |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether adding role assignments is included in the query. |
false |
RoleDefinitionAdd |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether adding role assignments is included in the query. |
false |
RoleDefinitionDelete |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether adding role assignments is included in the query. |
false |
RoleDefinitionUpdate |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether adding role assignments is included in the query. |
false |
SecurityPolicy |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether modifications to security policies are included in the query. |
false |
Site |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether changes to site collections are included in the query. |
false |
SystemUpdate |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether updates made using the item SystemUpdate method are included in the query. |
false |
Update |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether update changes are included in the query. |
false |
User |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether changes to users are included in the query. |
false |
View |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether changes to views are included in the query. |
false |
Web |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether changes to Web sites are included in the query. |
false |
ChangeToken complex type
Represents the unique sequential location of a change within the change log.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
StringValue |
String |
Gets or sets a string value that contains the serialized representation of the change token generated by the protocol server. |
true |
ContentTypeCreationInformation complex type
Specifies properties that are used as parameters to initialize a new content type.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Description |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the description of the content type that will be constructed. |
true |
Group |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the content type group of the content type that will be constructed. |
true |
Id |
String |
true |
Property name |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the name of the content type that will be constructed. |
true |
ContentTypeId complex type
Represents the content type identifier (ID) of a content type.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
StringValue |
String |
A string of hex characters that represents the content type ID. |
true |
ContextWebInformation complex type
The context information for a site.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
FormDigestTimeoutSeconds |
Int32 |
The amount of time in seconds that the form digest will timeout. |
false |
FormDigestValue |
String |
The form digest value. |
true |
LibraryVersion |
String |
The library version. |
true |
SiteFullUrl |
String |
The full URL of the site collection context. |
true |
SupportedSchemaVersions |
Collection(String) |
The supported client-side object model request schema version. |
true |
WebFullUrl |
String |
The full URL of the site context. |
true |
DocumentLibraryInformation complex type
Represents information about a document library.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Nullable |
Modified |
DateTime |
The last modified date. |
false |
ModifiedFriendlyDisplay |
String |
The friendly display for the last modified date. |
true |
ServerRelativeUrl |
String |
The server-relative URL of the document library. |
true |
Title |
String |
The title of the document library. |
true |
EventReceiverDefinitionCreationInformation complex type
Specifies event receiver creation information.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
EventType |
Int32 |
The type of event. See EventReceiverType in the .NET client object model reference for a list of values. |
false |
ReceiverAssembly |
String |
Specifies the strong name of the assembly that is used for receiving events. |
true |
ReceiverClass |
String |
Specifies a string that represents the class that is used for receiving events. |
true |
ReceiverName |
String |
Specifies the name of the event receiver. |
true |
ReceiverUrl |
String |
Specifies the URL of a web service that is used for receiving events. |
true |
SequenceNumber |
Int32 |
Specifies an integer that represents the relative sequence of the event. |
false |
Synchronization |
Int32 |
Specifies the execution synchronization of the event receiver. |
false |
ExternalAppPrincipalCreationParameters complex type
Represents the object that encapsulates all parameters used to create a new external app principal.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
AppIdentifier |
String |
The unique identifier of the app principal. |
true |
ApplicationEndpointAuthorities |
Collection(String) |
The list of hostname[:port] that expose app endpoints. |
true |
DisplayName |
String |
The display name of the app principal. |
true |
RedirectAddresses |
Collection(String) |
The redirect addresses. |
true |
TrustedForDelegation |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the app principal is trusted for delegation. |
false |
FieldCalculatedErrorValue complex type
Represents the value of the calculated field of a list item when the value of the field is a calculation error, such as division by zero or overflow.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
ErrorMessage |
String |
Gets the error message of a calculated field. |
true |
FieldCreationInformation complex type
Represents properties that can be set when creating a field.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Choices |
Collection(String) |
The values that are available for selection in the field. |
true |
IsCompactName |
Boolean |
Indicates whether only the first eight characters are used for the field name. |
false |
LookupFieldName |
String |
The name of the source lookup field. |
true |
LookupListId |
Guid |
The ID of the target list for the source lookup field. |
false |
LookupWebId |
Guid |
The ID of the site that contains the list that is the source for the lookup field value. |
false |
Required |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the field requires a value. |
false |
Title |
String |
Gets or sets value that specifies the display name of the field. |
true |
FieldTypeKind |
Int32 |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the type of the field. |
false |
FieldGeolocationValue complex type
Represents altitude, latitude, longitude and measure values for a geolocation field.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Altitude |
Double |
The user-defined altitude value for a geolocation field. |
false |
Latitude |
Double |
The latitude value for a geolocation field. |
false |
Longitude |
Double |
The longitude value for a geolocation field. |
