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Document Libraries

Document libraries have the same basic schema as generic lists: The metadata is stored in the List of Lists table and the document library data is stored in the individual document library tables. One key difference is that all document library lists contain a URL field that points to the document. As for lists, the actual URL is stored in the URLs table (DocMd).

The following tables are used in document libraries:

  • Lists of Lists: The same list metadata table as for the other lists. This table contains the metadata about each document library. There is one List of Lists table per database.
  • Document Library Tables: Each document library is stored in its own table. This table stores the selected properties of each document in the document library, along with a link to the URLs table that contains the hyperlink to the actual document. Each document library appears in the List of Lists table just as any other list. There is one document library table per list.
  • URLs (DocMd) Table: The URLs table is a system table that holds all the hyperlinks on the SharePoint team Web site. Centralizing all URLs in a single table makes it very easy to repair links. There is one URLs table per database.

The following illustration shows the operations between tables in a document library.

Storage of Document Properties

Document properties are organized into two categories, which determine where the property is stored and how users set and interact with the properties:

  • Document Library Properties: document properties prompted to the database. All documents in a library contain these properties. Document library properties are stored in a document-library-specific table in the database and in the Microsoft FrontPage metadata store. Users can query on these properties only within a document library. Examples include Title, Author, Creation Date, Category, Modified Date, and Review Status.
  • Other Document Properties: properties unique to a document. These properties are not stored in the database at all. They are only stored in the FrontPage metadata files and/or in the document itself. Users cannot query on any of these properties via the SharePoint Team Services interface. Examples include the properties that support the FrontPage client (vti_donotedit, vti_hasruntimebots, and vti_linkinfo) and any other property that does not exist in the document library.

See Also

Overview of the SharePoint Team Services Database

List Data Types

Using SQL with the SharePoint Team Services Database