meta_info Parameter
This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.
Data Type: String vector
Contains the Successful Return Values and meta-key values for the Web site that are set within the client application.
The meta_info parameter for the set service meta-info Method method contains the following meta-keys:
[vti_defaultcharset Meta-key ;SR|iso-8859-1;
vti_ignorekeyboard Meta-key ;IR|0;
vti_defaultlanguage Meta-key ;SR|en;
vti_navbuttonuplabel Meta-key ;SR|Up;
vti_navbuttonnextlabel Meta-key ;SR|Next;
vti_navbuttonhomelabel Meta-key ;SR|Home;
vti_navbuttonprevlabel Meta-key ;SR|Back].
Meta-keys can vary widely from this example. Also note that meta-key values appear on the same line as the meta-key. Meta-key return values appear as bulleted items in the display.