false |
Measure |
Double |
The user-defined measure value for a geolocation field. |
false |
FieldLookupValue complex type
Specifies the value of a lookup for a field within a list item.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
LookupId |
Int32 |
Gets or sets the identifier (ID) of the list item that this instance of the lookup field is referring to. |
false |
LookupValue |
String |
Gets a summary of the list item that this instance of the lookup field is referring to. |
true |
FieldRatingScaleQuestionAnswer complex type
Represents a specific sub question and answer within a rating scale field of a list item.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Answer |
Int32 |
Gets or sets value that specifies the answer for a sub question. |
false |
Question |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies a sub question within a rating scale. |
true |
FieldUrlValue complex type
Specifies the hyperlink and the description values for FieldURL.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Description |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the description for the URI. |
true |
Url |
String |
Specifies the URI. |
true |
FieldUserValue complex type
Represents the value of a user field for a list item. Inherits from SP.FieldLookupValue.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
LookupId |
Int32 |
The user ID that the value of a lookup field for user data represents. |
false |
LookupValue |
String |
The user that the value of a lookup field for user data represents. |
true |
FileCreationInformation complex type
Represents properties that can be set when creating a file by using the FileCollection.Add method.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Content |
Binary |
The binary content of the file. |
true |
Overwrite |
Boolean |
Indicates whether to overwrite an existing file with the same name and in the same location as the one being added. |
false |
Url |
String |
The URL of the file. |
true |
GroupCreationInformation complex type
An object used to facilitate creation of a cross-site group.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Description |
String |
Gets or sets a string that contains the description of the group to be created. |
true |
Title |
String |
Gets or sets a string that contains the name of the group to be created. |
true |
KeyValue complex type
Represents a dictionary of key and value pairs.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Key |
String |
The key. |
true |
Value |
String |
The value. |
true |
ValueType |
String |
The value type. |
true |
Language complex type
Represents a natural language used within the context of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
DisplayName |
String |
Represents a natural language used within the context of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation. |
true |
LanguageTag |
String |
Gets the language tag for this language. |
true |
Lcid |
Int32 |
Gets the locale identifier (LCID) for the language. |
false |
ListDataSource complex type
Represents information associated with a connection to an external data source.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Properties |
Collection(SP.KeyValue) |
Gets the properties associated with the connection to the data source. |
true |
ListDataValidationExceptionValue complex type
The exception that is thrown when the data for a list field or list item fails validation.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
FieldFailures |
Collection(SP.ListDataValidationFailure) |
The validation failures for a field. |
true |
ItemFailure |
The validation failures for a list item. |
true |
ListDataValidationFailure complex type
Describes a specific validation failure when a list item is inserted or updated.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
DisplayName |
String |
Gets the title of the list or the display name of the field where validation failed. |
true |
Message |
String |
Gets a message with information about the failure. |
true |
Name |
String |
Gets the field name or list ID where validation failed. |
true |
Reason |
Int32 |
Gets the reason for the failure. |
false |
ValidationType |
Int32 |
Describes the type of validation that caused the failure. |
false |
ListItemCollectionPosition complex type
Specifies the information required to get the next page of data for a list view.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
PagingInfo |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies information, as name-value pairs, required to get the next page of data for a list view. |
true |
ListItemCreationInformation complex type
Specifies the properties of the new list item.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
FolderUrl |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the folder for the new list item. |
true |
LeafName |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the name of the new list item. It must be the name of the file if the parent list of the list item is a document library. |
true |
UnderlyingObjectType |
Int32 |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the new list item is a file or a folder. |
false |
ListItemFormUpdateValue complex type
Represents properties of a list item field and its value.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
ErrorMessage |
String |
The error message result after validating the value for the field. |
true |
FieldName |
String |
The internal name of the field. |
true |
FieldValue |
String |
The value of the field. |
true |
HasException |
Boolean |
Indicates whether there was an error result after validating the value for the field. |
false |
MenuNode complex type
Represents a navigation node in the navigation hierarchy. A navigation hierarchy is a tree structure of navigation nodes.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
CustomProperties |
Collection(SP.KeyValue) |
Node properties. |
true |
FriendlyUrlSegment |
String |
The URL of the navigation node relative to the URL of the parent navigation node. |
true |
IsHidden |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the node is hidden in the navigation menu. During editing, all nodes temporarily become visible. |
false |
Key |
String |
The identifier for the navigation node in the menu tree. |
true |
Nodes |
Collection(SP.MenuNode) |
The child nodes. |
true |
NodeType |
Int32 |
The type of the navigation node. |
false |
SimpleUrl |
String |
The relative or absolute URL of the navigation node. Site-relative URLs can start with the "~site" token and site collection-relative URLs can start with the "~sitecollection" token. Applies only to SimpleLink node types. |
true |
Title |
String |
The title of the navigation node. |
true |
MenuState complex type
Represents the menu state of the default SiteMapProvider ("SPSiteMapProvider") where the dump starts at the site's root node with a depth of 10 levels.
