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OpenDocuments Members

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An OpenDocuments Control control is an ActiveX control that allows users to create documents based on a specified template, or to edit documents with their associated applications in the context of Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services.

The following table lists the members exposed by the OpenDocuments control.

Public Methods



OpenDocuments.CheckinDocument Method

Checks in the specified document to a library.

OpenDocuments.CheckoutDocumentPrompt Method

Checks out a document from a library.

OpenDocuments.CreateNewDocument Method

Creates a document based on the specified document template.

OpenDocuments.CreateNewDocument2 Method

Creates a document based on the specified document template and window object.

OpenDocuments.DiscardLocalCheckout Method

Discards the check out of a document to the client computer and deletes the local draft.

OpenDocuments.EditDocument Method

Opens the specified document for editing with its associated application or with the specified editor.

OpenDocuments.EditDocument2 Method

Opens the specified document for editing with its associated application or with the specified editor based on the specified window object.

OpenDocuments.EditDocument3 Method

Opens the specified document for editing with its associated application or with the specified editor based on the specified window object, and specifies whether to use a local copy.

OpenDocuments.NewBlogPost Method

Creates a new blog post in the editing application.

OpenDocuments.PromptedOnLastOpen Method

Used with the OpenDocuments.CreateNewDocument2 Method method to determine whether the security dialog box that appears when a document is opened has already appeared.

OpenDocuments.ViewDocument Method

Opens the document for reading instead of editing, so that the document is not locked on the server.

OpenDocuments.ViewDocument2 Method

Opens the document for reading instead of editing, so that the document is not locked on the server and in a specified window.

OpenDocuments.ViewDocument3 Method

Opens the document for reading instead of editing, so that the document is not locked on the server in a specified window, and with a specified type.

OpenDocuments.ViewInExcel Method

Queries Excel Web Services relative to the specified Web site URL to retrieve an Excel stream and opens the stream in a spreadsheet application.