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List Template

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List templates define how to provision particular list types and the content types associated with them, and include the following files:

  • Feature.xml file that identifies the list.

  • Elements file that defines the list template.

  • Schema.xml file that contains the list definition.

List Schema Definitions

A list schema definition constitutes a base definition of a list and defines the fields, views, forms, and toolbar for the list, as well as specifying the content types associated with the list schema.

Content type definitions cascade to all subsites beneath a site; for example, a list at http://Top_Site/sites/Site/Subsite can refer to a content type declared at a higher level parent site in the collection. Lists can either be bound to a single content type, thereby creating a traditional Windows SharePoint Services schema–bound list, or to multiple content types, which creates a heterogeneous list. Regardless of its binding, you should declare the schema in a content type that is stored externally to the list. Because forms are associated with content types, they are declared within content type definitions.

Possible scopes:

  • Farm: No

  • Web Application: No

  • Site Collection: Yes

  • Web Site: Yes


When a feature that contains a list schema is activated, that list schema is available for creation within the site or site collection.

For more information about the file format of Schema.xml files, see List Definition (Schema.xml) Files.