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The UserProfile Service Web service in SharePoint Portal Server that provides a user profile interface for remote clients.

Public Constructors

The following table shows the constructors of the UserProfile Service and a brief description of each.

Name Description
UserProfileService Initializes a new instance of the UserProfile Service.

Protected Methods

The following table shows the protected methods of the UserProfile Service and a brief description of each.

Name Description
Dispose(Boolean) Reserved for internal use.
GetUserProfileByGuid(String) Gets user profile property information by Guid.
GetUserProfileByIndex(Int32) Gets user profile property information by index.
GetUserProfileByName(String) Gets user profile property information by account name.
GetUserProfileSchema Gets information about each user profile property.


Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.UserProfiles

Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Assembly: Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal (in Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.dll)

Web Reference: http://server_name/_vti_bin/UserProfileService.asmx

Security: Code Access Security

GetUserProfileByIndexResult | PropertyData | PropertyInfo