White Paper: Exchange Management Shell
David Strome, Technical Writer, Microsoft Exchange Server
February 2007
This white paper introduces the Exchange Management Shell to individuals who administer Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.
Applies To
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
Table of Contents
Features of the Exchange Management Shell
Using the Exchange Management Shell
Getting Help
Understanding Cmdlets
WhatIf, Confirm, and ValidateOnly Parameters
Modifying Multivalued Properties
Working with Command Output
Comparison Operators
User-Defined Variables
Shell Variables
Structured Data
Script Security
Scripting with the Exchange Management Shell
Sample Output
Exchange Management Shell Tips of the Day
The Exchange Management Shell, built on Microsoft Windows PowerShell technology, provides administrators a powerful command-line interface that they can use to administer Exchange 2007. With the Exchange Management Shell, administrators can manage every aspect of Exchange 2007. They can enable new e-mail accounts and configure Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) connectors, store database properties, transport agents, and more. The Exchange Management Shell can perform every task that can be performed by Exchange Management Console in addition to tasks that can't be performed in the Exchange Management Console. In fact, when a task is performed in the Exchange Management Console, the same command is made available to the Exchange Management Shell and is called to process the request. For more information about the new Exchange Management Console, see New Administration Functionality in the Exchange Management Shell.
Objectives and acknowledgements Much of the information in this white paper originally appeared as individual Help topics in the Exchange Server 2007 Help. In this white paper, we have consolidated the information you need to use the Exchange Management Shell to administer Exchange 2007. It covers numerous fundamental concepts, such as pipelining, the Identity parameter, and cmdlets, in addition to arrays, the WhatIf and Confirm parameters, script security, and operators.
To print this white paper, click Printer Friendly Version in your Web browser.
The Exchange Management Shell is a snap-in that relies on Windows PowerShell. Therefore, Windows PowerShell must be installed on the computer that will be running the Exchange Management Shell. To install Windows PowerShell, you must install the Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework on the computer that will run Windows PowerShell. For information about how to download the .NET Framework, see the Microsoft .NET Framework Developer Center.
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Features of the Exchange Management Shell
The Exchange Management Shell provides a robust and flexible scripting platform that can reduce the complexity of current Microsoft Visual Basic scripts. What previously took hundreds of lines in Visual Basic scripts can now be done by using as little as one line of code in the Exchange Management Shell.
The Exchange Management Shell provides this flexibility because it doesn't use text as the basis for interaction with the system. It uses an object model that is based on the Microsoft .NET platform. This object model enables the shell commands to apply the output from one command to subsequent commands when they are run.
Figure 1 illustrates the design and layout of the Exchange Management Shell.
Figure 1 The Exchange Management Shell
The following are key features of the Exchange Management Shell:
Command-line interface The command-line interface lets you quickly and easily access and modify Exchange 2007 features and their values. It also gives you the flexibility to easily perform tasks in bulk that would have taken many lines of code or hours of work to apply changes through Exchange System Manager.
Piping of data between commands Pipelining makes you even more productive when you administer Exchange 2007 through the Exchange Management Shell. Pipelining helps you use output from one command as input in other commands. This lets you easily perform bulk operations based on criteria applied to filtering commands that then supply the objects to be modified to commands down the "pipe". This feature is a primary reason why the Exchange Management Shell makes it possible to reduce dozens of lines of code to a single chain of commands.
Structured data support Because all output from all the commands in the Exchange Management Shell is an object, all output from the commands can be acted on and processed by other commands by using little or no manipulation. Commands in a particular feature set accept output from other commands in that same feature set, without manipulation.
Extensive support for scripting When you want to perform complex processes, automate functions for Help Desk account management, monitor performance, or enable other automated administrative tasks, the Exchange Management Shell provides a powerful object model environment based on the .NET platform.
Safe Scripting To enable a smooth transition from a test environment to production or just to verify that your commands work correctly before you apply them to actual data, the Exchange Management Shell lets you test your commands to make sure they do what you want. You can verify the changes to be made, confirm that you want to continue, and verify that the process will succeed from end to end.
Access Cmd.exe commands The Exchange Management Shell provides transparent access to the commands that are available through the command prompt (Cmd.exe). You can even take the output of Cmd.exe commands and perform actions based on that output, or integrate that output into the data that you provide to another command.
Trusted scripts To improve security, the Exchange Management Shell requires that all scripts are digitally signed before they are allowed to run. This requirement prevents malicious parties from inserting a harmful script in the Exchange Management Shell. Only scripts that you specifically trust are allowed to run. This precaution helps protect you and your organization.
Profile customization While the default installation of the Exchange Management Shell gives you a fully featured and easy-to-use interface, you may want to add shortcuts to the commands that you frequently use. You might also want to adjust the interface to suit your tasks. You can edit your personal Exchange Management Shell profile. This lets you control how your interface is configured and what commands automatically run when the Exchange Management Shell starts. Profile customization lets you assign scripts to aliases that you frequently use in the daily administration of your Exchange 2007 organization.
Extensible shell support If you don't like the way that data is displayed or if, for example, you can't remember which collections use the Count property and which collections use the Length property, you can easily make adjustments. The Exchange Management Shell uses XML to let you modify many aspects of its behavior. Developers can create new commands to integrate with the built-in Exchange Management Shell commands. This extensibility gives you more control over your Exchange 2007 organization and helps you streamline business processes.
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Using the Exchange Management Shell
The Exchange Management Shell, built on Windows PowerShell technology formerly codenamed "Monad", provides a powerful command-line interface and associated command-line plug-ins for Exchange Server that enable automation of administrative tasks. With the Exchange Management Shell, administrators can manage every aspect of Exchange 2007. They can enable new e-mail accounts and configure SMTP connectors, store database properties, transport agents, and more. The Exchange Management Shell can perform every task that can be performed by Exchange Management Console in addition to tasks that cannot be performed in Exchange Management Console. In fact, when a task is performed in the Exchange Management Console, the same command is made available to the Exchange Management Shell and called to process the request.
The Exchange Management Shell also provides a robust and flexible scripting platform that can reduce the complexity of current Microsoft Visual Basic scripts. Tasks that previously required many lines in Visual Basic scripts can now be done by using as little as one line of code in the Exchange Management Shell.
The Exchange Management Shell provides this flexibility because it does not use text as the basis for interaction with the system, but uses an object model that is based on the Microsoft .NET platform. This object model enables the Exchange Management Shell cmdlets to apply the output from one command to subsequent commands when they are run.
Opening the Exchange Management Shell
You can open the Exchange Management Shell by using either of the following procedures. Each procedure loads the Exchange Management Shell snap-in into the Windows PowerShell. If you don't load the Exchange Management Shell snap-in before you run an Exchange Management Shell cmdlet, you will receive an error.
To open the Exchange Management Shell from the Programs menu
Click Start, click Programs, and then click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.
Click Exchange Management Shell.
To add the Exchange Management Shell snap-in from Windows PowerShell
Click Start, click Programs, and then click Windows PowerShell 1.0.
Click Windows PowerShell.
Type the following command:
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin
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Getting Help
In Exchange 2007, the Exchange Management Shell provides many help resources to help you use it to its fullest potential. This topic describes the following help resources and functionality:
Exchange 2007 Help file The Exchange 2007 Help file contains all the cmdlet help topics in a role-based and task-based hierarchy. The cmdlet help topics also link to procedural topics that tell you how to perform specific tasks.
Help cmdlets The Exchange Management Shell has several help cmdlets that enable you to find the appropriate information to accomplish your task.
Help views Help in the Exchange Management Shell contains extensive information about the cmdlets that are available to you. Help views enable you to access the information that you need about a cmdlet.
Cmdlet roles, components, and functionality Cmdlets can be listed by their role, component, or the functionality they manage. This lets you to find the appropriate cmdlet for the role, component, or functionality that you want to manage.
Tab completion You can use tab completion on cmdlet names and parameter names to reduce the amount of typing you must do on the command line.
Exchange 2007 Help File
The Exchange 2007 Help file contains the same cmdlet help information that is available on each cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell. However, in the Exchange 2007 Help file, the help for all the cmdlets is organized by server role and administration task to help you easily find specific cmdlets that are associated with the task that you want to perform. Also, cmdlet topics in the Exchange 2007 Help file are linked to topics that introduce you to the features that they manage, show you how to use the cmdlets to manage that feature, and provide specific details about the feature or common scenarios.
For more information about the cmdlet help topics available in the Exchange 2007 Help file, see Exchange Management Shell.
Help Cmdlets
The following tables provide examples of how to use the Get-Help, Get-Command, and Get-ExCommand cmdlets to access the help information that is available for each cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell.
Table 1 provides examples of how the Get-Help cmdlet is used.
Table 1 Examples of how to use the Get-Help command
Command | Description |
When you use the Get-Help cmdlet by itself, it gives you basic instructions on how to use the Exchange Management Shell help system. |
When you give the Get-Help cmdlet a shell cmdlet as an argument, it displays the help information for that cmdlet. For example, to retrieve the help information for the Get-SystemMessage cmdlet, use the following command:
When you give the Get-Help cmdlet a shell cmdlet as an argument, together with a wildcard character, the Get-Help cmdlet returns a list of all cmdlets that match the text that you provided. You can use several methods to retrieve a list of shell cmdlets. These methods include the following:
By using wildcard characters in this manner, you can easily view a list of all cmdlets that are available for a certain feature. For example, by using the Get-Help *-TransportAgent command, you can view a list of all the cmdlet verbs available for transport agents. |
The Get-Help About_* command provides a list of all general Exchange Management Shell help topics to help you better understand and use the Exchange Management Shell. If you want to learn more about a topic in the list that is displayed, run the Get-Help About_<feature> command. For example, if you want to learn more about the |
See the "Help Views" section later in this white paper. |
See the "Help Views" section later in this white paper. |
See the "Help Views" section later in this white paper. |
See the "Help Views" section later in this white paper. |
See the "Role, Component, and Functionality Parameters" section later in this white paper. |
See the "Role, Component, and Functionality Parameters" section later in this white paper. |
See the "Role, Component, and Functionality Parameters" section later in this white paper. |
Table 2 provides examples of how the Get-Command cmdlet is used.
Table 2 Examples of how to use the Get-Command command
Cmdlet | Description |
The Get-Command cmdlet provides a list of all the cmdlets that are available to the shell. Like the Get-Help cmdlet, the Get-Command cmdlet allows for wildcard character expansion. You can use this cmdlet with the Format-List and Format-Table cmdlets to provide a more readable display. For example, use |
The Get-Command <Cmdlet> command provides detailed information about the parameters of the specified cmdlet and other components. You can use this command together with the Format-List cmdlet and Format-Table cmdlet to provide a more readable display. For example, use |
The Get-Command -Noun <CmdletNoun> command lists all the cmdlets that exist with the specified noun. This command is useful when you want to view a list of all cmdlets that are associated with a particular feature. For example, the Get-Help -Noun SystemMessage command returns all the cmdlets that are available for the |
The Get-Command -Verb <CmdletVerb> command lists all the cmdlets that exist with the specified verb. This command is useful when you want to view a list of all cmdlets that are associated with a particular action. For example, the Get-Help -Verb Enable command returns all cmdlets available that perform the enable action. You can use this command together with the Format-List cmdlet and Format-Table cmdlet to provide a more readable display. For example, use |
The Get-ExCommand cmdlet behaves identically to the Get-Command cmdlet, but returns only cmdlets that are available to manage Exchange 2007. |
The Get-PSCommand cmdlet behaves identically to the Get-Command cmdlet, but excludes cmdlets that are used to manage Exchange 2007. |
Table 3 provides examples of how to use miscellaneous help commands.
Table 3 Examples of how to use miscellaneous help commands
Cmdlet | Description |
The QuickRef command opens a printable HTML chart that lists the most frequently used Exchange Management Shell cmdlets. To view the most up-to-date version of this chart, see Exchange Management Shell Quick Reference. |
Use the <Cmdlet> -? command together with any cmdlet to find the same help information that is available when you use the Get-Help cmdlet. For example, type |
The Get-Tip cmdlet generates a new Exchange Management Shell Tip of the Day. |
The Get-ExBlog cmdlet opens Microsoft Internet Explorer to display the Exchange Team blog. |
Help Views
When a cmdlet is specified as a parameter of the Get-Help cmdlet, the help information for the specified cmdlet is displayed. In some cases, the information that is returned can be extensive, and you may only want to see specific information. Help views enable you to view specific information about a cmdlet without having to sort through information that you may not need.
The Exchange Management Shell gives you four views that present exactly the information that you want. You can also retrieve a specific parameter or set of similar parameters. Table 4 shows the sections that are displayed in each view.
Table 4 Exchange Management Shell help views
Help view | Default | Detailed | Full | Examples |
Synopsis |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Syntax |
X |
X |
X |
Detailed description |
X |
X |
X |
Parameters without metadata |
X |
Parameters with metadata |
X |
Input type |
X |
Return type |
X |
Errors |
X |
Notes |
X |
Examples |
X |
X |
X |
Related links |
X |
X |
Remarks |
X |
X |
Table 5 describes each view and provides an example of a command that calls each view.
Table 5 Examples of Exchange Management Shell help views
Help view | Example | Description |
The default view is displayed when you use the command |
The For more information about parameters, see "Parameters" later in this white paper. |
For more information about parameters, see "Parameters" later in this white paper. |
The |
In addition to these four help views, the Exchange Management Shell also lets you access the description and metadata on a specific parameter or set of similar parameters. You can specify the parameter together with the Get-Help <
command. The following example shows how you can display the description of the ForwardingAddress parameter on the Set-Mailbox cmdlet:
Get-Help Set-Mailbox -Parameter ForwardingAddress
You can also display a set of similar parameters that exist on a specific cmdlet if you specify the partial name of a parameter together with a wildcard character (*
). The following example shows how you can display all the parameters on the Set-Mailbox cmdlet that contain the word "Quota
Get-Help Set-Mailbox -Parameter *Quota*
Role, Component, and Functionality Parameters
When you call the Get-Help cmdlet without specifying a specific cmdlet, you receive a listing of all cmdlets available in the Exchange Management Shell. However, you may want to view a list of cmdlets that manage a specific server role or component feature or that affect objects across a certain scope of functionality. The Get-Help cmdlet lets you do this with three parameters: Role, Component, and Functionality.