The following parameters are available for querying the menu state:
menuNodeKey |
The key of the start node. If no key is provided, the root node is used. |
depth |
The depth of the dump. Default is 10. |
customProperties |
(Optionally implemented by a site map data provider.) A comma-separated list of custom properties to return. Use the "\" character to escape a comma separator within a property. |
mapProviderName |
Specifies which provider on the site is selected. If no SiteMapProvider used, "CurrentNavSiteMapProviderNoEncode" is used. |
Example requests:
http://<site url>/_api/navigation/menustate?menuNodeKey='1006'&depth=5 returns the menu state of the "SPSiteMapProvider," starting with the node with the key 1006 with a depth of 5.
http://<site url>/_api/navigation/menustate?depth=5&mapProviderName='CurrentNavSiteMapProviderNoEncode' returns the menu state of "CurrentNavSiteMapProviderNoEncode" from the root node of the provider with a depth of 5.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
FriendlyUrlPrefix |
String |
Specifies the site collection-relative URL for the root node of the menu tree. |
true |
Nodes |
Collection(SP.MenuNode) |
The child nodes of the root node of the menu tree. |
true |
SimpleUrl |
String |
The relative or absolute URL of the navigation node. Site-relative URLs can begin with the "~site" URL token and site collection-relative URLs can begin with the "~sitecollection" URL token. Applies only to SimpleLink node types. |
true |
SPSitePrefix |
String |
The string that replaces the "~sitecollection" token in site collection-relative links. For example, to get the Try Link command to work with the relative link ~sitecollection/Pages/MyPage.aspx, this value might be |
true |
SPWebPrefix |
String |
The string that replaces the "~site" token in site-relative links. For example, to get the Try Link command to work with the relative link ~site/Pages/MyPage.aspx, this value might be |
true |
StartingNodeKey |
String |
The identifier of the root node in the menu tree. |
true |
StartingNodeTitle |
String |
The title of the root node in the menu tree. (Example: "Document Center") |
true |
Version |
String |
An implementation-specific value that the server uses to detect external changes. For example, it could be a change timestamp for the database or a monotonically increasing version number such as "2009-06-15T20:45:30Z". |
true |
NavigationNodeCreationInformation complex type
Describes a new navigation node to be created.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
AsLastNode |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the navigation node will be created as the last node in the collection. |
false |
IsExternal |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the navigation node URL potentially corresponds to pages outside of the site collection. |
false |
Title |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the anchor text for the node navigation link. |
true |
Url |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the URL to be stored with the navigation node. |
true |
RelatedItem complex type
Property name |
Type |
Description |
IconUrl |
String |
true |
ItemId |
Int32 |
false |
ListId |
String |
true |
Title |
String |
true |
Url |
String |
true |
WebId |
String |
true |
RenderListDataParameters complex type
Represents the parameters to use to render list data as a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
FolderServerRelativeUrl |
String |
The URL of the folder to return items from. |
true |
Paging |
String |
The paging information. |
true |
ViewXml |
String |
The Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) view XML. |
true |
RoleDefinitionCreationInformation complex type
Contains properties that are used as parameters to initialize a role definition.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
BasePermissions |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the permissions for the role definition. |
true |
Description |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies a description of the role definition. |
true |
Property name |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the name of the role definition. |
true |
Order |
Int32 |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the order in which roles are displayed. |
false |
SimpleDataRow complex type
Represents a row in a data table.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Cells |
Collection(SP.KeyValue) |
The row cells. |
true |
SimpleDataTable complex type
Represents a data table.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Rows |
Collection(SP.SimpleDataRow) |
The rows in the table. |
true |
TimeZoneInformation complex type
Represents information about a time zone.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Bias |
Int32 |
The number of minutes that the time zone differs from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). A positive value indicates that the time zone is behind UTC. |
false |
DaylightBias |
Int32 |
The number of minutes added to the bias during Daylight Savings Time. |
false |
StandardBias |
Int32 |
The number of minutes added to the Bias outside of Daylight Savings Time. |
false |
UpgradeInfo complex type
Represents the site collection upgrade information.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
ErrorFile |
String |
The location of the file that contains upgrade errors. |
true |
Errors |
Int32 |
The number of errors encountered during the site collection upgrade. |
false |
LastUpdated |
DateTime |
The DateTime of the latest upgrade progress update. |
false |
LogFile |
String |
The location of the file that contains upgrade log. |
true |
RequestDate |
DateTime |
The DateTime when the site collection upgrade was requested. |
false |
RetryCount |
Int32 |
The number of times the site collection upgrade was attempted. |
false |
StartTime |
DateTime |
The DateTime when the site collection upgrade was started. |
false |
Status |
Int32 |
The current status of the site collection upgrade. |
false |
UpgradeType |
Int32 |
The type of upgrade for the site collection. The type can be either a build to build upgrade (value = 0), or a version to version upgrade (value = 1). |
false |
Warnings |
Int32 |
The number of warnings encountered during the site collection upgrade. |
false |
UsageInfo complex type
