Overview: Change Tokens, Object Types, and Change Types
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Each time the Change Log is queried for changes, it returns a change token. This change token corresponds to a database entry up to which the querying client has been synchronized.
The change token uses the following format:
Enum1*; Enum2; Guid; Time; *ChangeNumber
Where the following values are indicated:
EEnum1: Integer corresponding to the changed object type (for example, SPChangeSite, or SPChangeList).
EEnum2: Integer corresponding to the changed event type (for example, Add, Delete, or Update.).
GGuid: GUID of the object that was changed.
TTime: Time the object was changed.
CChangeNumber: ID of the EventCache table or the change number.
1; 1; 0ac863f6-3a07-4d5e-bd07-78bebb0a34f1; 633033246547900000; 217
For an incremental synchronization, the client must pass in a change token. If a change token is not passed, the Change Log API returns a batch of 1000 changes, which can then be used for further iterations to get more changes.
Object Types
The Change Log records changes to the following SharePoint objects: Item, List, Web, Site, File, Folder, Alert, User, Group, Contenttype, Field, SecurityPolicy, and Views.
Change Types
The Change Log records the following types of changes: Add, Update, Delete, Rename, Moves, Restore, RoleAdd, RoleUpdate, RoleDelete, AssignmentAdd, AssignmentDelete; SystemModify, MemberAdd, MemberDelete, and Navigation.