When you use the Get-Help cmdlet with the Role, Component, or Functionality parameters, you must enclose the values that you specify with these parameters in wildcard characters (*
). The following are examples of how to call Get-Help with each parameter:
Get-Help -Role *Mailbox*
Get-Help -Component *Recipient*
Get-Help -Functionality *Server*
The following tables list all the values that can be used with the Role, Component, and Functionality parameters on the Get-Help cmdlet. Table 6 lists the values that can be used with the Role parameter.
Table 6 Valid values for Get-Help -Role
Role | Value | Alternative value |
Mailbox |
Hub Transport |
Client Access |
Unified Messaging |
Edge Transport |
Organization Administrator |
Server Administrator |
Recipient Administrator |
Windows Administrator |
Read Only |
Table 7 lists the values that can be used with the Component parameter.
Table 7 Valid values for Get-Help -Component
Value | Value |
Table 8 lists the values that can be used with the Functionality parameter.
Table 8 Valid values for Get-Help -Functionality
Value |
Tab Completion
Tab completion enables you to reduce the typing you must do when you use the Exchange Management Shell. When you type a partial cmdlet name, press the TAB key, and the Exchange Management Shell will complete the cmdlet name if a matching cmdlet is found. If multiple matching cmdlet names are found, each cmdlet name will cycle through as you press the TAB key. When you use tab completion with cmdlet names, you must supply at least the verb and the hyphen (-). The following examples show how you can use tab completion when you enter a cmdlet name:
As you press the TAB key in the first example, the Exchange Management Shell cycles through all the cmdlet names that start with Get-Transport. In the second example, the Exchange Management Shell cycles through all cmdlets with the verb Enable.
As with cmdlet names, you can also use tab completion when you want the Exchange Management shell to complete the partial parameter name that you have entered. When you use tab completion with parameter names, you must specify the full cmdlet name either by typing it in directly or by using tab completion. The following examples show how you can use tab completion when you enter a parameter name:
Set-Mailbox -Email<Tab>
New-TransportRule -Cond<Tab>
As you press the TAB key in the first example, the Exchange Management Shell cycles through all the parameter names that start with Email
on the Set-Mailbox cmdlet. In the second example, when you press the TAB key, the Exchange Management Shell completes the Condition parameter on the New-TransportRule cmdlet.
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Understanding Cmdlets
A cmdlet, pronounced "command-let", is the smallest unit of functionality in the Exchange Management Shell. Cmdlets resemble built-in commands in other shells, for example, the dir
command found in cmd.exe
. Like these familiar commands, cmdlets can be called directly from the command line in the Exchange Management Shell and run under the context of the shell, not as a separate process.
Cmdlets are usually designed around repetitive administrative tasks, and, in the Exchange Management Shell, more than 360 cmdlets are provided for Exchange-specific management tasks. These are available in addition to the non-Exchange system administrative cmdlets included in the basic Windows PowerShell shell design.
To access Exchange Management Shell cmdlets, you must load the Exchange Management Shell from the Exchange 2007 program menu.
All cmdlets in the Exchange Management Shell are presented in verb-noun pairs. The verb-noun pair is always separated by a hyphen (-) without spaces, and the cmdlet nouns are always singular. Verbs refer to the action that the cmdlet takes. Nouns refer to the object on which the cmdlet takes action. For example, in the Get-SystemMessage cmdlet, the verb is Get, and the noun is SystemMessage. All Exchange Management Shell cmdlets that manage a particular feature share the same noun. Table 9 provides examples of some of the verbs available in the Exchange Management Shell.
By default, if the verb is omitted, the Exchange Management Shell assumes the Get verb. For example, when you call Mailbox, you retrieve the same results as when you call Get-Mailbox.
Table 9 Examples of verbs in the Exchange Management Shell
Verb | Description | ||
Disable | Disable cmdlets set the Enabled status of the specified Exchange 2007 object to | ||
Enable | Enable cmdlets set the Enabled status of the specified Exchange 2007 object to | ||
Get | Get cmdlets retrieve information about a particular Exchange 2007 object.
| ||
Install | Install cmdlets install a new object or feature on an Exchange 2007 server. | ||
Move | Move cmdlets relocate the specified Exchange 2007 object from one container or server to another. | ||
New | New cmdlets create new Exchange 2007 object. | ||
Remove | Remove cmdlets delete the specified Exchange 2007 object. | ||
Set | Set cmdlets modify the properties of an existing Exchange 2007 object. | ||
Test | Test cmdlets test specific Exchange 2007 components and provide log files that you can examine. | ||
Uninstall | Uninstall cmdlets remove an object or feature from an Exchange 2007 server. |
The following list of cmdlets is an example of a complete cmdlet set. This cmdlet set is used to manage the delivery status notification (DSN) message and mailbox quota message features of Exchange 2007:
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Most cmdlets rely on parameters. Parameters are elements that provide information to the cmdlet, either identifying an object and its attributes to act upon, or controlling how the cmdlet performs its task. The name of the parameter is preceded by a hyphen (-) and followed by the value of the parameter as follows:
Verb-Noun -ParameterName <ParameterValue>
In this simple example, the hyphen in front of the parameter name tells the Exchange Management Shell that the word that immediately follows the hyphen is a parameter that is passed to the cmdlet and that the next separate word after the parameter is the value of the parameter.
Positional Parameters
A positional parameter is a parameter that lets you specify the parameter's value without specifying the parameter's name. A parameter is a positional parameter if the Parameter Position
attribute is an integer. This integer indicates the position on the command line where the cmdlet can find the parameter's value.
Most cmdlets only have one positional parameter, Identity. Identity is always in position 1
if it is available on a cmdlet. If a parameter is not a positional parameter, it is considered to be a named
parameter. You must specify the parameter name and parameter value for named
The following two commands perform the same task: returning configuration information for a Receive connector that is named "Contoso"
Get-ReceiveConnector -Identity "Contoso"
Get-ReceiveConnector "Contoso"
Parameter Details
Included in the Parameters section of the information that is retrieved by the Get-Help cmdlet are details, also called metadata, on each parameter. The following example is from the Get-Service cmdlet.
-ServiceName System.String[]
Parameter required? false
Parameter position? 1
Default value *
Accept pipeline input? true
Accept wildcard characters? True
This example from the Get-Service cmdlet includes some very specific details about the value types that can be passed for the ServiceName parameter. Not all cmdlets include such details. However, most cmdlets do include some settings for each parameter as described in Table 10.
Table 10 Parameter settings
Setting | Description |
Required? |
This setting indicates whether the cmdlet will run if you do not supply the parameter. When Required? is set to |
Position? |
This setting indicates whether you must put the parameter name in front of the parameter value. When Position? is set to When Position? is set to an integer, the name is not required, only the value. |
Default value |
This setting indicates the default value for this parameter if no other value is provided. |
Accept pipeline input? |
This setting indicates whether the parameter can receive its value as an input through a pipeline from another cmdlet. |
Accept wildcard characters? |
This setting indicates whether the parameter’s value can contain wildcard characters and can be matched to multiple objects. |
Boolean Parameters
Boolean parameters are used in the Exchange Management Shell to determine whether a feature or option is enabled, $True
, or disabled, $False
. The value that you assign to a Boolean parameter is stored in the configuration of the object that you are modifying. When you supply a value to a Boolean parameter, you must use the values $True
or 1
, or $False
or 0
. The dollar sign ($
) must be included with $True
and $False
. You may notice that some commands insert a colon (:) between the Boolean parameter name and Boolean value. On Boolean parameters, this colon is optional. The following example disables the Receive connector "Contoso.com":
Set-ReceiveConnector "Contoso.com" -Enabled $False
Switch Parameters
Switch parameters are used in the Exchange Management Shell to set a state for the immediate execution of a command. This state is not saved between commands. Switch parameters resemble Boolean parameters but serve different purposes and require different syntax. Switch parameters do not require a value. By default, if you specify a switch parameter on a command line without a value, the parameter evaluates to $True
. Switch parameters, like Boolean parameters, accept only $True
or 1
, or $False
or 0
. The dollar sign ($
) must be included with $True
and $False
. Unlike Boolean parameters, you must include a colon (:) between the switch parameter name and switch value. The first of the following examples instructs the Exchange Management Shell to display a confirmation prompt before it lets EdgeSync synchronization start. The second example instructs the Exchange Management Shell not to display a confirmation prompt before deleting the Receive connector "Contoso.com":
Start-EdgeSynchronization -Confirm
Remove-ReceiveConnector "Contoso.com" -Confirm:$False
Common Parameters
Common parameters are parameters that are automatically added to all commands by the Exchange Management Shell. These parameters perform functions that can be used with, or used by, the commands that they are run against. Table 11 lists all the common parameters that are available in the Exchange Management Shell. Three additional parameters, WhatIf, Confirm, and ValidateOnly, may also be added to cmdlets. For more information about these additional parameters, see WhatIf, Confirm, and ValidateOnly Parameters.
Table 11 Common parameters in the Exchange Management Shell
Parameter name | Required | Type | Description |
Verbose |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
This parameter instructs the command to provide detailed information about the operation. Note Most Get cmdlets only return summary information when you run them. To tell the Get cmdlet to return verbose information when you run a command, pipe the command to the Format-List cmdlet. For more information about pipelining, see "Pipelining" later in this white paper. For more information about command output, see "Working with Command Output" later in this white paper. |
Debug |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
This parameter instructs the command to provide programmer-level detail about the operation. |
ErrorAction |
Optional |
System.Enum |
This parameter controls the behavior of the command when an error occurs. Values are as follows:
ErrorVariable |
Optional |
System.String |
This parameter specifies the name of the variable that the command uses to store errors that are encountered during processing. This variable is populated in addition to |
OutVariable |
Optional |
System.String |
This parameter specifies the name of the variable that the command uses for objects that are output from this command. This is equivalent to piping the command to |
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The Identity parameter is a special parameter that you can use with most cmdlets. The Identity parameter gives you access to the unique identifiers that refer to a particular object in Exchange 2007. This lets you perform actions on a specific Exchange 2007 object.
The primary unique identifier of an object is always a GUID. A GUID is a 128-bit identifier, such as 63d64005-42c5-4f8f-b310-14f6cb125bf3
. This GUID never repeats and is therefore always unique. However, you don't want to type such GUIDs regularly. Therefore the Identity parameter typically also consists of the values of other parameters, or combined set of values from multiple parameters on a single object. These are also guaranteed to be unique across that set of objects. You can specify the values of these other parameters, such as Name and DistriguishedName, or they can be system-generated. The additional parameters that are used, if any, and how they are populated, depend on the object you refer to.
The Identity parameter is also considered a positional parameter. The first argument on a cmdlet is assumed to be the Identity parameter when no parameter label is specified. This reduces the number of keystrokes when you type commands.
The following example shows the use of the Identity parameter by using the Receive connector's unique Name parameter value. This example also shows how you can omit the Identity parameter name because Identity is a positional parameter.
Get-ReceiveConnector -Identity "From the Internet"
Get-ReceiveConnector "From the Internet"
Like all objects in Exchange 2007, this Receive connector can also be referred to by its unique GUID. For example, if the Receive connector named "From the Internet"
is also assigned the GUID 63d64005-42c5-4f8f-b310-14f6cb125bf3
, you can also retrieve the Receive connector by using the following command:
Get-ReceiveConnector 63d64005-42c5-4f8f-b310-14f6cb125bf3
Examples of the Identity Parameter
The examples in this section refer to the delivery status notification (DSN) messages that can be configured in an Exchange 2007 organization. The first example shows how to retrieve DSN 5.4.1 by using the Get-SystemMessage cmdlet. In the Get-SystemMessage cmdlet, the Identity parameter consists of several pieces of data that are configured on each DSN message object. These pieces of data include the language that the DSN is written in, whether the DSN is internal or external in scope, and the DSN message code as in the following example:
Get-SystemMessage en\internal\5.4.1
You can also retrieve this DSN message by using its GUID as in the following example, because all objects in Exchange 2007 have a GUID:
Get-SystemMessage 82ca7bde-1c2d-4aa1-97e1-f298a6f10222
For more information about the makeup of the Identity parameter when it is used with the SystemMessage cmdlets, see "DSN Message Identity" in Exchange Server 2007 Help.
These examples illustrate how the Identity parameter can accept different unique values to refer to specific objects in the Exchange 2007 organization. These examples also illustrate how the Identity parameter label can be omitted to reduce the number of keystrokes when you type commands.
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This topic explains how to read the Exchange Management Shell parameter sets and examples in the Exchange Help documentation and how to format a command so that the Exchange Management Shell can process the command. In the Exchange Management Shell, parameter sets are displayed in the Usage section of a cmdlet help topic. In the Exchange Server 2007 Help file, parameter sets are displayed in the Syntax section of the cmdlet help topic.
For more information about cmdlet help, see "Getting Help" earlier in this white paper.
Command Conventions in the Exchange Management Shell
The Exchange Management Shell follows several command conventions that help you understand what information is required or optional when you run a command and how you must present the parameters and their values. See the "Parameter Sets" section later in this white paper for examples of how parameter sets are presented in the Exchange Management Shell Help and Exchange 2007 Help file.
Table 12 lists these command conventions.
Table 12 Exchange Management Shell command conventions
Symbol | Description |
- |
A hyphen indicates that the next word on the command line is a parameter. The most common parameter is Identity. For more information about parameters, see "Parameters" earlier in this white paper. |
< > |
Angle brackets are used to enclose parameter values. These values can be choices or names. For example, in |
[ ] |
Square brackets are used to enclose an optional parameter and its value. A parameter and its value that are not enclosed in square brackets are required. |
| |
When the pipe symbol is used in a parameter value list, such as |
These command conventions help you understand how a command should be constructed. You don't type these conventions when you enter the command on the command line.
Parameter Sets
In the Exchange Help documentation, all cmdlets display their associated parameters in parameter sets. Parameter sets are groupings of parameters that can be used with each other. Parameters that exist in one parameter set, but not in another parameter set, are mutually exclusive. They can't be used together.
