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CreateAccessor Method

The CreateAccessor method creates a UrlAccessor object to process the item currently being accessed by the Gatherer. This method is called once for every URL processed by the Gatherer and returns a pointer to the UrlAccessor object to the Filter Daemon.

HRESULT CreateAccessor(
AUTHENTICATION_INFO* pAuthenticationInfo,
INCREMENTAL_ACCESS_INFO* pIncrementalAccessInfo,
  • pcwszURL
    [in] Pointer to a LPCWSTR that contains the URL of the item being accessed.
  • pAuthernticationInfo
    [in] Pointer to an AUTHENTICATION_INFO data structure that contains authentication information necessary for accessing this item in the content source.
  • pIncrementalAccessInfo
    [in] Pointer to an INCREMENTAL_ACCESS_INFO data structure that contains incremental access information, such as the last time the file was accessed by the Gatherer.
  • pItemInfo
    [in] Pointer to an ITEM_INFO data structure that contains information about the URL item, such as the name of the item's workspace catalog.
  • ppAccessor
    [out, retval] Address of a pointer to the UrlAccessor object created by this method.
Return Value

For a list of error messages returned by SharePoint Portal Server Protocol Handlers, see ErrorMessages.


This method must be re-entrant because it will be called in multiple threads. However, once the UrlAccessor is created, the UrlAccessor will only be called by one thread.


To see this method in a fuller context, see Protocol Handler Sample.