Provides fields that are used to access information about site collection usage.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Bandwidth |
Int64 |
Gets a value that specifies the cumulative bandwidth, in bytes, used by the site collection during an implementation specific period. |
false |
DiscussionStorage |
Int64 |
Gets a value that specifies the total amount of disk space, in bytes, currently being used to store Web discussion comments in the site collection. |
false |
Hits |
Int64 |
Gets a value that specifies the cumulative number of requests for pages in the site collection during an implementation specific period. |
false |
Storage |
Int64 |
Gets a value that specifies the total amount of disk space, in bytes, currently being used by the site collection. |
false |
StoragePercentageUsed |
Double |
Gets a value that specifies the ratio of the amount of disk space currently being used by the site collection to the maximum disk space specified in the site collection quota. |
false |
Visits |
Int64 |
Gets a value that specifies the cumulative number of requests for pages in the site collection, with no referring URL, or a referring URL outside of the current site collection during an implementation specific period. |
false |
UserCreationInformation complex type
Parameters to invite a user.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the e-mail address for the user to be created. |
true |
LoginName |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the login name for the user to be created. |
true |
Title |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the display name for the user to be created. |
true |
UserIdInfo complex type
Represents an identity provider’s unique identifier information.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
NameId |
String |
The identity provider’s unique identifier. |
true |
NameIdIssuer |
String |
The identity provider’s display name as registered in a farm. |
true |
ViewCreationInformation complex type
Specifies the properties used to create a new list view.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Paged |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the new list view is a paged view. |
false |
PersonalView |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the new list view is a personal view. If the value is false, the new list view is a public view. |
false |
Query |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the query for the new list view. |
true |
RowLimit |
Int32 |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the maximum number of list items that the new list view displays on a visual page of the list view. |
false |
SetAsDefaultView |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the new list view is the default list view. |
false |
Title |
String |
Gets or sets the value that specifies the display name of the new list view. |
true |
ViewFields |
Collection(String) |
Gets or sets the value that specifies the collection of field internal names for the list fields in the new list view. |
true |
ViewTypeKind |
Int32 |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the type of the new list view. |
false |
WebCreationInformation complex type
Specifies the properties of a new site.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Description |
String |
Gets or sets the description of the new site. |
true |
Language |
Int32 |
Gets or sets the locale ID that specifies the language of the new site. |
false |
Title |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the title of the new site. |
true |
Url |
String |
Gets or sets the URL leaf name of the new site. The URL must not contain the following: |
true |
UseSamePermissionsAsParentSite |
Boolean |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the new site will inherit permissions from its parent site. |
false |
WebTemplate |
String |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the name of the site template to be used for creating the new site. Use the GetAvailableWebTemplates method to get the names of available web templates on the site. |
true |
WebInfoCreationInformation complex type
Represents metadata about site creation.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Description |
String |
The description of the site. |
true |
Language |
Int32 |
A valid language code identifier (LCID) of the language to use on the site. |
false |
Title |
String |
The title of the site. |
true |
Url |
String |
The URL of the site. The URL must not contain the following: |
true |
UseUniquePermissions |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the site inherits permissions from its parent. |
false |
WebTemplate |
String |
The name of the site template that is used to create the site. |
true |
WebRequestInfo complex type
Represents the data from the caller needed to make the outbound web request.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Body |
String |
Gets or sets the body of the HTTP request message. |
true |
Headers |
Collection(SP.KeyValue) |
Gets or sets a dictionary containing the name-value pairs for the headers to send in the HTTP request. |
true |
Method |
String |
Gets or sets the HTTP method for the web request. |
true |
Url |
String |
Gets or sets the URL for the web request. |
true |
WebResponseInfo complex type
Contains a copy of the third-party service response.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Body |
String |
Gets or sets the body of the HTTP response. |
true |
Headers |
Collection(SP.KeyValue) |
Gets or sets the headers of the HTTP response. |
true |
StatusCode |
Int32 |
Gets or sets the status code of the HTTP response. |
false |
XmlSchemaFieldCreationInformation complex type
Represents properties that can be set when creating a field.
Property name |
Type |
Description |
Options |
Int32 |
The options to use to add to the field. See AddFieldOptions in the .NET client object model reference for a list of values. |
false |
SchemaXml |
String |
A Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) string that contains the schema. |
true |
Implementation notes
For Nullable type parameters, a null value may be specified by not including the parameter in the query string of the URI.
See also
REST API reference and samples
Other resources
Get started with the SharePoint 2013 REST service
How to: Complete basic operations using SharePoint 2013 REST endpoints