Although all cmdlets have parameter sets, many only have one set of parameters. This means that all the parameters on that cmdlet can be used with each other. Other cmdlets may have several parameter sets. The following example displays the parameter sets that are available on the New-SystemMessage cmdlet:
New-SystemMessage -DsnCode <EnhancedStatusCode> -Internal <$true | $false>
-Language <CultureInfo> -Text <String> [-DomainController <String>] [-Templ
ateInstance <MshObject>]
New-SystemMessage -Language <CultureInfo> -QuotaMessageType <WarningMailbox
UnlimitedSize | WarningPublicFolderUnlimitedSize | WarningMailbox | Warning
PublicFolder | ProhibitSendMailbox | ProhibitPostPublicFolder | ProhibitSen
dReceiveMailBox> -Text <String> [-DomainController <String>] [-TemplateInst
ance <MshObject>]
The New-SystemMessage cmdlet has two parameter sets. The first parameter set contains the DsnCode parameter and Internal parameter, and the second parameter set contains the QuotaMessageType parameter. This means that the DsnCode parameter and Internal parameter can be used with each other. But they can't be used with the QuotaMessageType parameter. The remaining parameters, Language, Text, DomainController, and TemplateInstance, are listed in both parameter sets. This means that they can be used with the DsnCode parameter and Internal parameter and with the QuotaMessageType parameter.
Parameter sets can indicate that a single cmdlet may have multiple uses. For example, you can use the New-SystemMessage cmdlet to configure customized delivery status notification (DSN) messages or configure customized mailbox quota limit messages. However, cmdlets typically have multiple parameter sets because one parameter may perform a function that is incompatible with another parameter. For example, the following example displays the parameter sets for the New-AddressList cmdlet:
New-AddressList -Name <String> [-Company <MultiValuedProperty>] [-Container
<AddressListIdParameter>] [-Department <MultiValuedProperty>] [-DisplayNam
e <String>] [-DomainController <String>] [-IncludedRecipients <Nullable>] [
-StateOrProvince <MultiValuedProperty>] [-TemplateInstance <MshObject>]
New-AddressList -Name <String> [-Container <AddressListIdParameter>] [-Disp
layName <String>] [-DomainController <String>] [-RecipientFilter <String>]
[-TemplateInstance <MshObject>]
In the New-AddressList cmdlet, the first parameter set lists parameters that let you create a new address list based on values supplied to the Company, Department, IncludedRecipients, and StateOrProvice parameters. However, you can also create a new address list by using a custom filter that is specified with the RecipientFilter parameter. When you create a new address list, a custom filter that was specified by using the RecipientFilter parameter overrides anything that was configured by using the parameters that exist in the first parameter set. Therefore, the RecipientFilter parameter is put in its own parameter set. Exchange 2007 doesn't let you specify both parameters on the same command line. As with the New-SystemMessage cmdlet, the remaining parameters that exist in both parameters sets in the New-AddressList cmdlet can be used in any combination.
Use of Quotation Marks
Double quotation marks (") are most commonly used to enclose a value that has spaces when you pass that value to a parameter. For example, if you want to pass Contoso Receive Connector
to the Name parameter of the Set-ReceiveConnector cmdlet, you must enclose Contoso Receive Connector
in quotation marks as in the following example:
Set-ReceiveConnector -Name "Contoso Receive Connector"
If you don't enclose the string in quotation marks, the Exchange Management Shell tries to interpret each word in the string as a new argument on the command line and displays an error.
In the Exchange Management Shell, double quotation marks and single quotation marks (') have different meanings. When you enclose a string in double quotation marks, the Exchange Management Shell replaces any variables with a matching value. For example, assume the value ServerName
is assigned to the variable $Server
. Then, assume the following command is entered on the command line:
"$Server Example"
The following output is displayed:
ServerName Example
The variable $Server
is replaced by the value ServerName
in the output.
When you enclose a string in single quotation marks, the Exchange Management Shell doesn't try to replace variables with a matching value. Assume the variable $Server
is still assigned the value ServerName
. Then assume the following command is entered on the command line:
The following output is displayed:
The variable $Server
has not been replaced with a value because the Exchange Management Shell doesn't interpret variables that are included in text that is enclosed in single quotation marks.
For more information about variables, see the "User-Defined Variables" and "Shell Variables" sections later in this white paper.
You may also need to display some characters, such as the dollar sign ($
), double or single quotation marks, or back quotation mark (`
). These characters have special meanings when used in the Exchange Management Shell. To instruct the Exchange Management Shell not to interpret these characters and to display them when they are included in a string enclosed with double quotation marks, you must use the back quotation mark escape character (`
). For example, type the following on the command line:
"The price is `$23."
The following output is displayed:
The price is $23.
Because we used the escape character with the dollar sign, the Exchange Management Shell doesn't interpret the $
as the beginning of a variable.
If you enclose a string in single quotation marks, you don't have to escape any character unless you want to display a single quotation mark within a string. If you want to display a single quotation mark within a string that is enclosed in single quotation marks, you must use two single quotation marks (''). For example, type the following on the command line:
'Don''t confuse two single quotation marks with a double quotation mark!'
The following output is displayed:
Don't confuse two single quotation marks with a double quotation mark!
Command Operators in the Exchange Management Shell
Use the operators in Table 13 when you type commands in the Exchange Management Shell. Some of the operators may match some of the previously mentioned command conventions. But they don't have the same meaning when they are typed on the command line. Table 13 shows the valid operators that you can use in a command.
Table 13 Exchange Management Shell command operators
Operator | Description | |
= | The equal sign is used as an assignment character. The value on the right side of the equal sign is assigned to the variable on the left side of the equal sign. The following characters are also assignment characters:
| |
: | A colon can be used to separate a parameter's name and the parameter's value, as in the following example: -Enabled:$True. The use of a colon is optional with all parameter types except switch parameters. For more information about switch parameters, see "Parameters" earlier in this white paper. | |
! | The exclamation point is a logical NOT operator. When it is used with the equal ( = ) sign, the combined pair means "not equal to." | |
[ ] | Brackets are used to specify the index value of an array position. For example, Brackets can also be used to assign a type to a variable, as in the following example: | |
{ } | Braces are used to include an expression in a command, as in the following example: | |
| | The pipe symbol is used when one cmdlet pipes a result to another cmdlet. For example, the following command pipes the results from the Get-Mailbox cmdlet to the Move-Mailbox cmdlet: | |
> | The right-angle bracket is used to send the output of a command to a file, as in the following example: | |
>> | Double right-angle brackets are used to append the output of a command to a file, if the file exists. If the file does not exist, a new file is created. The following is an example of how to use double right-angle brackets: | |
" " ' ' | Quotation marks are used to enclose a string that contains spaces and also to determine how variables are interpreted in a string. For more information, see the "Use of Quotation Marks" section earlier in this white paper. | |
$ | A dollar sign indicates a variable. For example, | |
@ | The @ symbol references an associative array. For more information, see "Arrays" later in this white paper. | |
$( ) | A dollar sign ( | |
.. | Double-periods indicate a value range. For example, if an array contains several indexes, you can specify the following command to return the values of all indexes between the second and fifth indexes, as in the following example: | |
+ | The + operator adds two values together. For example, | |
- | The - operator subtracts one value from another value. For example, The - operator can also be used to represent a negative number, such as | |
* | A wildcard character has several meanings. You can use wildcard characters to match strings, to multiply numeric values, or, if strings and numeric values are used together, to repeat the string value the number of times that is specified by the numeric value, as in the following example: | |
/ | The / operator divides one value by another. For example, | |
% | The % operator returns the remainder from a division operator. For example |
Return to top
Pipelining in the Exchange Management Shell is the act of one cmdlet using the output of another cmdlet when it performs an operation. Pipelining is accomplished by using the pipe "|
" symbol. All verbs in the same noun-cmdlet set can use piped information from another command. Some noun-cmdlet sets also let you pass data through the pipeline to another noun cmdlet set.
Using Pipelining to Perform Multiple Actions
The use of pipelining to string together the actions of two or more cmdlets gives the Exchange Management Shell the power of composition, which lets you take smaller components and convert them into something more powerful. For example, you can use one cmdlet to gather data, pass that data to a second cmdlet to filter the data to a subset, and then pass that data to a third cmdlet to act on the subset only.
For example, the following command uses pipelining to move all the mailboxes on Server1
to the Executives
database on Server2
by using the Move-Mailbox cmdlet, based on output that is piped from the Get-Mailbox cmdlet:
Get-Mailbox -Server Server1 | Move-Mailbox -TargetDatabase Server2\Executives
Using Pipelining to Process Data from Another Cmdlet
You can also use pipelining to process data that is output by a cmdlet. For example, for a list of all processes where the HandleCount
property of the process is larger than 400
, you can run the following command:
Get-Process | Where { $_.HandleCount -gt 400 } | Format-List
In this example, the Get-Process cmdlet passes objects to the Where-Object cmdlet. The Where-Object cmdlet picks out the objects that have a property called HandleCount
with a value larger than 400
In this example, the HandleCount
property is preceded by the $_
variable. This variable is created automatically by the Exchange Management Shell to store the current pipeline object. The Where-Object cmdlet then sends these objects to the Format-List cmdlet to be displayed.
The use of structured objects, instead of text, is one of the most exciting capabilities of the Exchange Management Shell. The use of structured objects forms the basis of a powerful compositional model of administration.
For more information about structured objects, see "Structured Data" later in this white paper.
Using Pipelining to Report Errors
To report errors, you can use the error pipeline. The error pipeline lets you report errors while a command runs. This means that you don't have to wait until the command has finished running or to put the error information in the standard result pipeline. The Write-Error cmdlet writes its arguments to the error pipeline.
For more information about pipelining, run the following command in the Exchange Management Shell:
Get-Help About_Pipeline
Return to top
WhatIf, Confirm, and ValidateOnly Parameters
The Exchange Management Shell is a very powerful and flexible management interface. You can manage your infrastructure interactively by using the command line. You can create and run scripts that automate frequently used or complex tasks. As you learn how to use the Exchange Management Shell itself, scripting, or both, you may want to view the results of a command before the command affects data. Also, you may want to acknowledge that a command is about to run. This functionality is especially important as you transition from your test environment into your production environment and as you roll out new scripts or commands.
Both experienced administrators and script writers, and administrators who are new to Exchange and scripting, can benefit from using the WhatIf, Confirm, and ValidateOnly parameters. These parameters are available in the Exchange Management Shell. These parameters let you control how your commands run and indicate exactly what a command will do before it affects data. The WhatIf, Confirm, and ValidateOnly parameters are especially useful when you use them with commands that modify objects that are returned by using a filter or by using a Get command in a pipeline. This topic describes each parameter.
If you want to use the WhatIf, Confirm, and ValidateOnly parameters with commands in a script, you must add the appropriate parameter to each command in the script, and not on the command line that calls the script.
The WhatIf, Confirm, and ValidateOnly parameters are called switch parameters. For more information about switch parameters, see "Parameters" earlier in this white paper.
WhatIf Parameter
The WhatIf parameter instructs the command to which it is applied to run but only to display the objects that would be affected by running the command and what changes would be made to those objects. The domain does not actually change any of those objects. When you use the WhatIf parameter, you can see whether the changes that would be made to those objects match your expectations, without the worry of modifying those objects.
When you run a command together with the WhatIf parameter, you put the WhatIf parameter at the end of the command, as in the following example:
New-AcceptedDomain -Name "Contoso Domain" -DomainName "contoso.com" -WhatIf
When you run this example command, the following text is returned by the Exchange Management Shell:
What if: Creating Accepted Domain "Contoso Domain" with Domain Name "contoso.com".
To display a list of cmdlets that accept the WhatIf parameter, type the following command in the Exchange Management Shell:
Get-ExCommand | Where { $_.Definition -Like "*WhatIf*" }
Confirm Parameter
The Confirm parameter instructs the command to which it is applied to stop processing before any changes are made. The command then prompts you to acknowledge each action before it continues. When you use the Confirm parameter, you can step through changes to objects to make sure that changes are made only to the specific objects that you want to change. This functionality is useful when you apply changes to many objects and want precise control over the operation of the Exchange Management Shell. A confirmation prompt is displayed for each object before the Exchange Management Shell modifies the object.
By default, the Exchange Management Shell automatically applies the Confirm parameter to cmdlets that have the following verbs:
When a cmdlet runs that has any of these verbs, the Exchange Management Shell automatically stops the command and waits for your acknowledgement before it continues to process.
When you manually apply the Confirm parameter to a command, include the Confirm parameter at the end of the command, as in the following example:
Get-JournalRule | Enable-JournalRule -Confirm
When you run this example command, the following confirmation prompt is returned by the Exchange Management Shell:
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help
(default is "Y"):
The confirmation prompt gives you the following choices:
[Y] Yes Type Y to instruct the command to continue the operation. The next operation will present another confirmation prompt.
[Y] Yes
is the default choice.[A] Yes to All Type A to instruct the command to continue the operation and all subsequent operations. You will not receive additional confirmation prompts for the duration of this command.
[N] No Type N to instruct the command to skip this operation and continue with the next operation. The next operation will present another confirmation prompt.
[L] No to All Type L to instruct the command to skip this operation and all subsequent operations.
[S] Suspend Type S to pause the current pipeline and return to the command line. Type Exit to resume the pipeline.
[?] Help Type ? to display confirmation prompt help on the command line.
If you want to override the default behavior of the Exchange Management Shell and suppress the confirmation prompt for cmdlets on which it is automatically applied, you can include the Confirm parameter with a value of $False
, as in the following example:
Get-JournalRule | Disable-JournalRule -Confirm:$False
In this case, no confirmation prompt is displayed.
The default value of the Confirm parameter is $True
. The default behavior of the Exchange Management Shell is to automatically display a confirmation prompt. If you suppress this default behavior of the Exchange Management Shell, you instruct the command to suppress all confirmation prompts for the duration of that command. The command will process all objects that meet the criteria for the command without confirmation.
To display a list of cmdlets that accept the Confirm parameter, type the following command in the Exchange Management Shell:
Get-ExCommand | Where { $_.Definition -Like "*Confirm*" }
ValidateOnly Parameter
The ValidateOnly parameter instructs the command to which it is applied to evaluate all the conditions and requirements that are needed to perform the operation before you apply any changes. The ValidateOnly parameter is available on cmdlets that may take a long time to run, have several dependencies on multiple systems, or affect critical data, such as mailboxes.
