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The FILTERED_DATA_SOURCES structure specifies parameters for a data source for which an IFilter is loaded. This data structure is used by methods of the LoadFilter object.

typedef struct _FILTERED_DATA_SOURCE {  WCHAR const *pwcsExtension;
  WCHAR const *pwcsMime;
  CLSID const *pClsid;
  WCHAR const *pwcsOverride;

The following table shows the members of the FILTERED_DATA_SOURCES structure, with a brief description of each.

Member Data Type Description
pwcsExtension Pointer to a WCHAR Contains a file name extension
pwcsMime Pointer to a WCHAR Contains the name of a MIME type
pClsid Pointer to a CLSID Contains a Class ID identifying the content type
pwcsOverride Pointer to a WCHAR Contains an override string

The FILTERED_DATA_SOURCES structure can hold one file content identifier of each type. If the pwcsOverride parameter is not null, the load methods will search first under the override area for a matching string. If pwcsOverride is a null string, then the IFilters that are not overridden will be searched. In both cases, the IFilters for the file extension or MIME type are searched first, followed by the Class ID. If no suitable IFilter is found, then the default IFilter is checked.

The following methods of the LoadFilter object use this structure: