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NameCtrl.ShowOOUI Method

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Displays an on-object UI for a specified user name and is typically used with the onmouseover event.

expression.ShowOOUI(bstrName, iInputType, xLeft, yTop)



An expression that returns a NameCtrl Control object.


Required String. Contains the logon name of the user (for example,


Required Long. Indicates whether the user moved the pointer over a name (in other words, whether the HTML <DIV> tag on the page received the onmouseover event) or used the keyboard to put focus on the name (the HTML <DIV> tag received the onfocusin event).


Required Long. Specifies in pixels the x-coordinate of the location to display the on-object UI relative to the top-left corner of the application window.


Required Long. Specifies in pixels the y-coordinate of the location to display the on-object UI relative to the top-left corner of the application window.


If a name is in a cell of a top-level table, and the body of the page has id = main, the top coordinate is:

obj.offsetTop + obj.offsetParent.offsetTop – main.scrollTop