When you apply the ValidateOnly parameter to a command, the command runs through the whole process. The command performs each action as it would without the ValidateOnly parameter. But the command doesn't change any objects. When the command completes its process, it displays a summary with the results of the validation. If the validation indicates that the command was successful, you can run the command again without the ValidateOnly parameter.
When you run a command together with the ValidateOnly parameter, you put the ValidateOnly parameter at the end of the command, as in the following example:
Get-Mailbox "Kim Akers" | Move-Mailbox -TargetDatabase "Executive Database" -ValidateOnly
When you run this example command, the following text is returned by the Exchange Management Shell:
Identity : contoso.com/Users/Kim Akers
DistinguishedName : CN=Kim Akers,CN=Users,DC=contoso,DC=com
DisplayName : Kim Akers
Alias : kim
LegacyExchangeDN : /o=First Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=kim
PrimarySmtpAddress : kim@contoso.com
SourceServer : Win2003MS.contoso.com
SourceDatabase : WIN2003MS\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database
SourceGlobalCatalog : Win2003MS.contoso.com
TargetGlobalCatalog : Win2003MS.contoso.com
TargetDomainController : Win2003MS.contoso.com
TargetMailbox :
TargetServer : Win2003MS.contoso.com
TargetDatabase : WIN2003MS\Second Storage Group\Executive Database
MailboxSize : 0KB
IsResourceMailbox : False
SIDUsedInMatch :
SMTPProxies :
SourceManager :
SourceDirectReports :
SourcePublicDelegates :
SourcePublicDelegatesBL :
MatchedTargetNTAccountDN :
IsMatchedNTAccountMailboxEnabled :
MatchedContactsDNList :
TargetNTAccountDNToCreate :
TargetManager :
TargetDirectReports :
TargetPublicDelegates :
TargetPublicDelegatesBL :
Options : Default
SourceForestCredential :
TargetForestCredential :
TargetFolder :
RsgMailboxGuid :
RsgMailboxLegacyExchangeDN :
RsgMailboxDisplayName :
RsgDatabaseGuid :
MoveType : IntraOrg
MoveStage : Validation
StartTime : 7/17/2006 4:39:13 PM
EndTime : 7/17/2006 4:39:14 PM
StatusCode : 0
StatusMessage : This mailbox can be moved to the target database.
To display a list of cmdlets that accept the ValidateOnly parameter, type the following command in the Exchange Management Shell:
Get-ExCommand | Where { $_.Definition -Like "*ValidateOnly*" }
Return to top
Modifying Multivalued Properties
This section explains how to use the Exchange Management Shell to add values to and remove values from a multivalued property on an object.
What is a Multivalued Property?
A multivalued property is a property that can contain more than one value. For example, the BlockedRecipients
property on the RecipientFilterConfig
object can accept multiple recipient addresses as in the following examples:
Because the BlockedRecipients
property can accept more than one value, it's called a multivalued property.
For more information about objects, see "Structured Data" later in this white paper..
How is Modifying a Multivalued Property Different?
How you modify a multivalued property is slightly different from how you modify a property that accepts only one value. When you modify a property that accepts only a single value, you can assign a value directly to it, as in the following command:
Set-TransportConfig -MaxSendSize 12MB
When you use this command to provide a new value to the MaxSendSize property, the stored value is overwritten. This isn't a problem with properties that accept only one value. However, it becomes a problem with multivalued properties. For example, assume that the BlockedRecipients property on the RecipientFilterConfig property is configured to have the three values that are listed in the previous section. When you run the command Get-RecipientFilterConfig | Format-List BlockedRecipients
, the following is displayed:
BlockedRecipients : {david@adatum.com, kim@northwindtraders.com, john@contoso.com}
Now assume that you've received a request to add a new Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address to the blocked recipients list. You run the following command to add the new SMTP address:
Set-RecipientFilterConfig -BlockedRecipients chris@contoso.com
When you run the Get-RecipientFilterConfig | Format-List BlockedRecipients
command again, you will see the following:
BlockedRecipients : {chris@contoso.com}
This isn't what you expected. You wanted to add the new SMTP address to the existing list of blocked recipients, but instead the existing list of blocked recipients was overwritten by the new SMTP address. This is how modifying a multivalued property differs from modifying a property that accepts only a single value. When you modify a multivalued property, you must make sure that you append or remove values instead of overwriting the whole list of values. The following sections show you how to do exactly that.
Some cmdlets, such as Set-TransportRule, do not support modifying properties on objects in the manner described in this topic. For more information about how to add values to and remove values from the multivalued properties of these cmdlets, see the topics for those cmdlets, such as Set-TransportRule.
To modify multivalued properties, you must understand the following concepts, which are explained elsewhere in this white paper. Be sure to review these sections.
User-Defined Variables
Working with Command Output
How to Append a Value to a Multivalued Property
Appending a value to a multivalued property is very simple. It just takes a few extra steps. Again, assume that the BlockedRecipients property contains the values that are listed in the first part of this section.
First, you have to retrieve the object that you want to modify and assign it to a variable. For example, use the following command to assign the RecipientFilterConfig object to the variable $Example
$Example = Get-RecipientFilterConfig
If you run the command $Example | Format-List BlockedRecipients
, the following is returned:
BlockedRecipients : {david@adatum.com, kim@northwindtraders.com, john@contoso.com}
Next, you have to add the value that you want to append to the BlockedRecipients property on the object that is stored in the variable $Example
. Be aware that this step only adds the value to the object that is stored in the variable. To add chris@contoso.com
to the BlockedRecipients property on the object that is stored in the variable $Example
, run the following command:
$Example.BlockedRecipients += "chris@contoso.com"
If you run the command $Example | Format-List BlockedRecipients
again, the following is returned:
BlockedRecipients : {david@adatum.com, kim@northwindtraders.com, john@contoso.com, chris@contoso.com}
As you can see, the SMTP address chris@contoso.com
has been added to the list of values that are stored in the BlockedRecipients property.
Finally, you have to save the object that is stored in $Example
by using the following command:
Set-RecipientFilterConfig -BlockedRecipients $Example.BlockedRecipients
Now, when you run the Get-RecipientFilterConfig | Format-List BlockedRecipients
command, you will see that the SMTP address chris@contoso.com
has been added to the server.
Appending Multiple Values to a Multivalued Property
If you want to append many values at the same time to a multivalued property, perform the same step as described earlier. When you specify the values that you want to append, separate the values by using commas as in the following example:
$Example.BlockedRecipients += "user1@contoso.com", "user2@contoso.com", "user3@contoso.com"
After you have specified the values that you want to add, use the Set-RecipientFilterConfig cmdlet to save the object.
Some cmdlets don't let you append multiple values at the same time.
How to Remove a Value from a Multivalued Property
Chances are that you may want to remove only one value from a multivalued property instead of removing all the values at the same time. Removing a value from a multivalued property is like appending a value. However, unlike appending values, you must remove values one at a time. Again, assume that the BlockedRecipients property contains the values that are listed in the first section.
First, you must assign the object that you want to modify to a variable, as in the following example:
$Example = Get-RecipientFilterConfig
Then, run the following command, which specifies the exact value that you want to remove:
$Example.BlockedRecipients -= "david@contoso.com"
Finally, save the object that is stored in the variable as follows:
Set-RecipientFilterConfig -BlockedRecipients $Example.BlockedRecipients
Examples of Appending Values to Multivalued Properties
The following Exchange Management Shell procedures are examples of how to append values to some of the multivalued properties that are available on various objects in Exchange 2007.
To append an SMTP address to a mailbox
Run the following commands:
$Mailbox = Get-Mailbox "Kim Akers" $Mailbox.EmailAddresses += "kim@contoso.com" Set-Mailbox "Kim Akers" -EmailAddresses $Mailbox.EmailAddresses
Run the following command to view the updated mailbox:
Get-Mailbox "Kim Akers" | Format-List Name, EmailAddresses
To append additional delivery status notification (DSN) codes on the GenerateCopyOfDSNFor property
Run the following commands:
$DsnList = Get-TransportConfig $DsnList.GenerateCopyOfDSNFor += "5.4.7", "5.7.1", "5.7.2" Set-TransportConfig -GenerateCopyOfDSNFor $DsnList.GenerateCopyOfDSNFor
Run the following command to view the updated DSN codes:
Get-TransportConfig | Format-List GenerateCopyOfDSNFor
Examples of Removing Values from Multivalued Properties
The following procedures are examples of how to remove values from some of the multivalued properties that are available on various objects in Exchange 2007.
To remove the device ID of an enabled Exchange ActiveSync device from a Client Access server (CAS) mailbox
Run the following commands
$CasDevice = Get-CasMailbox "David Simpson" $CasDevice.ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs -= "4B9207650054767AD0AEE83A414BCD7F" Set-CasMailbox "David Simpson" -ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs $CasDevice.ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs
Run the following command to view the updated CAS mailbox:
Get-CasMailbox "David Simpson" | Format-List Name, ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs
To remove a mailbox from the list of mailboxes that are granted "send on behalf of" permissions on a distribution group
Run the following command:
$DistributionGroup = Get-DistributionGroup "Sales Group" $DistributionGroup.GrantSendOnBehalfTo -= (Get-Maibox "Christine Hughes").Identity Set-DistributionGroup "Sales Group" -GrantSendOnBehalfTo $DistributionGroup.GrantSendOnBehalfTo
Run the following command to view the updated distribution group
Get-DistributionGroup "Sales Group" | Format-List Name, GrantSendOnBehalfTo
For More Information
For more information about the features discussed in this section, see the following topics:
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Working with Command Output
The Exchange Management Shell offers several methods that you can use to format command output. This topic discusses the following subjects:
How to format data Control how the data that you see is formatted by using the Format-List, Format-Table, and Format-Wide cmdlets.
How to output data Determine whether data is output to the Exchange Management Shell console window or to a file by using the Out-Host and Out-File cmdlets. Included in this section is a sample script to output data to Internet Explorer.
How to filter data Filter data by using either of the following filtering methods:
Server-side filtering, available on certain cmdlets
Client-side filtering, available on all cmdlets by piping the results of a command to the Where-Object cmdlet
To use the functionality that is described in this section, you must be familiar with the following concepts, which are explained elsewhere in this white paper:
Shell Variables
Comparison Operators
How to Format Data
If you call formatting cmdlets at the end of the pipeline, you can override the default formatting to control what data is displayed and how that data appears. The formatting cmdlets are Format-List, Format-Table, and Format-Wide. Each has its own distinct output style that differs from the other formatting cmdlets.
The Format-List cmdlet takes input from the pipeline and outputs a vertical columned list of all the specified properties of each object. You can specify which properties you want to display by using the Property parameter. If the Format-List cmdlet is called without any parameters specified, all properties are output. The Format-List cmdlet wraps lines instead of truncating them. One of the best uses for the Format-List cmdlet is to override the default output of a cmdlet so that you can retrieve additional or more focused information.
For example, when you call the Get-Mailbox cmdlet, you only see a limited amount of information in table format. If you pipe the output of the Get-Mailbox cmdlet to the Format-List cmdlet and add parameters for the additional or more focused information that you want to view, you can retrieve the output that you want.
You can also specify a wildcard character "*" with a partial property name. If you include a wildcard character, you can match multiple properties without having to type each property name individually. For example, Get-Mailbox | Format-List -Property Email*
returns all properties that begin with Email
The following examples show the different ways that you can view the same data returned by the Get-Mailbox cmdlet.
Get-MailBox TestUser1
Name Alias Server StorageQuota
---- ----- ------ ------------
TestUser1 TestUser1 e12 unlimited
In this first example, the Get-Mailbox cmdlet is called without specific formatting so the default output is in table format and contains a predetermined set of properties.
Get-Mailbox TestUser1 | Format-List -Property Name,Alias,EmailAddresses
Name : TestUser1
Alias : TestUser1
EmailAddresses : {SMTP:TestUser1@contoso.com, X400:c=US;a= ;p=Contoso;o=Exchange;s=TestUser1;}
In the second example, the output of the Get-Mailbox cmdlet is piped to the Format-List cmdlet, together with specific properties. As you can see, the format and content of the output is significantly different.
Get-Mailbox TestUser1 | Format-List -Property Name, Alias, Email*
Name : Test User
Alias : TestUser1
EmailAddresses : {SMTP:TestUser1@contoso.com, X400:c=US;a= ;p=First
EmailAddressPolicyEnabled : True
In the last example, the output of the Get-Mailbox cmdlet is piped to the Format-List cmdlet as in the second example. However, in the last example, a wildcard character is used to match all properties that start with Email
If more than one object is passed to the Format-List cmdlet, all specified properties for an object are displayed and grouped by object. The display order depends on the default parameter for the cmdlet. This is most frequently the Name parameter or the Identity parameter. For example, when the Get-Childitem cmdlet is called, the default display order is file names in alphabetical order. To change this behavior, you must call the Format-List cmdlet, together with the GroupBy parameter, and the name of a property value by which you want to group the output. For example, the following command lists all files in a directory and groups these files by extension.
Get-Childitem | Format-List Name,Length -GroupBy Extension
Extension: .xml
Name : Config_01.xml
Length : 5627
Name : Config_02.xml
Length : 3901
Extension: .bmp
Name : Image_01.bmp
Length : 746550
Name : Image_02.bmp
Length : 746550
Extension: .txt
Name : Text_01.txt
Length : 16822
Name : Text_02.txt
Length : 9835
In this example, the Format-List cmdlet has grouped the items by the Extension property that is specified by the GroupBy parameter. You can use the GroupBy parameter with any valid property for the objects in the pipeline stream.
The Format-Table cmdlet lets you display items in a table format with label headers and columns of property data. By default, many cmdlets, such as the Get-Process and Get-Service cmdlets, use the table format for output. Parameters for the Format-Table cmdlet include the Properties and GroupBy parameters. These work exactly as they do with Format-List cmdlet.
The Format-Table cmdlet also uses the Wrap parameter. This enables long lines of property information to display completely instead of truncating at the end of a line. To see how the Wrap parameter is used to display returned information, compare the output of the Get-Command command in the following two examples.
In the first example, when the Get-Command cmdlet is used to display command information about the Get-Process cmdlet, the information for the Definition property is truncated.
Get-Command Get-Process | Format-Table Name,Definition
Name Definition
---- ----------
get-process get-process [[-ProcessName] String[]...
In the second example, the Wrap parameter is added to the command to force the complete contents of the Definition property to display.
