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URL Element

The URL element renders the URL of a particular form for a specified list.


  Cmd = "Text">


Name Description
Cmd Optional Text. Specifies the display mode appropriate for the form. Can be one of the following values for DisplayMode: Display, DisplayHead, Edit, New, PreviewDisplay, PreviewEdit, PreviewNew. This attribute can also be set to LookUp, which is used during field rendering to return the display form in the foreign list for a lookup field.
Parent Elements
Default, DisplayPattern, Else, ListFormButtons, RenderPattern, ScriptQuote, Toolbar


Since links returned by this element are absolute URLs and already encoded, there is no need to use the URLEncodeAsURL element.


As an example, when the following list has been set,


the following URL elements generate the appropriate URLs for the Announcements list.

  • <ows:URL Cmd="EDIT"/> renders "http://server/Lists/Announcements/EditForm.htm"
  • <ows:URL Cmd="NEW"/> renders "http://server/Lists/Announcements/NewForm.htm"
  • <ows:URL Cmd="DISPLAY"/> renders "http://server/Lists/Announcements/DispForm.htm"

See Also
