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SpeechControlSettings Remarks

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

The SpeechControlSettings control is a collection of SpeechControlSettingsItem controls that enable application authors to specify properties of all Speech Controls on the page.

A SpeechControlSettings control can contain more than one SpeechControlSettingsItem control. Application authors can create a SpeechControlSettingsItem control for each application modality that requires a different set of Speech Controls properties. For example, an application might define one SpeechControlSettingsItem control for processing calls from a land-line telephone, and another for processing calls from a wireless phone. In this case, the settings for wireless calls might specify longer timeouts and higher levels of recognition confidence, in order to compensate for potential differences in signal quality.

The control throws an exception if the control contains an object which is not a SpeechControlSettingsItem object.


<form id="WebForm1" method="post" runat="server">
  <speech:SpeechControlSettings id="SpeechControlSettings1" runat="server">
      <Speech:SpeechControlSettingsItem id="PromptDBSettings" runat="server">
              <Speech:PromptDatabase Source="Grammars/Prompts.PROMPTS" />

See Also

SpeechControlSettings Class | SpeechControlSettings Constructor | SpeechControlSettings Members | SpeechControlSettings Properties | SpeechControlSettings Methods | SpeechControlSettings Events