Get-Command Get-Process | Format-Table Name,Definition -Wrap
Name Definition
---- ----------
get-process get-process [[-ProcessName] String[]] [
-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction Action
Preference] [-ErrorVariable String] [-O
utVariable String] [-OutBuffer Int32]
get-process -Id Int32[] [-Verbose] [-De
bug] [-ErrorAction ActionPreference] [-
ErrorVariable String] [-OutVariable Str
ing] [-OutBuffer Int32]
get-process -Input Process[] [-Verbose]
[-Debug] [-ErrorAction ActionPreferenc
e] [-ErrorVariable String] [-OutVariabl
e String] [-OutBuffer Int32]
As with the Format-List cmdlet, you can also specify a wildcard character "*
" with a partial property name. By including a wildcard character, you can match multiple properties without typing each property name individually.
The Format-Wide cmdlet provides a much simpler output control than the other format cmdlets. By default, the Format-Wide cmdlet tries to display as many columns of property values as possible on a line of output. By adding parameters, you can control the number of columns and how the output space is used.
In the most basic usage, calling the Format-Wide cmdlet without any parameters arranges the output in as many columns as will fit the page. For example, if you run the Get-Childitem cmdlet and pipe its output to the Format-Wide cmdlet, you will see the following display of information:
Get-ChildItem | Format-Wide
Directory: FileSystem::C:\WorkingFolder
Config_01.xml Config_02.xml
Config_03.xml Config_04.xml
Config_05.xml Config_06.xml
Config_07.xml Config_08.xml
Config_09.xml Image_01.bmp
Image_02.bmp Image_03.bmp
Image_04.bmp Image_05.bmp
Image_06.bmp Text_01.txt
Text_02.txt Text_03.txt
Text_04.txt Text_05.txt
Text_06.txt Text_07.txt
Text_08.txt Text_09.txt
Text_10.txt Text_11.txt
Generally, calling the Get-Childitem cmdlet without any parameters displays the names of all files in the directory in a table of properties. In this example, by piping the output of the Get-Childitem cmdlet to the Format-Wide cmdlet, the output was displayed in two columns of names. Notice that only one property type can be displayed at a time, specified by a property name that follows the Format-Wide cmdlet. If you add the Autosize parameter, the output is changed from two columns to as many as can fit the screen width.
Get-ChildItem | Format-Wide -AutoSize
Directory: FileSystem::C:\WorkingFolder
Config_01.xml Config_02.xml Config_03.xml Config_04.xml Config_05.xml
Config_06.xml Config_07.xml Config_08.xml Config_09.xml Image_01.bmp
Image_02.bmp Image_03.bmp Image_04.bmp Image_05.bmp Image_06.bmp
Text_01.txt Text_02.txt Text_03.txt Text_04.txt Text_05.txt
Text_06.txt Text_07.txt Text_08.txt Text_09.txt Text_10.txt
Text_11.txt Text_12.txt
In this example, the table is arranged in five columns, instead of two columns. The Column parameter offers more control by letting you specify the maximum number of columns to display information as follows:
Get-ChildItem | Format-Wide -Columns 4
Directory: FileSystem::C:\WorkingFolder
Config_01.xml Config_02.xml Config_03.xml Config_04.xml
Config_05.xml Config_06.xml Config_07.xml Config_08.xml
Config_09.xml Image_01.bmp Image_02.bmp Image_03.bmp
Image_04.bmp Image_05.bmp Image_06.bmp Text_01.txt
Text_02.txt Text_03.txt Text_04.txt Text_05.txt
Text_06.txt Text_07.txt Text_08.txt Text_09.txt
Text_10.txt Text_11.txt Text_12.txt
In this example, the number of columns is forced to four by using the Column parameter.
How to Output Data
Out-Host and Out-File
The Out-Host cmdlet is an unseen default cmdlet at the end of the pipeline. After all formatting is applied, the Out-Host cmdlet sends the final output to the console window for display. You don't have to explicitly call the Out-Host cmdlet, because it is the default output. You can override sending the output to the console window by calling the Out-Host cmdlet as the last cmdlet in the command. The Out-File cmdlet then writes the output to the file that you specify in the command as in the following example:
Get-ChildItem | Format-Wide -Columns 4 | Out-File c:\OutputFile.txt
In this example, the Out-Host cmdlet writes the information that is displayed in the Get-ChildItem | Format-Wide -Columns 4 command to a file that is named OutputFile.txt
. You can also redirect pipeline output to a file by using the redirection operator, which is the right-angle bracket ( >
). To append pipeline output of a command to an existing file without replacing the original file, use the double right-angle brackets ( >>
), as in the following example:
Get-ChildItem | Format-Wide -Columns 4 >> C:\OutputFile.txt
In this example, the output from the Get-Childitem cmdlet is piped to the Format-Wide cmdlet for formatting and then is written to the end of the OutputFile.txt
file. Notice that if the OutputFile.txt
file did not exist, use of the double right-angle brackets ( >>
) would create the file.
For more information about pipelining, see "Pipelining" earlier in this white paper.
For more information about the syntax used in the previous examples, see "Syntax" earlier in this white paper.
Viewing Data in Internet Explorer
Because of the flexibility and ease of scripting in the Exchange Management Shell, you can take the data that is returned by commands and format and output them in almost limitless ways.
The following example shows how you can use a simple script to output the data that is returned by a command and display it in Internet Explorer. This script takes the objects that are passed through the pipeline, opens an Internet Explorer window, and then displays the data in Internet Explorer:
$Ie = New-Object -Com InternetExplorer.Application
While ($Ie.Busy) { Sleep 1 }
$Ie.Visible = $True
# If the previous line doesn't work on your system, uncomment the line below.
# $Ie.Document.IHtmlDocument2_Write(\"$Input\")
To use this script, save it to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts
directory on the computer where the script will be run. Name the file Out-Ie.ps1
. After you save the file, you can then use the script as a regular cmdlet.
The Out-Ie
script assumes that the data it receives is valid HTML. To convert the data that you want to view into HTML, you must pipe the results of your command to the ConvertTo-Html cmdlet. You can then pipe the results of that command to the Out-Ie
script. The following example shows how to view a directory listing in an Internet Explorer window:
Get-ChildItem | Select Name,Length | ConvertTo-Html | Out-Ie
How to Filter Data
The Exchange Management Shell gives you access to a large quantity of information about your servers, mailboxes, Active Directory directory service, and other objects in your organization. Although access to this information helps you better understand your environment, this large quantity of information can easily overwhelm you. The Exchange Management Shell lets you control this information and return only the data that you want to see by using filtering. The following two types of filtering are available:
Server-side filtering Server-side filtering takes the filter that you specify on the command line and submits it to the Exchange server that you query. That server processes the query and returns only the data that matches the filter that you specified.
Server-side filtering is performed only on objects where tens or hundreds of thousands of results could be returned. Therefore, only the recipient management cmdlets, such as the Get-Mailbox cmdlet, and queue management cmdlets, such as the Get-Queue cmdlet, support server-side filtering. These cmdlets support the Filter parameter. This takes the filter expression that you specify and submits it to the server for processing.
Client-side filtering Client-side filtering is performed on the objects in the local console window in which you are currently working. When you use client-side filtering, the cmdlet retrieves all the objects that match the task that you are performing to the local console window. The Exchange Management Shell then takes all the returned results, applies the client-side filter to those results, and returns to you only the results that match your filter. All cmdlets support client-side filtering. This is invoked by piping the results of a command to the Where-Object cmdlet.
Server-Side Filtering
The implementation of server-side filtering is specific to the cmdlet on which it is supported. Server-side filtering is enabled only on specific properties on the objects that are returned.
For more information about how to manage recipients by using server-side filtering, see "Creating Filters in Recipient Commands" in Exchange Server 2007 Help.
For more information about how to manage queues by using server-side filtering, see "Filtering Queues" in Exchange Server 2007 Help.
Client-Side Filtering
Client-side filtering can be used with any cmdlet. This includes those that also support server-side filtering. As described earlier in this section, client-side filtering accepts all the data that is returned by a previous command in the pipeline, and in turn, returns only the results that match the filter that you specify. The Where-Object cmdlet performs this filtering. It can be shortened to Where.
As data passes through the pipeline, the Where cmdlet receives the data from the previous object and then filters the data before passing it on to the next object. The filtering is based on a script block that is defined in the Where command. The script block filters data based on the object’s properties and values.
The Clear-Host cmdlet is used to clear the console window. In this example, you can find all the defined aliases for the Clear-Host cmdlet if you run the following command:
Get-Alias | Where {$_.Definition -eq "Clear-Host"}
CommandType Name Definition
----------- ---- ----------
Alias clear clear-host
Alias cls clear-host
The Get-Alias cmdlet and the Where command work together to return the list of aliases that are defined for the Clear-Host cmdlet and no other cmdlets. Table 14 outlines each element of the Where command that is used in the example.
Table 14 Elements of the Where command
Element | Description |
{ } |
Braces enclose the script block that defines the filter. |
$_ |
This special variable automatically initiates and binds to the objects in the pipeline. |
Definition |
The |
-eq |
This comparison operator for “equal to” is used to specify that the results must exactly match the property value that is supplied in the expression. |
“Clear-Host” |
In this example, “Clear-Host” is the value for which the command is parsing. |
In the example, the objects that are returned by the Get-Alias cmdlet represent all the defined aliases on the system. Even though you don't see them from the command line, the aliases are collected and passed to the Where cmdlet through the pipeline. The Where cmdlet uses the information in the script block to apply a filter to the alias objects.
The special variable $
_represents the objects that are being passed. The $_
variable is automatically initiated by the shell and is bound to the current pipeline object. For more information about this special variable, see "Shell Variables" later in this white paper.
Using standard "dot" notation (object.property), the Definition
property is added to define the exact property of the object to evaluate. The -eq
comparison operator then compares the value of this property to "Clear-Host"
. Only the objects that have the Definition
property that match this criterion are passed to the console window for output.
Comparison Operators
The Exchange Management Shell has a rich set of operators that enables comparisons of one object with another object or one object with a set of objects.
For more information about comparison operators, run the following command in the Exchange Management Shell:
Get-Help About_Comparison_Operators
Table 15 lists the comparison operators that are available in the Exchange Management Shell. Some comparison operators are case-sensitive. Other comparison operators are not case-sensitive. If a comparison operator is case-sensitive, the case that is used in the strings that are being compared must match. For example, the string "Test" does not match "test" when you use a comparison operator that is case-sensitive.
Table 15 Comparison operators that are available in the Exchange Management Shell
Operator | Definition |
-eq |
Equals (not case-sensitive) |
-ieq |
Equals (not case-sensitive) |
-ceq |
Equals (case-sensitive) |
-ne |
Not equal (not case-sensitive) |
-ine |
Not equal (not case-sensitive) |
-cne |
Not equal (case-sensitive) |
-lt |
Less than (not case-sensitive) |
-ilt |
Less than (not case-sensitive) |
-clt |
Less than (case-sensitive) |
-gt |
Greater than (not case-sensitive) |
-igt |
Greater than (not case-sensitive) |
-cgt |
Greater than (case-sensitive) |
-le |
Less than or equal to (not case-sensitive) |
-ile |
Less than or equal to (not case-sensitive) |
-cle |
Less than or equal to (case-sensitive) |
-ge |
Greater than or equal to (not case-sensitive) |
-ige |
Greater than or equal to (not case-sensitive) |
-cge |
Greater than or equal to (case-sensitive) |
-contains |
The elements in the left operand that is equal to the right operand (not case-sensitive) |
-icontains |
The elements in the left operand that is equal to the right operand (not case-sensitive) |
-ccontains |
The elements in the left operand that is equal to the right operand (case-sensitive) |
-notcontains |
The elements in the left operand that is equal to the right operand (not case-sensitive) |
-inotcontains |
The elements in the left operand that is equal to the right operand (not case-sensitive) |
-cnotcontains |
The elements in the left operand that is equal to the right operand (case-sensitive) |
-band |
Bitwise And |
-bor |
Bitwise Or |
-bnot |
Bitwise NOT |
-and |
Logical and |
-or |
Logical or |
-not |
Logical not |
-match |
Compare strings by using regular expressions (not case-sensitive) |
-notmatch |
Compare strings by using regular expressions (not case-sensitive) |
-imatch |
Compare strings by using regular expressions (not case-sensitive) |
-inotmatch |
Compare strings by using regular expressions (not case-sensitive) |
-cmatch |
Compare strings by using regular expressions (case-sensitive) |
-cnotmatch |
Compare strings by using regular expressions (case-sensitive) |
-like |
Compare strings by using wildcard rules |
-notlike |
Compare strings by using wildcard rules |
-ilike |
Compare strings by using wildcard rules (not case-sensitive) |
-inotlike |
Compare strings by using wildcard rules (not case-sensitive) |
-clike |
Compare strings by using wildcard rules (case-sensitive) |
-cnotlike |
Compare strings by using wildcard rules (case-sensitive) |
Return to top
In Exchange 2007, you can assign an Exchange Management Shell cmdlet or Cmd.exe command to an administrator-defined and easy-to-remember alias. Such aliases can be useful when you frequently use certain cmdlets and want to reduce the typing that you must do.
When an alias is called from the command line, the rules that apply to the cmdlet that is represented by the alias are enforced exactly as when the cmdlet is called. You must supply any required parameters and their values exactly as if you had called the cmdlet name.
Built-in Aliases
Many cmdlets that are used regularly have default, or built-in, aliases assigned to them. These built-in aliases help reduce the typing that you have to do when you administer Exchange 2007 by using the Exchange Management Shell.
For example, the Get-ChildItem cmdlet resembles the MS-DOS Dir
command. Because you are familiar with the Dir
command, you might want to use the Dir
alias when you use the Exchange Management Shell instead of typing Get-ChildItem every time that you want to view the contents of a directory. The output from the Get-ChildItem cmdlet and the Dir
alias is the same and can be used interchangeably.
Table 16 shows the built-in aliases and their full names.
