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UndoCheckout Method

The UndoCheckout method releases the edit reservation on the document without changing the existing version or the version number.

Function UndoCheckout( _varUrls As Variant, _
    [flags As Long] _)As _Recordset[C++]
HRESULT UndoCheckout(
    _Recordset **ppResultsSet);

[Visual Basic]

  • varUrls
    Variant that contains an array of Variants. Each Variant in the array contains a String that contains the URL of a document. Only one document can be specified.
  • flags
    Long that contains the bit mask that indicates whether to use ServerXMLHTTP or WININET to send the request. See EnumKnowledge_VersioningFlags for possible values.
Return Values

This method returns an ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) recordset that contains the version. All recordsets returned by PKMCDO have RecordCount equal to -1. Instead of relying on the count, call MoveNext in a loop that checks for Recordset.EOF. The records that are returned contain fields in addition to the fields specific to the content class of the item. For more information about the properties returned, see SharePoint Portal Server Global Properties. For information about the format of the returned recordset, see Recordset Format.

Error Values

If an error is raised, Err.Number is set to one of the values documented on the Error Messages page.


  • varUrls
    [in] VARIANT that contains an array of VARIANTs. Each VARIANT in the array contains a BSTR that contains the URL of a document. Only one document can be specified.

  • flags
    LONG that contains the bit mask that indicates whether to use ServerXMLHTTP or WININET to send the request. See EnumKnowledge_VersioningFlags for possible values.

  • ppResultsSet
    [out, retval] Address of a pointer to an ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) recordset that contains the version. All recordsets returned by PKMCDO have RecordCount equal to -1. Instead of relying on the count, call MoveNext in a loop that checks for Recordset.EOF.

    The records that are returned contain fields in addition to the fields specific to the content class of the item. For more information about the properties returned, see SharePoint Portal Server Global Properties.For information about the format of the returned recordset, see Recordset Format.

Return Values

For a list of error messages returned by SharePoint Portal Server, see Error Messages.