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Error Messages

The following table shows error messages for the subscription management objects, with a brief description for each.

Error Value Description
PKM_E_NPI_DUPLICATE_SUBSCRIPTION 0x80043109 Subscription already exists for specified item.
PKM_E_NPI_FAIL 0x80043107 Failure in the Subscriptions plug-in.
PKM_E_NPI_NOT_INITIALIZED 0x80043108 The Subscriptions plug-in was not initialized.
PKM_E_NPI_SUBSCRIPTIONS_DISABLED 0x8004310a Subscriptions disabled for this workspace.
PKM_SUBS_E_FAILED_IN_PQS 0x80043106 Subscription could not be created due to failure in Persistent Query Engine. Can indicate syntax error in the PQS query, or that PQS ran out of memory.
PKM_SUBS_E_RESULTSTORE_NOT_INITIALIZED 0x80043103 Subscription result store was not initialized. Check that the Search, Exchange, and SharePoint Portal Server (MSDMServ) services are started.
PKM_SUBS_E_USER_SUBSCRIPTIONS_QUOTA_EXCEEDED 0x80043104 User subscription quota was exceeded.
PKM_SUBS_E_WORKSPACE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_QUOTA_EXCEEDED 0x80043105 Workspace subscription quota was exceeded.