Table 16 Built-in aliases
Alias | Command | Alias | Command | Alias | Command |
Ac |
Add-Content |
Iex |
Invoke-Expression |
Write |
Write-Output |
Asnp |
Add-PSSnapin |
Ihy |
Invoke-History |
Cat |
Get-Content |
Clc |
Clear-Content |
Ii |
Invoke-Item |
Cd |
Set-Location |
Cli |
Clear-Item |
Ipal |
Import-Alias |
Clear |
Clear-Host |
Clp |
Clear-ItemProperty |
Ipcsv |
Import-Csv |
Cp |
Copy-Item |
Clv |
Clear-Variable |
Mi |
Move-Item |
H |
Get-History |
Cpi |
Copy-Item |
Mp |
Move-ItemProperty |
History |
Get-History |
Cpp |
Copy-ItemProperty |
Nal |
New-Alias |
Kill |
Stop-Process |
Cvpa |
Convert-Path |
Ndr |
New-PSDrive |
Lp |
Out-Printer |
Diff |
Compare-Object |
Ni |
New-Item |
Ls |
Get-ChildItem |
Epal |
Export-Alias |
Nv |
New-Variable |
Mount |
New-PSDrive |
Epcsv |
Export-Csv |
Oh |
Out-Host |
Mv |
Move-Item |
Fc |
Format-Custom |
Rdr |
Remove-PSDrive |
Popd |
Pop-Location |
Fl |
Format-List |
Ri |
Remove-Item |
Ps |
Get-Process |
Foreach |
ForEach-Object |
Rni |
Rename-Item |
Pushd |
Push-Location |
% |
ForEach-Object |
Rnp |
Rename-ItemProperty |
Pwd |
Get-Location |
Ft |
Format-Table |
Rp |
Remove-ItemProperty |
R |
Invoke-History |
Fw |
Format-Wide |
Rsnp |
Remove-PSSnapin |
Rm |
Remove-Item |
Gal |
Get-Alias |
Rv |
Remove-Variable |
Rmdir |
Remove-Item |
Gc |
Get-Content |
Rvpa |
Resolve-Path |
Echo |
Write-Output |
Gci |
Get-ChildItem |
Sal |
Set-Alias |
Cls |
Clear-Host |
Gcm |
Get-Command |
Sasv |
Start-Service |
Chdir |
Set-Location |
Gdr |
Get-PSDrive |
Sc |
Set-Content |
Copy |
Copy-Item |
Ghy |
Get-History |
Select |
Select-Object |
Del |
Remove-Item |
Gi |
Get-Item |
Si |
Set-Item |
Dir |
Get-ChildItem |
Gl |
Get-Location |
Sl |
Set-Location |
Erase |
Remove-Item |
Gm |
Get-Member |
Sleep |
Start-Sleep |
Move |
Move-Item |
Gp |
Get-ItemProperty |
Sort |
Sort-Object |
Rd |
Remove-Item |
Gps |
Get-Process |
Sp |
Set-ItemProperty |
Ren |
Rename-Item |
Group |
Group-Object |
Spps |
Stop-Process |
Set |
Set-Variable |
Gsv |
Get-Service |
Spsv |
Stop-Service |
Type |
Get-Content |
Gsnp |
Get-PSSnapin |
Sv |
Set-Variable |
List |
Format-List |
Gu |
Get-Unique |
Tee |
Tee-Object |
Table |
Format-Table |
Gv |
Get-Variable |
Where |
Where-Object |
Man |
ExHelp |
Gwmi |
Get-WmiObject |
? |
Where-Object |
Help |
ExHelp |
For more information about aliases, run the following command in the Exchange Management Shell:
Get-Help About_Alias
Creating Custom Aliases
In addition to the default, or built-in, aliases, you can define and use custom aliases instead of the names of cmdlets that you frequently use. You can use the Set-Alias cmdlet to associate cmdlets to familiar command names that have the equivalent functionality in Cmd.exe. You can assign multiple aliases to a single command. But each alias can only be assigned to a single command. For example, you can have three aliases Alias1
, Alias2
, and Alias3
that are assigned to the Move-Mailbox cmdlet. You could then use any of the three aliases to run the Move-Mailbox cmdlet. However, each alias that you create can only be assigned to the Move-Mailbox cmdlet. You can't, for example, assign Alias1
to both the Move-Mailbox cmdlet and the Get-Mailbox cmdlet.
To create a new alias-cmdlet pairing, run the Set-Alias cmdlet and supply the name of the alias, together with the name of the cmdlet that you want to call when the alias is entered.
Table 17 shows several examples of how to create a new alias.
Table 17 Examples of custom aliases
Alias description | Alias command |
Retrieve the contents of a file. |
Retrieve the listing of a directory. |
Remove a file. |
Set pad as an alias for Microsoft WordPad. |
Display the list of all defined aliases. |
Removing an Alias
To remove an alias, delete the alias from the alias drive. For example, an administrator creates the Ls
alias by using the following command:
Set-Alias Ls Get-ChildItem
Later the administrator decides that the Ls
alias is no longer needed and uses the following command to remove the Ls
Remove-Item Alias Ls
Importing and Exporting Aliases
The Export-Alias cmdlet writes the current alias list to a file in comma-separated values (CSV) format. You can include the name of the file and its path in the command line. If the path doesn't exist, the cmdlet will create the path for you. You can create the file by using the .txt
or .doc
The Import-Alias cmdlet reads a text file that has CSV values and brings the list into the Exchange Management Shell as an object. By using the Export-Alias cmdlet and Import-Alias cmdlet, you can export a list of aliases from the Exchange Management Shell on one computer and import them to the Exchange Management Shell on another computer. Because existing predefined aliases exist on both computers, all alias name conflicts will be ignored and not imported.
Alias Persistence
Aliases that are created from the command line by using the Set-Alias cmdlet during an Exchange Management Shell session can be used when the session is active. After the session is closed, the alias definition is lost. To make a user-defined alias persistent and available every time that a new Exchange Management Shell session is opened, you must add the alias definition to the Exchange Management Shell Microsoft.PowerShell_Profile.ps1 file that is located in the My Documents\PSConfiguration subfolder of your user profile directory.
Alias Limitations
Although aliases can be defined for cmdlets and used instead of cmdlet names, you can't include parameters in the definition of the aliases that you define. You must provide parameters as needed when the alias is called, exactly as you would if you called the cmdlet.
Return to top
User-Defined Variables
A variable is a location to store information. Unlike in many programming environments, in the Exchange Management Shell, you don't have to declare a variable before you use it.
You designate a variable by prepending a string with a dollar sign ($
). You must enclose the string in braces ({ }
) if the string contains spaces or other special characters. By using the array reference notation ([ ]
), you can address the elements of an array or hash table variable.
For more information about arrays, see "Arrays" later in this white paper.
Using Variables to Store Values
Variables are very useful if you want to store a value. You can assign values to variables by using an assignment operator. For more information about operators, see "Syntax" earlier in this white paper.
For example, to assign a value of 8
to the variable $Example
, use the following command:
$Example = 8
This command assigns the integer 8
to the variable $Example
. You can then call the $Example
variable later in another command to recall the value. The values that are specified in a variable are treated exactly as if the value that it contains was typed in the location that the variable is specified. For example, the following two commands are equivalent if $Example2
is assigned the value "Hello"
Write-Host $Example2
Write-Host "Hello"
Storing the Output of a Command in a Variable
You can also store the output of commands in a variable for later use. When you assign a command to a variable, the command is evaluated at the time that command is run. The output of that command is assigned to the variable. For example, if you run $CurrentDate = Get-Date
on the command line and then call $CurrentDate
repeatedly over several seconds, the value that is reported is the same every time that the variable is called.
When you assign the output of a command to a variable, you can also access the properties and methods of the underlying object. For example, to view the properties and methods that are available when you assign Get-Date
to $CurrentDate
, you can use the $CurrentDate | Get-Member
command. When you use the $CurrentDate | Get-Member
command, the following properties are returned in a list:
Date Property System.DateTime Date {get;}
Day Property System.Int32 Day {get;}
DayOfWeek Property System.DayOfWeek DayOfWeek {get;}
DayOfYear Property System.Int32 DayOfYear {get;}
Hour Property System.Int32 Hour {get;}
Kind Property System.DateTimeKind Kind {get;}
Millisecond Property System.Int32 Millisecond {get;}
Minute Property System.Int32 Minute {get;}
Month Property System.Int32 Month {get;}
Second Property System.Int32 Second {get;}
Ticks Property System.Int64 Ticks {get;}
TimeOfDay Property System.TimeSpan TimeOfDay {get;}
Year Property System.Int32 Year {get;}
DateTime ScriptProperty System.Object DateTime {get=if ($this.Di...
You can then call any of these properties by typing the variable, a period (.
), and then the property that you want to view. For example, to view the year that is stored on a variable, use the following command:
By accessing the properties of a variable, you can easily manipulate and use each piece of information that is stored in the variable without the use of text parsing.
Storing the Output of the Dir Command in a Variable
You can also store the output of the Dir
command in a variable. Because the Dir
command returns multiple rows when it runs, each row that is returned is stored in a variable as a new array element. You can then access each file object that is stored in the newly created array.
The following command assigns the output of the Dir
command to the $DirOutput
$DirOutput = Dir
You can then select a specific file object by specifying the array index that you want to view as follows:
Or you can create a simple loop that cycles through the whole array and displays the name and file size of each file that is stored in the array as follows:
0..$DirOutput.Length | ForEach { $DirOutput[$_].Name + " is " + $DirOutput[$_].Length + " bytes long." }
The following list examines this example:
command instructs the Exchange Management Shell to output an integer from0
to the maximum length of the array that is stored in the$DirOutput
variable.The output of the
command is piped to theForEach
command that loops through each element of the array until it reaches the end of the array. TheForEach
command runs the commands that are enclosed in the braces "{ }
variable stores the current object that is in the pipeline. In this case, the object in the pipeline is an integer that is produced by the0..$DirOutput.Length
command as it counts from0
to the maximum length of the array. This variable is used in the$DirOutput[$_].Name
command and$DirOutput[$_].Length
command to select the array element to access.For more information about the
_ variable, see "Shell Variables" later in this white paper.The plus "
" signs concatenate the output of the $DirOutput[$_].Name
command and$DirOutput[$_].Length
command, together with the strings supplied, to create output similar to the following:abv_dg.dll is 416144 bytes long. addxa.dll is 285056 bytes long. ASDat.MSI is 5626880 bytes long. ASEntDat.MSI is 5626880 bytes long. ASEntIRS.MSI is 910336 bytes long. ASEntSig.MSI is 45056 bytes long. BPA.Common.dll is 211848 bytes long. BPA.ConfigCollector.dll is 101272 bytes long. BPA.NetworkCollector.dll is 52128 bytes long.
These examples show that you can use the Length
property more than one time to display different information about the same variable. You can do this because more than one type of data is stored in the $DirOutput
variable. The first type of data is the directory object itself, and the second type of data is the file objects. When you run the $DirObject.Length
command, without specifying an array index, you are accessing the directory parent object types that are stored in the array. When you specify an array index, such as $DirObject[5].Length
, you are accessing the file child objects that are stored in the directory object.
This behavior exists on many objects. You can typically access many levels of object data that are contained in a single variable. The ability to access this data makes the Exchange Management Shell very flexible.
Return to top
Shell Variables
Shell variables are a set of variables that are created and declared automatically by the Exchange Management Shell. The variables are maintained throughout your session as part of the system state and are available to all commands, scripts, and applications that run in that session.
The Exchange Management Shell supports two types of shell variables:
Automatic variables provide a mechanism for passing information to and from commands, scripts, and applications.
Policy variables store information about the state of the Exchange Management Shell.
You can use shell variables as you would use any other type of variable. For example, the $PSHome
shell variable stores the name of the directory where the Exchange Management Shell is installed, and the $
_ shell variable stores the current pipeline object. You can use these variables in a command to specify the location of the file and to call a property of the Get-ChildItem
object, as shown in the following example:
Get-ChildItem $PSHome | Sort {$_.Name}
This command retrieves all items from the Exchange Management Shell installation directory, and it uses the name property of the object that is stored in the $
_ variable to sort the data when it is displayed.
Common Shell Variables
Table 18 lists several common automatic variables that are available for your use in the Exchange Management Shell.
Table 18 Common automatic variables
Automatic variable | Description |
This variable contains the last token of the last line that is received by the Exchange Management Shell. |
This variable contains the success or fail status of the last operation. |
This variable contains the first token of the last line that is received by the Exchange Management Shell. |
This variable contains the current pipeline object that is used in script blocks, filters, and the |
This variable contains objects for which an error occurred when they are processed in a cmdlet. |
This variable displays the full path of the Exchange Server\bin directory. |
This variable the full path of the Exchange scripts directory. |
This variable refers to the enumerator in a |
This variable specifies the user’s root directory. It is the equivalent of |
This variable specifies the maximum number of entries that can be saved in the command history. |
This variable specifies the directory where the Exchange Management Shell is installed. |
Return to top
Structured Data
Traditional command shells have always supported the redirection of the output of one command to another in the form of a textual stream. This method has its disadvantages because parsing text has to be carefully controlled, usually by some kind of encoding to prevent unexpected behavior.
Each action that you take in the Exchange Management Shell must be done within the context of objects. The Exchange Management Shell uses structured collections of information that are called objects. These objects represent items in hierarchical data sources. When you call a cmdlet, one or more strongly typed structured objects are returned. Objects carry information about an item and about the object’s structure. The object also acts as a proxy for the real item. For example, when you access a file from the Exchange Management Shell, you work with the object that represents that file, not the file itself.
The Exchange Management Shell uses this object model to pass information from one command to another by using pipelining. This avoids the problems that are caused by textual parsing in other command shells because the data that the Exchange Management Shell uses has a definite structure and is interpreted according to the object model.
The Structure of an Object
An object consists of three types of data: the object’s type, its methods, and its properties.
Object Type
The data type of an object provides details about what kind of object it is. For example, an object that represents a mailbox is a Mailbox
object. An object that represents a file is a FileInfo
object. All objects have a distinct predefined type and namespace that the Exchange Management Shell can process.
Object Methods
A method is a set of instructions that define a particular action that you can take on an object. For example, a Mailbox
object includes the method Set-EmailAddresses
. This can be used to set the value of attribute ProxyAddresses
on Active Directory directory service mailbox-enabled user accounts.
Object Properties
A property is data that is associated with an object that specifies a particular state of that object. For example, a Mailbox
object includes the property EmailAddresses
that was mentioned in "Object Methods" earlier in this section. This object property represents the value of the actual attribute ProxyAddresses
on mailbox-enabled Active Directory user accounts. This is the actual item that is represented by the Mailbox
The information about properties that is included with an object includes the current state and the definition of each property. This includes its name and the type of data that the property can take, such as Integer
, Boolean
, String
, and so on.
