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PKMCDO Error Messages

The following table shows the possible error messages for the Document Management Object Model with the value and a brief description of each.

Error Value Description
E_PKM_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID_VALUE_ADDITION 0x80040404L Cannot add value to the property. The value is already present in the property.
E_PKM_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID_VALUE_DELETION 0x80040405L Cannot remove a value from the property. The property does not contain the specified value.
E_PKM_BIZPROP_NOT_FOUND 0x80040408L Property not found for the specified Absolute URL.
E_PKM_CONTENTCLASS_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_ADDITION 0x80040402L Cannot add property to the content class. The property is already present in the content class.
E_PKM_CONTENTCLASS_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_DELETION 0x80040403L Cannot remove property from the content class. The content class does not contain the specified property.
E_PKM_CONTENTCLASS_INVALID_INHERITED_ATTRIBUTE_REMOVAL 0x80040401L Cannot delete an inherited property from a content class.
E_PKM_DUPLICATE_BIZPROPURL_FOUND 0x80040407L Duplicate URL found for the property.
E_PKM_IMPORT_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x8004040CL Import failed because the file '%1' was not found.
E_PKM_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_DELETION 0x8004040EL Cannot delete the specified property; it is currently used by a content class.
E_PKM_INVALID_CONTENTCLASS 0x80040409L Invalid content class for the object type.
E_PKM_INVALID_SHADOW_WORKSPACE_URL 0xC004040FL The index workspace cannot be on the same computer as the destination workspace.
E_PKM_MOVE_TO_FULL_URL_NOT_ALLOWED 0x8004040DL Move operation to outside the current folder is not allowed for this object type.
E_PKM_MULTIPLE_ROOT_CONTENT_CLASSES 0x8004040BL Invalid configuration. Multiple root content classes were found.
E_PKM_NO_PARENT 0x80040406L Cannot go to the parent object from the root object.
E_PKM_NO_ROOT_CONTENT_CLASS 0x8004040AL Invalid configuration. No root content class was found.