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NotificationManager Class

The NotificationManager class manages notifications for alerts on a portal site.



Public Constructors

The following table shows the constructors of the NotificationManager class and a brief description of each.

Name Description
NotificationManager(Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.PortalContext) Initializes a new instance of the NotificationManager class with the specified reference to a PortalContent object that represents the current portal site.

Public Methods

The following table shows the methods of the NotificationManager class and a brief description of each.

Name Description
Notify(Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Alerts.NotificationSeed, Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Alerts.DeliveryChannelSettings) Posts a notification request to the notification queue.

Public Properties

The following table shows the properties of the NotificationManager class, the data type of each property, and a brief description of each.

Name Data type Description
Configuration Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Alerts.NotificationServerConfiguration Gets a reference to a NotificationServerConfiguration object.
Schedule Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Alerts.NotificationManager.NotificationSchedule Gets a reference to a NotificationManager.NotificationSchedule object.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are safe for multithreaded operations. Instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.


Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Alerts

Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Assembly: Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal (in Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.dll)

Security: Code Access Security