Return to top
An array provides a data structure that can be used to store a collection of data elements of the same type. The Exchange Management Shell supports all kinds of data elements.
For detailed information about how to use arrays, run the following command in the Exchange Management Shell:
Get-Help About_Array
Creating Arrays
You can create and initialize arrays by assigning multiple values to a variable. The values that are stored in the array are delimited by using a comma and are separated from the variable name by the = assignment operator. For example, suppose you want to create an array that is named $Example
that contains the following seven integer values: 22, 5, 10, 8, 12, 9, 80
. To create the array, enter the following command:
$Example = 22,5,10,8,12,9,80
In the array, the first data element is at index position 0
, the second is at position 1
, and so on.
Reading Arrays
You can reference an array by its variable name, such as $Example
. You can reference a specific value within the array by using the index number of the position in the array where the value is stored. For example, to reference the first data element in the $Example
array, enter the following command:
Write-Host $Example[0]
The Exchange Management Shell will return the value 22
because that is stored in the first array element.
Manipulating Arrays
To change the value of a single item in an array, specify the array name, the index you want to modify, the = assignment operator, and the new value that you want to use instead of the existing value. For example, to change the value of the second item in the $Example
array, index position 1
, to 10
, enter the following command:
$Example[1] = 10
You can also use the SetValue method to change a value. The following example changes the second value, index position 1
, of an array named $Example
to 500
You can append a value to the end of an existing array. For example, to add an additional integer, such as 200
, to the $Example
array, enter the following command:
$Example += 200
Associative Arrays
Associative arrays are the same as regular arrays. However, they enable the assignment of key-value pairs to a variable. For example, you may want to assign values to keys in an array to be called on when a command is being processed. The following example creates an associative array:
$Example = @{blue = 1; red = 2,3}
When you enter $Example
on the command line, you see the following output:
Key Value
--- -----
red {2, 3}
blue 1
You can retrieve the information that is stored in the array by calling the array as follows:
The previous example returns a value 1
Because multiple values were assigned to the red
key, those values make up a nested array. You can reference the values in this nested array by using their index value. You can retrieve the information that is stored in the key's nested array by calling the associative array, $Example
, with the red
key and the index of the nested array location that you want to retrieve 1
, as follows:
The previous example returns the value 3.
For more information about associative arrays, run the following command in the Exchange Management Shell:
Get-Help About_Associative_Array
Return to top
This section explains how you can use templates in the Exchange Management Shell to copy the configuration of an object to another object.
The examples in this section explain how to use templates when you create a new mailbox by using the New-Mailbox and Set-Mailbox cmdlets. However, you can use templates with many cmdlets. Although the specific requirements for each cmdlet may be different, you use templates in the same manner for all cmdlets.
Why Are Templates Useful?
In Exchange 2007, you can use the Exchange Management Shell to administer objects, such as mailboxes, Send connectors, and e-mail address list policies. These objects can contain many properties that you can configure. Examples of properties that can be configured by an administrator are the properties that determine a conditional custom attribute on an e-mail address list policy, whether a remote domain allows automatic replies to the Internet, and whether DNS routing is enabled on a Send connector.
If you want to create new objects that are based on the configuration of an existing object, you can use templates. When you use a template to create a new object, the Exchange Management Shell can't clone properties that are required and must be unique. Therefore, you must specify the properties that are required and the properties that must be unique when the new object is created.
Let's look at how you can use a template to save time when you want to create 100 mailboxes with the following customized configuration:
Property | Customized value |
RetainDeletedItemsFor |
ProhibitSendQuota |
ProhibitSendReceiveQuota |
IssueWarningQuota |
UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults |
UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults |
The properties in this table are examples of the properties that you can set on mailboxes by using the Exchange Management Shell. When you create a new mailbox by using the New-Mailbox cmdlet, you can't configure these properties. To configure the properties, you must use the Set-Mailbox cmdlet. Without templates, you would have to create each new mailbox and then configure its properties. With templates, you can create one mailbox and configure its properties by using the Set-Mailbox cmdlet. Then you can use the first mailbox as a template and create the rest of the mailboxes by using that template.
You could also use pipelining to pass the new mailbox object from the New-Mailbox cmdlet to the Set-Mailbox cmdlet. The Set-Mailbox cmdlet lets you set the properties of the new mailbox. The advantage of using templates is that you can use an existing object that is configured exactly the way you want to configure new objects. When you use an existing object, you make sure that you maintain a consistent configuration across those objects.
For more information about pipelining, see "Pipelining" earlier in this white paper.
How Does the Exchange Management Shell Implement Templates?
The Exchange Management Shell lets you use templates by supporting the TemplateInstance parameter on many cmdlets that have the verbs New, Add, and Enable. The TemplateInstance parameter accepts an object that is of the same type as the object you are trying to create. For example, if you want to create a new mailbox by using the New-Mailbox cmdlet, you must supply a mailbox object to the TemplateInstance parameter. For more information about cmdlets, see "Understanding Cmdlets" earlier in this white paper. For more information about objects, see "Structured Data" earlier in this white paper.
You may want to create recipients, such as mailboxes or mail-enabled users, that are dedicated to acting as templates. For information about how to secure these dedicated recipient templates, see How to Secure Recipient Templates.
When you run a cmdlet with the TemplateInstance parameter, the cmdlet combines the configuration that is retrieved from the object that is specified in the TemplateInstance parameter with the values that you specified in the required parameters of the cmdlet. The combined configuration is used to create the new object. You can't configure the values on a required parameter by using the TemplateInstance parameter.
If you specify a parameter and its value when you run a cmdlet, the value that you specify with that parameter overrides the value that is configured on the template object.
To use an object as a template, you must first create the object, and then configure its properties. After you've configured the object, you can then create additional objects by using that previously configured object as a template. For example, if you want to create a new mailbox with the configuration that is listed in the table in the earlier section, you first must create the mailbox with the New-Mailbox cmdlet, and then use the Set-Mailbox cmdlet to configure the properties of the mailbox object as in the following example:
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString Pass@word1 -AsPlainText -Force
New-Mailbox -Name "Kim Akers" -Database "Mailbox Database" -UserPrincipalName kim@contoso.com -Password $Password
Set-Mailbox "Kim Akers" -RetainDeletedItemsFor 30.00:00:00 -ProhibitSendQuota 1GB -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 1500MB -IssueWarningQuota 750MB -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $False -UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults $False
For more information about how to manage mailboxes, see Managing User Mailboxes.
After you have created and configured a mailbox object that you want to use as a template, you can create additional mailbox objects with the same configuration. You must first assign the mailbox object that you want to use as a template to a variable, as in the following example:
$Template = Get-Mailbox "Kim Akers"
It doesn't matter what the variable name is. For more information about variables, see User-Defined Variables.
Now that you have selected a mailbox object to use as a template, you can create a new mailbox by using that template, as in the following example:
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString Pass@word1 -AsPlainText -Force
New-Mailbox -Name "David Simpson" -Database "Mailbox Database" -UserPrincipalName david@contoso.com -Password $Password -TemplateInstance $Template
After you create the new mailbox, you can use the following command to view the properties of the mailbox object that you configured by using the template to verify they have been set correctly:
Get-Mailbox "David Simpson" | Format-List Name, ProhibitSendQuota, ProhibitSendReceiveQuota, IssueWarningQuota, UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults, UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults, RetainDeletedItemsFor
Name : David Simpson
ProhibitSendQuota : 1GB
ProhibitSendReceiveQuota : 1500MB
IssueWarningQuota : 750MB
UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults : False
UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults : False
RetainDeletedItemsFor : 30.00:00:00
For more information about the Format-List cmdlet, see "Working with Command Output" earlier in this white paper.
Using Templates When You Want to Create Multiple Objects
Templates are very useful when you want to create many objects at the same time. For example, you may want to create mailboxes for every user who is listed in a comma-separated value (CSV) file and apply the same configuration to all the new mailboxes. By using the Import-CSV cmdlet and ForEach cmdlet, you can read in the data from the CSV file and then create a mailbox for each user who is listed in the file. For example, assume you want to create new mailboxes for the users in the following CSV file, and apply the mailbox object properties that are configured on the Kim Akers mailbox object. The CSV file, Users.csv, contains the following information:
Adam Bar,adam@contoso.com,Sales
Mike Ray,mike@contoso.com,Sales
Angela Barbariol,angela@contoso.com,Marketing
Chris Barry,chris@contoso.com,Marketing
Sanjay Jacob,sanjay@contoso.com,Marketing
First, assign the mailbox object that contains the configuration that you want to use with the template, as in the following example:
$Template = Get-Mailbox "Kim Akers"
Then, you can create the mailboxes by using the Import-CSV and ForEach cmdlets:
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString Pass@word1 -AsPlainText -Force
Import-CSV C:\Users.CSV | ForEach { New-Mailbox -Name $_.Name -UserPrincipalName $_.UPN -Database $_.MailboxDatabase -Password $Password -Template $Template }
For more information about the ForEach cmdlet and how to add multiple recipients, see Using the Exchange Management Shell for Bulk Recipient Management.
Return to top
Script Security
This topic explains how script security in the Exchange Management Shell helps prevent harmful or otherwise unwanted scripts from running in your organization and what options are available to modify script security to meet the requirements of your organization.
You typically encounter scripts from three different sources: yourself, another person in your organization, and script writers from outside your organization, such as the Internet. If you write a script, you trust the script to do what it is designed to do. If you share the script with other administrators in your organization, they too may trust the script, but only because they trust you.
When scripts come from other sources, such as the Internet, script security is a concern. The only way that you can trust scripts from sources unknown to your organization is to inspect the script code directly and test it in an isolated lab environment. This process can be time-consuming and tedious. But it is a recommended practice to prevent unintentional execution of malicious or destructive code.
The Exchange Management Shell supports the recommended use of digital signatures to make sure a script is not altered after the script is created. For more information about digital signatures, see "Code-Signing Basics" later in this white paper.
Script Execution Modes
Four modes of script execution are possible for the Exchange Management Shell to control how scripts are used, depending on how they are signed and if they are from known or unknown sources. Table 19 describes each script execution mode.
Table 19 Script execution modes
Mode | Description |
No scripts will run, even if they are signed by a trusted publisher. |
All scripts must be digitally signed by a trusted publisher before they will run. |
All scripts that are locally created will run. Scripts that are downloaded from remote locations, such as the Internet, that cannot be trusted, will not run. This is the default script execution mode. |
All scripts regardless of whether they are digitally signed or trusted will run. We don't recommend the |
To change the script execution mode from the default RemoteSigned
script execution mode, locate the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell
and change the ExecutionPolicy value to the desired script execution mode. The Exchange Management Shell recognizes the change to the policy immediately.
Incorrectly editing the registry can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Problems resulting from editing the registry incorrectly may not be able to be resolved. Before editing the registry, back up any valuable data.
Large organizations that want to set a consistent script execution mode for all computers that are running the Exchange Management Shell should apply the script execution mode setting by a policy.
Code-Signing Basics
Digital signatures are created by using a public-key signature algorithm that uses two different cryptographic keys called a key pair: the public key and the private key. The private key is known only to its owner, and the public key is available to anyone. In digital signatures, the private key generates the signature, and the corresponding public key validates the signature.
A certificate is a digital document that is generally used for authentication and to help secure information on open networks. A certificate securely binds a public key to the entity that holds the corresponding private key. Certificates are digitally signed by the issuing certification authority (CA). By using a code-signing certificate, the author of the script adds a digital signature to the script file. During this process, a one-way hash of the script is created and encrypted by using the private key. The encrypted hash is a digital signature string that is added to the script file. This digital signature string is commented out so that it does not interfere with script functionality.
When this script is run in an Exchange Management Shell environment where code signing is required, a new one-way hash of the script file is produced. The one-way hash is compared to the encrypted hash that is included with the script file after it is decrypted by using the public key. If the script wasn't altered in any way after it was signed, the hashes will match. The computer then tries to verify that the signature is from a trusted publisher by building a certificate chain to a trusted certification authority. If the trust is verified, the script runs.
Whether a script is from a trusted source depends on the origin of the code-signing certificate that was used to digitally sign the script. There are generally two types of certificates:
Certificates that are issued by a trusted certification authority The certification authority verifies the identity of requestor before it issues a code-signing certificate. The issuing authority can be an external, public third party that sells certificates or an internal certification authority that is hosted by your organization. If you sign a script by using this kind of certificate, you can share the script with users on other computers that recognize and trust the certification authority that issued the certificate.
Self-signed certificates For this kind of certificate, your computer is the authority that creates the certificate. The benefit of a self-signed certificate is you can write, sign, and run scripts on your computer. But you can't share your script to run on other computers because they don't recognize your computer as a trusted certification authority. If they don't trust your computer, they can't validate your self-signed signature and the script won't run.
Cmdlets for Managing Code Signing
The Exchange Management Shell includes two cmdlets for managing code signing. The Set-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet is used to add digital signatures to script files. The Set-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet takes the name of the file to be signed as its first positional parameter. If the file is not in the current working directory, you must provide the path of the file. The second input parameter for this cmdlet is the certificate that is used for signing. This certificate is stored in the local certificate store. You must provide this parameter in the form of a string that references the certificate. The certificate can be accessed through the Cert
: drive.
The second cmdlet for managing code signing is the Get-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet. Use the Get-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet to check and confirm the current code-signing status for the file that is provided as a parameter input. If a problem occurs when you use a code-signed script, the output from the Get-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet will provide useful troubleshooting information.
If you want to run scripts from outside sources, such as Microsoft, you must adapt the scripts according to the script execution mode of your environment. You can receive scripts as basic .txt
files, rename them as .ps1
script files, and then, after you apply any required signing, run these scripts as if you had written the script yourself.
For more information about digital signing and script execution policies, in the Exchange Management Shell, run the following command: Get-Help About_Signing
. This command returns help information that includes detailed instructions for digitally signing scripts.
Return to top
Scripting with the Exchange Management Shell
For most general tasks, running cmdlets one at a time or together through pipelines is sufficient. However, sometimes you may want to automate tasks. The Exchange Management Shell supports a very rich scripting language, based on the Microsoft .NET Framework, which resembles the scripting language in other shells. The Exchange Management Shell lets you create scripts, from the very simple to the very complex. Language constructs for looping, conditional, flow-control, and variable assignment are all supported.
Every organization has tasks that are in some way unique to that organization. With a library of script files to perform these tasks, administrators can save time and run these scripts on any computer that has the Exchange Management Shell installed.
For more information about how to use scripts, see Scripting with Windows PowerShell. Because the Exchange Management Shell is built on Windows PowerShell technology, the scripting guidance for Windows PowerShell applies to the Exchange Management Shell.
Running a Script Inside the Exchange Management Shell
Those familiar with the Cmd.exe environment know how to run command shell scripts. These are nothing more that text files that have the .bat file name extension. Like batch files, you can create the Exchange Management Shell script files by using a text editor, such as Notepad. The Exchange Management Shell script files use the .ps1 file name extension.
The Exchange Management Shell uses a root directory for script files when they are called. By default, the root directory is the <root drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin
directory. You can also verify the current PSHome
directory on any computer that is running the Exchange Management Shell by running $PSHome
from the command line. Both of these directories are in the PATH environment variable.
If a script file is saved to the root directory, you can call it by using the script name. If the script file is located somewhere other than the current location, the path and script name must be used. If the script file is located in the current location, the script name must be prefixed by .\
The following examples show the command syntax requirements for calling three different scripts. These examples all use the Get-Date cmdlet, from three different locations.
[PS] C:\>Get-Date-Script-A.ps1
Friday, January 20, 2006 3:13:01 PM
The script file Get-Date-Script-A.ps1
is located in the directory that is specified by $PSHhome
and requires only the script name to run.
[PS] C:\>c:\workingfolder\Get-Date-Script-B.ps1
Friday, January 20, 2006 3:13:25 PM
The script file Get-Date-Script-B.ps1
is located in the C:\workingfolder
directory so the full path must be supplied to run.
[PS] C:\>.\Get-Date-Script-C.ps1
Friday, January 20, 2006 3:13:40 PM
The script file Get-Date-Script-C.ps1
is located in the current location, C:\
. Therefore, it must be prefixed with .\
to run.
[PS] C:\>Get-Date-Script-C.ps1
'Get-Date-Script-C.ps1' is not recognized as a Cmdlet, function, operable program, or script file.
At line:1 char:21
+ Get-Date-Script-C.ps1 <<<<
In the last example, when this same script, Get-Date-Script-C.ps1,
is called without the prefix .\
, the expected results are shown.
As a best practice, always give script files a descriptive name and include comments in the script to describe its purpose and to identify each point of interest. Some information about the author should also be included in case someone who is running the script has questions about its use. Use the pound symbol (#
) to start comment lines inside the script body.
Running a Script from Cmd.exe
If you want to run a script on a scheduled basis by the Windows Task Scheduler service, you can call the Exchange Management Shell and include the script that you want to run as a parameter. Because the Exchange Management Shell is a snap-in of the Windows PowerShell, you must also load the Exchange Management Shell snap-in when you run the command in order to run any Exchange -related cmdlets. The following syntax is required to load the Exchange Management Shell snap-in and run your script from the Cmd.exe command:
PowerShell.exe -PSConsoleFile "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Bin\ExShell.Mcf1" -Command ". '<Path to Your Script>'"
For example, to run the script RetrieveMailboxes.ps1
from C:\My Scripts
, use the following command:
PowerShell.exe -PSConsoleFile "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Bin\ExShell.Mcf1" -Command ". 'C:\My Scripts\RetrieveMailboxes.ps1'"
For additional options to use when you call the Exchange Management Shell from the Cmd.exe environment, type PowerShell.exe /?
Getting Hints from the Exchange Management Console
In Exchange 2007, you can use the Exchange Management Console to view detailed information about specific Exchange Management Shell commands that are used to perform certain tasks. When you run a wizard in the Exchange Management Console, the wizard takes the information that you entered and creates an Exchange Management Shell command that is then run by the computer. You can copy and paste this command directly into the Exchange Management Shell or copy it into a text editor where you can modify it. If you examine how the Exchange Management Console creates commands, you can obtain a better understanding of how to construct or modify those commands to suit your future needs.
For example, if you create a new mailbox for a person named Frank Lee, the following information is displayed on the Completion page of the New Mailbox wizard shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2 New Mailbox wizard completion page
The information that is displayed on the Completion page gives you an idea of the information that you must have to make sure a similar command that you run in the Exchange Management Shell is completed successfully. On the Completion page, press CTRL+C to copy this information to the Clipboard. Then you can use a text editor to examine the command to determine what must be changed to add more mailboxes. You can also customize the command so that it can be used as part of a script that consumes a comma-separated-values (CSV) file or another input source to automate creating many mailboxes.
Testing Scripts
When you create new scripts, you should always test them in a lab environment before you apply them in your production environment. As you test your scripts in your lab, and as you deploy them in your production environment, you can use the WhatIf parameter that is available on many cmdlets included in the Exchange Management Shell to verify that your script performs as expected. The WhatIf parameter instructs the command to which it is applied to run, but only to display which objects would be affected by running the command and what changes would be made to those objects, without actually changing any of those objects.
For more information about the WhatIf parameter, see "WhatIf and Confirm" earlier in this white paper.
Troubleshooting Scripts
Scripts may not work as expected for many reasons. It can be difficult to determine where the problem is and what is going wrong. The Exchange Management Shell can help you locate general syntax errors by reporting the line and character at the point of failure. When the syntax of a script is correct but its behavior is unexpected, it can be much more difficult to diagnose the problem. The Exchange Management Shell includes simple debugging functionality to troubleshoot script files by examining each step that the script makes as it executes. This functionality is called tracing.
To enable tracing and examine each command step in a script, use the Set-PSDebug cmdlet with the Trace parameter set to a value of 1
. To examine each step and each variable assignment as they are made, set the Trace parameter to a value of 2
. To turn off tracing, set the value of the Trace parameter to 0
To examine each command in a script line by line, use the Set-PSDebug cmdlet with the Step parameter. At each step, you will be prompted to continue the operation. The following choices are available in Step
[Y] Yes (continue to the next step)
[A] Yes to All (continue to the end of the script)
[N] No (stop this step)
[L] No to All (stop all remaining steps)
[S] Suspend (suspend at this point and drop to a prompt)
lets you exit to a prompt where you can run any command, for example, to check or set values on an object before the script can access it. When you are ready to resume script execution, type Exit and control immediately returns to the point at which the script was suspended.
Return to top
Sample Output
This section provides sample output from Exchange Management Shell commands that you would typically run on a computer that is running Exchange 2007. Each example provides the default display of information and the optional verbose display of information.
This section is not intended to show how to configure the components or features that are highlighted in the following examples. Each example is preceded by a link to the procedural topic that is associated with the component or feature.
Example: Viewing Information About a Receive Connector
For more information about how to manage Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) connectors, see the "Managing SMTP Connectors" topic in Exchange Server 2007 Help.
The Get-ReceiveConnector "Client MBX" command retrieves the following default display of information:
Name Bindings Enabled
---- -------- -------
Client MBX {} True
The Get-ReceiveConnector "Client MBX" | Format-List command retrieves the following verbose display of information:
Schema : Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.ReceiveConnectorSchema
AuthMechanism : Tls, BasicAuth, BasicAuthPlusTls, ExchangeServer
Banner :
BinaryMimeEnabled : True
Bindings : {}
ChunkingEnabled : True
DefaultDomain :
DeliveryStatusNotificationEnabled : True
EightBitMimeEnabled : True
EnhancedStatusCodesEnabled : True
ExternallySecuredAsPartnerDomain :
Fqdn : MBX.contoso.com
Comment :
Enabled : True
ConnectionTimeout : 00:10:00
ConnectionInactivityTimeout : 00:05:00
MessageRateLimit : 600
MaxInboundConnection : 5000
MaxInboundConnectionPerSource : 100
MaxInboundConnectionPercentagePerSource : 2
MaxHeaderSize : 64KB
MaxHopCount : 30
MaxLocalHopCount : 3
MaxLogonFailures : 3
MaxMessageSize : 10MB
MaxProtocolErrors : 5
MaxRecipientsPerMessage : 200
PermissionGroups : ExchangeUsers
PipeliningEnabled : True
ProtocolLoggingLevel : None
RemoteIPRanges : {}
RequireEHLODomain : False
RequireTLS : False
Server : MBX
SizeEnabled : True
TarpitInterval : 00:00:05
AdminDisplayName :
ObjectCategoryName : msExchSmtpReceiveConnector
ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
CurrentObjectVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name : Client MBX
DistinguishedName : CN=Client MBX,CN=SMTP Receive Connectors,CN=Protocols,CN=MBX,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com
Identity : MBX\Client MBX
Guid : ee9828f3-c88c-4ea9-9797-b76926a0019e
ObjectCategory : contoso.com/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Smtp-Receive-Connector
ObjectClass : {top, msExchSmtpReceiveConnector}
OriginalId : MBX\Client MBX
WhenChanged : 6/19/2006 5:19:39 PM
WhenCreated : 6/19/2006 5:19:39 PM
ObjectState : Unchanged
OriginatingServer : MBX.contoso.com
IsReadOnly : False
Id : MBX\Client MBX
IsValid : True
Example: Viewing a List of Mailboxes
For more information about how to manage administrator commands, see the "Mailbox Server Cmdlets" topic in Exchange Server 2007 Help.
The Get-Mailbox command retrieves the following default display of information:
Name Alias Server ProhibitSendQuota
---- ----- ------ ---------------
Administrator Administrator dc1 unlimited
Kim Akers KimAkers dc1 unlimited
The Get-Mailbox "Administrator" | Format-List command retrieves the following verbose display of information:
Id : contoso.com/Users/Administrator
IsValid : True
Item :
DistinguishedName : CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=contoso,DC=com
Guid : 104f5066-9d9c-4596-907b-88e5270d79b3
Identity : contoso.com/Users/Administrator
Name : Administrator
ObjectCategory : contoso.com/Configuration/Schema/Person
ObjectCategoryName : user
ObjectClass : {top, person, organizationalPerson, user}
ObjectState : Unchanged
OriginatingServer : DC1.contoso.com
Schema : Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Manageme
WhenChanged : 7/11/2006 8:15:13 PM
WhenCreated : 6/29/2005 4:39:20 PM
SamAccountName : Administrator
Database : DC1\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database
RetentionHoldEnabled : False
EndDateForRetentionHold :
StartDateForRetentionHold :
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy :
ServerLegacyDN : /o=First Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=DC1
ServerName : dc1
UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults : True
StorageQuota :
RulesQuota : 64KB
DeletedItemFlags : DatabaseDefault
UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults : True
RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup : False
DeliverToMailboxAndForward : False
ExchangeGuid : 75086963-d1bc-446c-9f4b-5a04385e3d80
ExchangeSecurityDescriptor : System.Security.AccessControl.RawSecurityDescriptor
ExchangeUserAccountControl : None
ExternalOofOptions : External
RetainDeletedItemsFor : 14.00:00:00
IsMailboxEnabled : True
OfflineAddressBook :
ProhibitSendQuota : unlimited
ProhibitSendReceiveQuota : unlimited
UserPrincipalName :
Office :
AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom : {}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers : {}
AddressListMembership : {Default Global Address List, All Users}
Alias : Administrator
AntispamBypassEnabled : False
CustomAttribute1 :
CustomAttribute2 :
CustomAttribute3 :
CustomAttribute4 :
CustomAttribute5 :
CustomAttribute6 :
CustomAttribute7 :
CustomAttribute8 :
CustomAttribute9 :
CustomAttribute10 :
CustomAttribute11 :
CustomAttribute12 :
CustomAttribute13 :
CustomAttribute14 :
CustomAttribute15 :
DisplayName : Administrator
EmailAddresses : {SMTP:Administrator@contoso.com, X400:c=US;a= ;p=First Organizati;o=Exchange;s=Administrator;}
ForwardingAddress :
GrantSendOnBehalfTo : {}
HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled : False
LegacyExchangeDN : /o=First Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Administrator
MasterAccountSid :
MaxSendSize : unlimited
MaxReceiveSize : unlimited
PoliciesIncluded : {{43C0F25A-8B8F-410E-9296-D5DCF590CE7C},{26491CFC-9E50-4857-861B-0CB8DF22B5D7}}
PoliciesExcluded : {}
EmailAddressPolicyEnabled : True
PrimarySmtpAddress : Administrator@contoso.com
ProtocolSettings : {}
RecipientLimits : unlimited
RecipientType : MailboxUser
RecipientTypeDetails : MailboxUser
RejectMessagesFrom : {}
RejectMessagesFromDLMembers : {}
RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled : False
ResourceType :
ResourceCapacity :
ResourceCustom : {}
IsResource : False
IsShared : False
IsLinked : False
SCLDeleteThreshold :
SCLDeleteEnabled :
SCLRejectThreshold :
SCLRejectEnabled :
SCLQuarantineThreshold :
SCLQuarantineEnabled :
SCLJunkThreshold :
SCLJunkEnabled :
SimpleDisplayName :
WindowsEmailAddress : Administrator@contoso.com
Languages : {}
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Exchange Management Shell Tips of the Day
One of the Exchange Management Shell Tips of the Day is displayed every time that you open the Exchange Management Shell.
To view a tip of the day on-demand, open the Exchange Management Shell and run the Get-Tip cmdlet.
To view the list of tips, along with links to related topics, see Exchange Management Shell Tips of the Day.
The Exchange Management Shell provides you with an administration interface that is intuitive and easy to use, while at the same time powerful and flexible. Whether you administer a single Exchange server or are responsible for a global Exchange infrastructure, the Exchange Management Shell will help you take control of Exchange 2007 and push it to its fullest potential.
Additional Information
For a list of frequently used Exchange Management Shell command examples that are organized by administrative functions, such as recipient management and transport configuration, see Exchange Management Shell Quick Reference.
For information about individual Exchange Management Shell cmdlets, see Exchange Management Shell.
For a list of all cmdlets arranged by noun, see Cmdlet List.
For more information about how to use the Exchange Management Shell cmdlets to manage your Exchange 2007 organization, see the Operations section in Exchange Server 2007 Help.
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